Balcony glazing with wooden frames: how the tree is better than plastic


The traditional view of the wooden windows is gaining momentum of popularity, gradually reducing the demand for metal-plastic glazing. Wooden frames made according to modern technologies help create a comfortable atmosphere on the balcony, the necessary temperature regime, emphasize the stylish design.

Balcony glazing with wooden frames: how the tree is better than plastic

What wooden windows are better than plastic

Choosing a windows with wooden frames for glazing a balcony with wooden frames, it becomes possible to fully appreciate the benefits and positive properties of natural material:

  1. Naturalness . Pine, larch, oak - eco-friendly, natural materials, absolutely safe for human health. The tree, unlike plastic, is not electrostatically (dust does not attract), which in the living conditions in the urban apartment is very relevant. Wooden windows, when exposed to high temperatures (direct sunlight in summer), in contrast to plastic, do not distinguish harmful substances. On the contrary, natural resins can be useful for human health, creating a special atmosphere on the balcony.
    Balcony glazing with wooden frames: how the tree is better than plastic
  2. Durability use . Modern technologies for the production of wooden windows make it possible to create products, quality and duration of operation, not inferior to metal-plastic structures. Especially it is worth noting the possibility of restoring the window frame during damage . For comparison: plastic frames at chips from shocks, losses and scratches require replacement.
    Balcony glazing with wooden frames: how the tree is better than plastic
  3. High thermal insulation . A properly mounted high-quality wooden window retains heat in the room is no worse than metal-plastic structures. The tree in itself warm material capable of creating a comfortable temperature in the room. Even with a closed frame, the air from the street penetrates through the wood structure, preventing the emergence of the problem of dry, stagnant air, mold (which often happens when operating metal-plastic windows).
  4. Frost resistance. In terms of sustainability of frost, there are no competitors from wooden windows. If at -30 with plastic frames lose their strength and start breaking, then wooden windows and at -60 C retain the integrity of the geometry. With high quality manufacturing and proper care, wooden windows will be a reliable balcony protection from the cold.
    Balcony glazing with wooden frames: how the tree is better than plastic
  5. Cash savings . Modern high-quality wooden glazing is expensive. But a similar aspect can be considered as an investment of money "to the future". Indeed, unlike the plastic window, the service life is on average twenty years. Windows, the frames of which are made of solid wood wood will delight at least fifty years.
  6. Aesthetic, decorative view . The relief, the structure of the wooden glazing will emphasize the style, create a mood. The tree is perfectly combined with metal and glass. In contrast to template metal plastic structures, wooden frames attract the variety of natural shades. To emphasize the beauty of the tree will help lacquer processing, special protective compositions.
    Balcony glazing with wooden frames: how the tree is better than plastic

Features of wooden glazing

Choosing wooden windows to the balcony, you must familiarize yourself in advance at some moments:

  1. Depending on the method of manufacture, the windows are divided into wholesale with sheet glass (the frames are disclosed, require additional leaving between the sash, do not very well hold heat) and euro-windows (frame from the glued timber framing the glass package, it slows great, does not require additional care).
  2. In ordinary wooden windows, there is often no function of the "Fortification". Evrookon installation will help solve the problem.
  3. Save the heat on the balcony will help windows, the thickness of the glasses of which exceeds 4mm.
  4. Increase the operation of the wooden window, only by regular treatment with water-repellent compositions and protective varnishes.
  5. When buying a wooden window, quality certificates must check. Flood-proof, low-quality wood - the reason that the window will soon have to change.
    Balcony glazing with wooden frames: how the tree is better than plastic

Wooden windows, provided high quality materials and proper installation - Warranty of a comfortable atmosphere on the balcony.

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Balcony glazing with wooden frames: how the tree is better than plastic

Balcony glazing with wooden frames: how the tree is better than plastic

Balcony glazing with wooden frames: how the tree is better than plastic

Balcony glazing with wooden frames: how the tree is better than plastic

Balcony glazing with wooden frames: how the tree is better than plastic

Balcony glazing with wooden frames: how the tree is better than plastic

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