What to do if jeans are painted or linen


Jeans will be found in the wardrobe of almost every person, regardless of his age. This clothing is convenient, practical and with careful handling can be served not one year.

But it often happens that by making the purchase of new trousers, a person faces the fact that jeans are painted. As a result, both the body and underwear are covered with blue spots. What if jeans linen? And how to determine when buying, they face or not? You will find answers to these questions below.

How to check before buying, whether jeans are sled

What to do if jeans are painted or linen

Check if jeans are sled, you can right in the store with a wet fabric.

To begin with, you should debunk the myth that if jeans are sled, they are low quality. This is not true. The tendency to the "Link" is a sign that painting the material is made with the help of natural dyes. For this reason, expensive products from world brands often leave traces on body and clothing at first after their purchase.

How to find out that the material will lift? You can bring a small test right in the fitting store. Take a piece of light fabric, better natural (suitable handkerchief), slightly moisten it and sweete the surface of the jeans. If the blue traces appear on the scarf, this suggests that the coloring makeup will leave traces on the skin and underwear in the socks process.

Line jeans. What to do?

What to do if jeans are painted or linen

Before washing jeans, you need to twist and check your pockets.

The answer to the question when the jeans stop stopping, it is very simple: as soon as the excess, unobly dye "will be refined" from fibers. You can speed up this process - sufficiently wrapping the trousers.

So that jeans do not paint and do not linals, wash is carried out in several stages in compliance with certain rules. The sequence of actions looks like:

  • Preparation of clothing. At this stage, you need to check the pockets of trousers, remove all the contents and pull the belt.
  • Pre-soaking. To the abundant painted material stopped to get your skin and underwear, soak trousers before washing. Use only warm water (high temperatures in this case are not needed) and leave the thing to mislead no more than 40-50 minutes.
  • Manual or machine washing. It will be better if you post the pants with your hands. It will save the fabric from the aggressive impact of machine washing. If you still decided not to spend time on "you" in soapy water, set the "delicate mode".

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What to do if jeans are painted or linen

Before washing in a typewriter, jeans need to soak for an hour.

If you are not too lazy to wash the troughs with your hands, drain the water in which they were clumsy, and prepare a solution of warm water and washing powder. You can use the household soap.

Features of drying

What to do if jeans are painted or linen

Any thing is important not only to wash, but also to dry correctly. Drying jeans is carried out according to the following rules:

  • After washing and rinsing, the thing should be delicately pressed, to unscrew the material with force should not (this will damage the fibers and deformation of the clothing);
  • Such clothes needed, after turning inside out;
  • Hang jeans needed, consolidating to the rope in the belt area.

In addition, the best feature of the drying will find a thing in the fresh air. To lay out clothes on the battery or hang over the heater should not be.

Is it possible to iron jeans? Most models are designed in such a way that the thing is tightly tightens the hips and legs. In this case, the ironing will be unnecessary.

What to do if jeans are painted or linen

It is necessary to iron jeans in accordance with the instructions on the tag.

If you purchased pants more free cuts, they can be pasted by choosing the material mode that corresponds to the material.

What if jeans are painted? Fasten paint on fabric

To secure the dye on jeans and prevent excessive "leaning" of color, you can use the remedies.

Table vinegar

What to do if jeans are painted or linen

Rinse is necessary in order to remove the remnants of the washing powder or other detergents from the fibers. But in the process of rinse jeans, you can not only clear the fabric from chemicals, but also consolidate the paint. You need to do the following:

  • Disingerate pants on the bottom of the bath and turning on the shower, crawl under the jet.
  • Dissolve in a basin with warm water a few tablespoons of 9% vinegar.
  • Place clothes in the container for 10-15 minutes.

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After that, it will take carefully to squeeze the material and spend the thing on the rope, carefully placing the fold.

Salt "Baths"

What to do if jeans are painted or linen

The salt is well fixes the dye, which is processed by denim material, without damaging the fibers of the fabric. The mechanism of actions in this case will be the same as when ringed in vinegar.

For the salt "bath" solution is prepared in the proportion of ½ cup of salt by 5 liters of warm water. It is possible to put a thing in a container with a "secure" after the salt is dissolved.

It should be borne in mind that these measures may not give a result after the first washing, and you will have to repeat manipulation several times.

When washing, jeans painted from another lingerie. What to do?

What to do if jeans are painted or linen

Many advise jeans separately from the other lingerie to prevent molting. If only one pants from this fabric need to be laundry and there is no time to wash them with their hands, hostess have to send trousers to the drum along with clothes from other fabrics.

As a result, there is a risk of staining things from each other. What to do in this case? How to save your favorite jeans if they painted from other clothes? There are proven ways.

Stainstress and bleach

What to do if jeans are painted or linen

In stores you will find a huge selection of tools to get rid of stains. In order to bring a thing in order, you will need to clearly comply with the instructions, and the problem will be solved.

When choosing a stain remover, pay attention to it to come to treat denim. And when using the bleach, expect caution and use it only for trousers of very light tones. Otherwise, on the spot of the spot you will find the faded piece of fabric.

Laundry soap

What to do if jeans are painted or linen

Despite the presence of a huge range of chemicals, the household soap occupies a leading place among the means to combat stains on the fabric.

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Moisten a plot with a stain under warm water and abundantly wash it. After a few hours, put a thing manually or in a washing machine.


What to do if jeans are painted or linen

Lemon can only be used for light fabrics.

Cut the citrus in half and abundantly soda the spot half of the lemon. Leave a thing for 2-3 hours, then post with a shopping soap or washing powder.

It should be known that lemon juice is able to strongly clarify the fibers of the fabric, so use this method only for light fabrics.

Summer or peroxide

What to do if jeans are painted or linen

You can use this method to remove stains from colored fabrics, but the effect will be only if the thing has not dried after washing.

Prepare the solution in the proportion of 20 g of peroxide or ammonic alcohol on 5 liters of water. Place in the container evaints things and leave for 30-40 minutes. If the fabric from which your jeans are sewn is rather dense and light, it is possible to boil the thing in a solution of 20-30 minutes.

After that, clothes are carefully smoked and sent to dry.

Magnantic and washing powder mixture

What to do if jeans are painted or linen

This means is used in strong pollution as an aggressive method of fighting stains.

Add to the solution of powder 5-7 crystals of manganese, wait for them to complete dissolution and soak in the resulting underwear for 20 minutes. Then rinse the thing under the strong water pressure and send to the washing machine.

Home Staining

What to do if jeans are painted or linen

To prepare this fund, you will need the following components in equal proportions:

  • potato starch;
  • lemon acid;
  • chopped on a grated household soap;
  • Small salt.

Mix all the components and add a small amount of water to get a pasty mixture. Apply the remedy for contaminated areas, after turning the thing inside out, and leave for 10-12 hours.

After removing the stains, the thing needs to be wrapped and dried out in the fresh air.

These tips will help you get rid of the problem of a strong molting of your clothes and maintain an attractive kind of jeans for a long time.

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