Heating system for a small three-story house


Heating system for a small three-story house

In order for the residential building to be warm and comfortable, the heating system should be installed in it. The power and layout diagram may be different, as it all depends on the area of ​​the house used. What could be the heating system of a three-story private house, how to calculate its power?

Heating system for a small three-story house

Heating system at home

Safety and forced heating systems

For home heating, samotane or forced systems can be used, which differ in their characteristics.

In case of self-freeing heating, non-freezing fluids are used as a coolant, for example, antifreeze, but hot water can also be used.

The coolant circulates without a pump, it takes place only by the emergence of the temperature difference at the output and the inlet of the boiler.

Today, this system is considered already obsolete, more complicated forced, where the movement of the coolant is carried out using the installed pump. Such an option is more reliable, it is its preferred for installation in private residential buildings.

Boilers for heating system

The system of heating a private house necessarily includes a boiler for heating water. Most often it is modern gas boilers that are easy to install with your own hands, although the connection is recommended to perform with the participation of specialists. Such boilers are two types:

  • Outdoor gas boilers can have atmospheric, combined burners. When working, the equipment does not create a lot of noise, it is possible to bring pipes from the total gas pipeline or connect cylinders. Some combined models have the ability to work not only on gas, but also on diesel fuel. Applied such installation is most often for the heating system of the Big House;
  • The wall gas boiler has a small size, it is designed to warm the three-storey house, it is possible to install it in any convenient place of the structure, most often it is a kitchen or utility room. The heating power is small, for a small house at 3 floors it is enough. The boiler is mounted on the wall, the necessary layout is already departed.

Options for heating tubes

The heating system is not only the boiler and radiators, but also the pipes by which the coolant moves under pressure. To install a heating junction for a private three-storey building, you can use pipes from the following materials:

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Heating system for a small three-story house

Scheme of the home heating system.

  • Steel pipes (galvanized, stainless). When installing such pipes, it is necessary to consider that a welding machine is required to connect. Such material is durable, its service life is quite large. But there are also disadvantages to which the need for the use of welding and the availability of experience with metal threaded compounds. Today, steel heating pipes are applied more and less often, since there are cheaper, but equally high-quality materials;
  • Heating can be carried out with the help of copper pipelines, which are today considered the highest quality and reliable. They are withstanding high pressure, are not subject to corrosion, but the cost of such pipes is high, they are used today only for exclusive construction. The connection uses a special high-temperature soldering with silver. After work, all places of compounds are carefully close;
  • Polymer pipes are a large group that includes polyethylene, metal-plastic, polypropylene with aluminum reign. Products are easily mounted, they are high-quality, some can be mounted inside the wall, which is positively affected at the interior of the house. The heating system is mounted quickly, various methods are used to connect, including the press, the use of a special welding machine, temperature connection of pipes.

When choosing pipes, it is necessary to consider how difficult the system will be whether the possibility of laying the pipeline in the walls, which requirements are presented to the connections.

An example of the organization of the heating system

An example of the heating scheme of a three-story house, made in accordance with all the rules, standards and requirements, should be considered.

Common data:

  • Air temperature outside at home -28 degrees;
  • total duration of the heating period of 214 days a year;
  • The calculated temperature for individual premises does not exceed +25 degrees.

Heating system for a small three-story house

Scheme of the heating system of a three-story house.

As a coolant will be hot water, heated to a temperature of 70-90 degrees.

The entire heating system of the three-storey house includes a collector wiring, side connections of heating devices (i.e. radiators). As materials for the heating system of a three-story house are accepted:

  • collector wiring;
  • metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes;
  • eyeliners, risers that go to the collectors;
  • Special heating pipes from metalplastic with insulation.

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The pipeline gasket is carried out in this way:

  • For basement rooms - in open state;
  • Vertical system risers - in a special stroke;
  • For floor laying - in floor structures.

To compensate for temperature elongations, it is necessary to use the self-compensation of individual sites, such as bends, turns, etc. In some sections, the system of the house of the house must be separated by fixed fasteners.

Heating system for a small three-story house

An example of a heating system.

The heating system of a three-story house includes project preparation and its coordination. After that, you can install the boiler of the selected type, perform its strapping according to the design compiled. It should not be forgotten that pipelines, all the equipment must be grounded according to the standards. In the boiler room, where most of the equipment is located, it is necessary to ensure the presence of air ventilation to ensure air and hooding of combustion products.

At the same time, such calculations are taken into account: each 1.16 kW of heating power requires five cubic meters of air supply, but not less than 150 sq. M. The ventilation hole should be located not lower than 30 cm from the floor level. For exhaust ventilation, such a value is taken into account: for every 17 kW, the power of the house heating is required one square decimeter of air. All ventilation pipes need to be wrapped with a layer of heat-insulating material.

For the boiler room, where the heating system will be located, lighting is needed. The calculation is as follows: each cubic M should have from 0.03 sq. M. Natural lighting. To the boiler it is necessary to supply electricity over cable 3 * 1.5 sq. MM.

When the chimney is derived to the roof, such conditions must be observed:

  • At one level, with a skate of the roof of the house, if it is located three meters from it;
  • Above the wind zone on the roof, but not lower than half the meter horizontally.

Water supply for the heating system of a three-story house is carried out using its connection to the overall water supply system from the well or any convenient method according to the project.

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Example of calculating heating power

Now you need to consider an example of calculating the heating power for the three-storey private house. To heat the room normally, the area of ​​which is 10 square meters, it is necessary to use 1 kW of heating power. To calculate the power, it is necessary to divide the total area of ​​the room for ten, but this is the average, the correction coefficients should be taken into account:

Table of basic options for calculating the power of the boiler.

  • For the premises of the house with two windows emerging in the north side - 1.3;
  • For premises with two windows, which go to the eastern and south side - 1.2;
  • For rooms with one window, which is directed to the West or north, - 1.1.

That is, it is necessary to simply multiply the value to the corresponding coefficient.

For example, it is necessary to calculate the power of home heating for an area of ​​10 10 meters in the presence of four rooms, each of which has two windows. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a single-mounted boiler, the power of which will be 25 kW, working on gas, or a double-circuit boiler by 28 kW, designed to heal water.

It is better to prefer steel heating batteries as radiators, for the first floor you can take eight pieces, each window will go 2 pieces with a size of a section of 500 per 800 mm and with a power of 1645 W. For the second and third floor you can use four pieces for each window. Under each window there is one by one radiator with dimensions of 600 per 1000 mm and with a power of 2353 W. Polypropylene pipes are also needed, brackets for radiators hanging, cranes, corners, other fastener elements.

To arrange heating for a three-story house, you will have to not only put the boiler and hang the radiators, it is necessary to calculate the entire system, take into account the features of the installation. Options of the heating system can be several. The calculations themselves are not very complex, the main thing is not to forget about the coefficients, the value of which depends on which side the windows of the house are published.

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