Short circuit in the house


Short circuit in the house

A short circuit may occur in any house, and no one is insured.

This process is an emergency mode of operation of the source of electricity.

It is possible to understand that in the house there was a closure in such a simple sign - all the devices and light turned off.

In this case, you need to check the plugs or auto stitch.

If you saw that the plug burned or worked a car stitch, then be sure there was an overload, grounding problems or short circuit.

How to eliminate these problems and reveal, because of which there is no light in the house, we will talk further.

Types of short circuit

Everything is simple here. There are only two types:

  • maximetric;
  • Aimmetrical short circuit.

With a symmetrical closure, all three phases of the electrical appliance are in the same position (the resistance of all phases is equal to).

With asymmetric - all phases are not equal to each other.

You can see the likelihood of a particular type of closure, you can look at the table below.

Short circuit in the house

Causes of short circuit

Circuit may occur:

  • due to natural anomalies;
  • in DC circuits;
  • In alternating current schemes.

We will analyze each of the species.

Causes of short circuit due to natural anomalies

Short circuit in the house

Such anomalies include lightning. They are especially dangerous for both human life and for your home.

The source of lightning formation is high static electricity, which has accumulated in the clouds when they are moved.

Cooling naturally when climbing to a large height, the condensation of steam and moisture contribute to the rain.

Moisture has low resistance to electricity. Thus, creates a breakdown in the air, according to which the current passes, in the form of lightning.

Lightning discharge can lead to closure and other sad consequences.

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The cause of short circuit can be in the DC circuit

Short circuit in the house

The voltage source creates a difference of negative and positive potentials. These in turn ensure the proper operation of the scheme.

The electricity load on the device is distributed evenly, but in emergency mode between terminals there may be a slope that has a low resistance.

Short circuit eliminates uniform current flow and displays a scheme from work.

Thus, it turns out that the magnitude of the electricity has not changed, and the current value has increased. Accordingly, your device burned out.

Causes of short circuit can be in alternating current circuits

Short circuit in the house

In alternating current circuits, everything acts in a similar way, as in the chains of permanent. Some features should be allocated that affect the adheated current:

  • Schemes with 1 and 3 phase networks of various configurations;
  • Availability or lack of grounding circuit.

Speaking in simple language, the reasons for short circuit in the house and electrical wiring can be the following situations:

  • We took the repair and started drilling the wall or knock the nail. Find into the wire, which leads to a short circuit;
  • overvoltage (the use of multiple household appliances at the same time);
  • Pressing isolation caused by poor contact in sockets, forks, etc.;
  • When flooding neighbors, moisture enters the junction boxes, which leads to the destruction of the insulating layer and the contact of the contacts;
  • the presence of rodents;
  • Old wiring.

The reason for the closure can be anything, therefore it is worth paying particular attention to this issue to avoid such consequences as a breakdown, fire or even death.

How to find short circuit in wiring

As a rule, the search for a closure occurs after the stopper or the circuit breaker knocked.

There are several options here:

  • visual inspection;
  • the use of special devices;
  • exception;
  • by sound;
  • By smell.

External inspection with short circuit

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Short circuit in the house

If you find that insulation or contact of two bare lived is damaged - you can assume that the reason was found.

Usually, such damage can be found in junction boxes, switches or outlets, where wires are connected.

They noticed the burned shell - this is a malfunction.

How to find short circuits using appliances

Short circuit in the house

It is better to use a megaommeter or multimet. They will quickly check the resistance in the chain.

Connect one wire of the device to the phase, and the other to the ground (to zero).

If the device shows zero - the wiring is normal. All that above zero testifies to contact contacts.

It is worth considering that the multimeter has a small resistance, so it is not always possible to determine a short circuit with it.

How to find a closure by exclusion

Short circuit in the house

Everything is simple here, but the method is effective in the case of electrical appliances.

When you knocked out the switch, turn off all the technique from electricity.

Then turn on the machine and start connecting each of the devices.

How to find a short closure on sound and smell

Short circuit in the house

When contacting contacts, you can hear crackle. The main thing is to have a good rumor.

By smell, Gary Plastics and Lung Him Do you can easily find the wiring intake in the house.

How to eliminate short circuit

Your actions must be as follows:
  • Remove the damaged area and re-connect the contacts, while it is well breathing;
  • As for the sockets and switches, it is easier to replace with new ones than to restore contacts;
  • It is recommended to replace the old wiring (although the pleasure is not cheap, but life is more expensive);
  • Repair household appliances or get rid of it at all.

If you do not have experience with electricity, then it is better to call an experienced electrician who knows exactly what to do.

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Prevention and short-circuit protection

Short circuit in the house

In order for the closures in the house or apartment, it is recommended to inspect the wires every three months. So you can prevent the consequences on the root.

If you notice the yellowed outlet and swelling, then replace it.

Install the circuit breaker. This will be a kind of protection at home.

When installing wiring, calculate the cable cross section correctly. This will save from overloads.

Do not fold closely the cable when installing, so you can damage the protective shells.

Before drilling or repair, mark the passage of the cable and wiring in the wall.

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