Than smoothly and quickly sprinkle laminate


Laminate is not more difficult than folding the puzzle. The most difficult part of the work is cutting lamellas. Consider how to saw the laminate so that the slice was smooth, and the lamellas did not form defects in the form of chips or cracks.

Since the laminated board is made of extruded wood, pruning needs to be produced by a sharp tool. Otherwise, chip and cracks will be formed during the trimming process, the cropped edge will be uneven.

Than smoothly and quickly sprinkle laminate

Attention should also be paid to the fact that it is impossible to lay the laminate to the walls. This floor covering, depending on the change in the level of humidity in the room, can slightly expand and narrow. Locked in bulk lamels during the expansion deform, and they will have to be replaced with new ones. The gap between the wall and the laminated board should be at least 1 cm.

Tool used to trim the laminate

Crop the laminated board can be as follows:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • A special tool intended for trimming a laminated board.

Than smoothly and quickly sprinkle laminate

Before describing the cutting mechanism, I would like to draw attention to the preparatory work to be done. First of all, you need to measure what size should have lamelles adjacent to the walls. At this stage, you need to act slowly.

Using a simple pencil on the back of the lamella needs to designate the place of the cut. Then, it is necessary to read the line along which the lamel should be cut. You can make the designation and on the front side of the slave. But in this case, it is advisable to glue the lane scotch on the surface of the slave. And already on it to make a mark.

Another nuance that needs to be taken into account is the width of the cutting part of the tool used.

So, if the markup is done, then you can proceed to trimming the laminate.

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Using electric jigsaw

Than smoothly and quickly sprinkle laminate

If you need to perform work quickly, you can not do without electric jigsaw. It would be nice to have experience in communicating with this tool. If there is no such, it is advisable to practice on an unnecessary piece of wood or excess lamellae.

So that during trimming with the help of an electric jigsaw on the laminate, the chips were formed, it is necessary to correctly pick up the peer on the tree. It should be sharp, and have small teeth. Work tool must work on high speed. So that the cut was smooth, it is necessary that the cutting part of the electric jigs is moved along the lamella smoothly.

Before starting work, you need to fix the lamella. Pruning will occur according to the markup. Therefore, the party on which the markup is made should be directed upwards. Most often markup make on the back of the laminate. Plank laminate on solid surface. It is advisable in this case to use the stool.

Using Bulgarian

In fact, the tool that we used to call the grinder has a completely different name. This is a corner machine. It is perfect for trimming laminate. During operation, you can use both those discs that are designed to work with wood and those that are designed to work with the metal.

Than smoothly and quickly sprinkle laminate

It is worth noting that the cloves in disks designed to work with the metal are thinner and small. Therefore, during the trimming of the laminate it is advisable to use precisely wheels for metal. There is a special disk on sale, which is designed to trim the laminated board. Working in such a tool, it is possible to avoid the appearance of chips on the cropped bar.

It is necessary to work in the same way as when using electric jigsaw. All movements should be smooth, and the cropped bar should be fixed on a solid surface. Specific odor appears during operation. This is due to the fact that the tree comes into contact with the hot disk of the grinder.

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Using knobs

If there is no brandy or electric jigs at hand, you can cut the laminate with hacksaw. You can use not only the tool that is designed to work with wood. Hoven for metal is also suitable. It should be noted that the cropping process will take a lot of time.

Than smoothly and quickly sprinkle laminate

Before proceeding with the work, you need to carefully inspect the tool. If the teeth have a big hacksaw, then not to avoid the appearance of chips. It is also worth considering that the cutting part of the tree hacksaw is rude enough. Therefore, it is better to use the metal hacksaw. It is advisable to grasp the cutting part of the hacksaw of paraffin.

Before starting work, as in previous cases, it is necessary to fix the laminate bar on the solid surface. Specialists do not recommend pressure on the knife. The slice will be uneven.

Using a special tool

For cutting a laminated board, in addition to the jigsaw, grinder and hacksaws, you can use a special tool, or rather the machine. At first glance, it can be said that it is very similar to the guillotine that is used for cutting paper. The machine is made of support, which is located lamella, blades and handles. After pressing the handle, the blade falls on the lamel. The slice is flat and beautiful.

The machine works silently, without leaving behind the construction trash and dust. On the material on time trimming does not form defects.

Than smoothly and quickly sprinkle laminate

You can, of course, purchase such a machine. But if you are not engaged in professional repairs, it will almost all the time it will just be dust in the corner.

The laminate cutter is used exclusively for the transverse cutting of the lamella. If you need to cut the laminate bar along, then without a grinder, the jigsaw or hacksaws can not do.

Not always an incision is perfect. However, it should be remembered that the plinth will be stacked on top of the laminated board. It will close an uneven cut. If during the trimming of the lamellae, a crack was formed, then you should not worry. Such a defect can be corrected using a special paste.

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We figured out than to cut the laminate. But, finally, I would like to note that when using electric jigsaw, grinder or hacksaws during operation will form a building debris in the form of sawdust. Therefore, it is advisable to pre-store the floor with paper, film or cloth. And it is not better to work not in the room in which laying is made, but in the neighboring. After all, laying the decorative flooring should be on the pure surface.

After cutting the layer of the laminate, you need to wipe the place with a damp rag. This is done to get rid of dust, which formed in the process of sawing.

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