Height of the mixer in the bathroom from the floor: Standard values


Height of the mixer in the bathroom from the floor: Standard values

The height of the mixer above the floor bath depends on its design, type of bath and customer requirements.

It is necessary that with the selected height it was convenient to use this plumbing adaptation to each resident of the apartment.

In addition, the shape and height of the mixer must be selected in such a way that when it is used there is no spray.

Regulatory Installation Requirements Mixer

Height of the mixer in the bathroom from the floor: Standard values

The most common height of the installation of the crane from the edge of the bath is 250-300 mm, but it can vary depending on the design of the equipment, features of the room and the needs of the hosts.

Different types of mixers are installed at different heights and in different places in relation to the bathroom or sink.

When installing a separate crane with hot and cold water intended for filling tanks, they must be placed at a distance of 200-250 mm from the top of the plumbing equipment.

Height of the mixer in the bathroom from the floor: Standard values

Mixer must be comfortable for washing hands

When one faucet is installed with a long crane, it must be placed at an altitude of at least 300 mm above the bathroom and at least 250 mm above the washbasin, so that it is convenient to wash, wash your hands and perform other procedures over the bathroom or sink.

To select the height of the mixer installation, the priority value has its main purpose.

Calculation of the mixer installation height

Height of the mixer in the bathroom from the floor: Standard values

Consider the distance from the edge of the tank to the crane

Despite the set of the distance between the mixer and the bathroom, equal to 200 mm, the faucet is set at a distance that is convenient for users.

When calculating the installation height, you must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Before installation, you need to try the mixer to the intended place of the installation site to determine the position at which it will be convenient to use these plumbing equipment.
  2. Be sure to take into account the distance from the edge of the tank to the crane, when there is a need to rotate the tap from the bath to the sink. When calculating this parameter, it is necessary to take into account that the size of the sink is usually 850 mm. In addition, when calculating in this case, it is necessary to consider the length of the tap itself and the distance between it and the sink. When turning the crane, it must be in the middle of the shell.
  3. The installation site of the mixer must be located in places that are convenient for its attachment, without destroying the existing structures and elements of the finish. For example, it is impossible to install fasteners on the edges of the tile, because it can crack in these places.

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Height of the mixer in the bathroom from the floor: Standard values

The location of the mixer may affect additional elements that are part of the system or installed at the request of the owners.

For example, in the presence of a water softener or the desire for the owner of the apartment to install a faucet higher, so that you can wash your head.

Approximate parameters for the installation of mixing equipment can be taken by the values ​​specified in the table:

equipment identificationInstallation Parameters
oneCrane for sink250 mm from the edge of the shell
2.Crane for washing200 mm from the edge of washing
3.Crane for washbasin200 mm from the edge of the washbasin
fourBathroom mixer800 mm from the floor
fiveTotal bath equipment and shell1000 mm from the floor
6.Equipment for shower1200 mm from the floor

In any embodiment of mixing equipment, it should be carried out not only with the regulatory requirements and rules of operation, but also taking into account the wishes of those people who will use this equipment in their daily life.

Installation Recommendations Mixer

Height of the mixer in the bathroom from the floor: Standard values

Hot and cold water cranes should be located at least 15 cm from each other.

For convenient and high-quality use of the mixer in the bathroom, sink, sink or above the washbasin, it is necessary to take into account the experience of specialists, their practical workers and requirements, wishes and comments of consumers. Brief description of their description consists of the following items:

  1. If you plan to install a mixer along the side surface of the container, then it is not necessary to strive to do it strictly in the middle. In this case, it is better to set it closer to the legs - it will be more convenient for them to use the bath.
  2. Cold and hot water supply vehicles should be at a distance of at least 150 mm from each other, and the final installation of all equipment must be performed after testing the system and finding the optimal version of its installation.
  3. On the proper installation of mixing equipment affects the design of the mixer, which can be installed on the bath itself, the wall or specially made for this elevation.
  4. In the designs of many baths, installations of the mixers are already provided, the installation of which is performed quite easily subject to the requirements attached to the instruction equipment.
  5. When installing mixing equipment on the wall or special podium and eyewashing water to it, most likely need help qualified specialists.

    Height of the mixer in the bathroom from the floor: Standard values

    Mixer Installation Instructions

Regardless of the type of mixer and the adopted method of its installation, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of installation instructions in compliance with the technological sequence of working operations specified in them. All nuances installation of the mixer in the bathroom. Watch in this video:

The height of the mixer in the bathroom from the floor, the standard of which is installed, prescribed, considering the circumstances that provide convenient use.

The height of the installation of the crane depends on the shape and size of the equipment itself, bathroom, sink, washing, as well as from the parameters of the room, in which these plumbing settings and fixtures are installed.

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