Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos


Most sweet teeth adores such sweets like Rafaello. It is always very difficult to refuse this air cream-coconut delicious. That is why we suggest you to consider in this article a great way to decorate a sweet gift for loved ones and loved ones - the heart from Rafaello. And our detailed master class will help to cope with this work faster.

Just and tasty

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

To make such beauty, we need:

  • foam for the base;
  • Candy "Rofaello" (number depends on the size of the base);
  • Decor (ribbons, lace, bows);
  • corrugated paper;
  • toothpicks for fastening;
  • Termocles, tape, scissors.


  1. First of all, we cut out our foundation from the pepoplast. The form can draw from the hand or take advantage of the existing templates.

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

  1. We glue our base of corrugated paper, sides decorate prepared lace.

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

In fact, for the decor you can pick up any material: any fabric, velvet and even, in the extreme case, ordinary colored paper.

  1. Now proceed to the most painstaking work - the manufacture of our floweries.

Our flowers will consist of the basics of bud and petals. For the base, we cut the square, select the size yourself so that it freely wrapped the candy, and the stripes are suitable for petals.

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

  1. Candy Breppy to toothpicks with a tape.

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

  1. In order for our petals to be more like a real, it is necessary to stretch them slightly, which is why corrugated paper for these purposes is suitable ideal because it has such properties.

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

  1. Wrap a candy in a square workpiece, then turn it into the strip (pay attention than the longer the band, the more fluffy you have a flower).

Fix the paper around the toothpick with a thermoclaus or simply wrapped with threads.

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

Also for pomp, you can bite every flower in organza.

  1. Complex and painstaking work behind, now it remains only to distribute our boutons based on and consolidate them.

Article on the topic: Letters from foam with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

Our wonderful gift is ready. If you wish, you can decorate it in addition to various figures, beads, sequins, etc.

Other options for decorating candies.

We bring to your attention a few more ways to decorate candies:

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos


Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

Rose flower.

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos


Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos


Heart from Rafaello: master class with photos and videos

Video on the topic

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