What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings - designers secrets


Stretch ceilings look luxurious, it remains only to choose sources of lighting and determine which chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings? Features of such a ceiling decoration, consist in the materials of which it is made - they can be corrupted and deformed if the lighting device configuration is unsuccessful.

The correct chandelier will not only retain the coating, but also complement the magnificence of the design.

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

Features of stretch ceilings

The choice of specialized chandeliers for stretch ceilings is small. But knowing the nuances, it is quite realistic to choose a suitable model from a conventional assortment. There are recommendations for the mechanism of fastening and structure of the chandelier hull. The fact is that the structure of its hull must have good thermal insulation to eliminate the overheating of the ceiling coating. In addition, the material of stretch ceilings requires a certain structure and layout of ceiling.

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

Characteristics of the right chandelier

Expensive ceiling coverage is located close to light sources - lamps. It is a PVC film that should not be heated by more than 60 degrees. A small excess of temperature standards and a film can begin ugly deformations, and even rush. Based on this, it is obvious that not any chandelier can be used to illuminate the room with stretch ceilings.

Pay attention to the required features:

  1. The lamp must have a structure so that the light stream is not directed to the ceiling. In the opposite case, expensive material may begin to get roaring;
  2. Recommended configuration of plafones - closed models or guides light around and down;
  3. Choose chandeliers that provide a significant distance from the ceiling to lighting elements to prevent the coating material heating;
  4. The stretch ceiling in the usual small room "eats" centimeters in height, so massive and too complex chandeliers will make a room in a viewless below. This Council does not concern the height of the premises under 3 m.

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

When evaluating the length of the suspension, take into account that the lamp is mounted to the rough ceiling surface, so a certain suspension length is hidden under the tensioning coating.

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What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

Choosing mount

It is important to take into account the type of chandelier fastening to the ceiling, as this is the most responsible moment.

Suitable and unsuitable chandelier mount:

  • "Yes" - suspended, which are mounted on a special hook.
  • "No" - overheads located with the help of a panel, which in turn is attached to the ceiling by self-draws.

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

For stretch ceilings, a suspended option is suitable, since the overhead panel cannot be placed on a stretched film. As already noted, the suspension size is also important to choose, making a correction to the distance between the draft and stretch ceiling.

It can be done so that the hook for the attachment was rendered below the level of the stretch ceiling. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the attachment to the ceiling stretch work.

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

What to choose a lamp?

With the current diversity of light sources, sometimes it is not easy to figure out the choice of lamps. What to choose lamps are heating, halogen or LED, and what nuances will have to be considered?

Perhaps you decided to choose a ceiling, which has a facing horns. It is undesirable, then you must clearly take the distance from the lamps to the ceiling, and for each type of lamps it can be different.

  • Incandescent lamps. Incandescent lamps are the most inexpensive, however, they heat the air, spending precious electricity, and the surface of the ceiling is heated and the surface of the ceiling. For this reason, such lamps are the most unsuccessful choice to use along with a similar finish. From the PVC film and the conventional incandescent lamp with the facing upwards should be at least 40 cm, in other cases - 25 cm. The lamp power should not be more than 60 W . If the distance is less, the chandelier must be with reflectors that will not burn the ceiling.
  • Energy saving. Energy-saving lamps are perfectly suitable, which are practically not warm and can be used at a short distance from stretch ceilings. In addition to the power converter, the lamp has no elements that can be heated. However, note that the mercury pairs are located inside the lamp, so breaking it, you need to urgently take action.
  • LEDs. LED lamps are simply created for stretch ceilings - they have high efficiency and low heating. There are such lamps for a long time, but most importantly their advantage is the directional light stream without reflectors with the emission of light flow only into one hemisphere. LED low-voltage lamps are considered most practical, but they require the installation of the power supply. Its accommodation should not be in an empty zone above the stretch ceiling, because there is no ventilation, and overheating can occur.
  • Halogen lamps. The halogen lamps with a capacity of 35-40 W, directed upwards should be removed from the coating surface at least 30 cm, 20 W - by 20 cm, and for 10 W, respectively, 10 cm.

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What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

Designer secrets

You should not choose excessively chic chandeliers, only if they are confident that stretch ceilings will not go to the background. For example, huge cascading chandeliers from crystal can, how to level the beauty of the coating and emphasize it.

Some design secrets:

  • The web of the stretch ceilings of light tones must be beat the chandelier of contrasting color;
  • Black stretch ceilings will create a magnificent harmony with a chandelier of white or under metal;
  • The glossy ceiling surface can be combined with a chasso bizarre, if you want to create a unique effect in reflection.

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

Plafones - plates, suspensions or chandeliers with horns

All these lamps are very popular and have their own characteristics. Options with several horns are probably the most common. The main thing is that they are not directed strictly up, especially if you are going to use the lamps of the heating or halogenki. Consider the fact that the light directed into the ceiling will create circles on the ceiling - such an effect you can not like it. But if the horns are directed down and on the parties, you can not worry about the circles on the ceiling, nor for damping the film.

Chandeliers may seem very impact design, but without a reflector over each light bulb, this type of chandelier cannot be applied to the stretch ceiling. But such items are not so often you can find on sale.

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

If you choose the models where the ceiling closes the lamps below, choose long suspensions, then the surface of the ceiling film will be in a safe distance from light. Such a globe can be safely placed on the suspended ceiling.

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

Other useful advice

In addition to technical parameters, the chandelier must supplement the beauty of the stretch ceiling without creating a stylistic imbalance. As a rule, the film coating glossy and perfectly reflects the light. For this reason, it is necessary to consider the light chandeliers to create unwanted glare, especially in the bedroom, where light lighting is designed to make comfort.

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How to choose a suitable chandelier:

  • If the ceiling is glossy, it will be beautiful if the chandelier gently scatters the light on the canvas.
  • For the living room you can choose a lamp with many low-power lamps that reflect will create the effect of depth and double number of light sources.
  • Stretch ceilings themselves have a luxurious view and reflective gloss film, so do not choose plaffones with prisms and reflectors.
  • For illumination of a small room about 10-12 m2, a chandelier is 3-4 of the ceiling, and for rooms from 12 m2 - with 6 plasters.
  • For spacious premises, the chandeliers are combined with point lamps and other light sources to provide spectacular illumination.

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

Considering the mirror ability of the ceiling, it is necessary in advance about the possibility of reflection in it by the ugly "filling" of plafones and other elements.

Perfectly, if in the store you will provide a special chandelier chandelier for stretch ceilings, where you can see her view in the finished interior.

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

Specialists have their own secrets in choosing a chandelier for stretch ceilings accumulated with experience. Without taking into account their tips, you can choose expensive lamps with many options and parts that will not be useful and can spoil the cheap surface. Guided by advice in this article, you can avoid unpleasant errors associated with the spoofer of the beautiful glossy surface of the ceiling, and choose the perfect light source.

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

What chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings

Chandeliers for stretch ceilings - tips on the choice

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