Lamps with traffic sensor for entrances


In the modern world, all efforts are sent to innovation and savings. Therefore, it is not strange that energy-saving technologies began to appear everywhere, which significantly simplify the life of ordinary people. Now we can allocate several dozen universal lamps, modern technologies and many other things. And in this article we decided to tell in detail about the lamps with the traffic sensor for the entrances, tell me how to choose and install.

Lamps with traffic sensor for entrances

What lamps with a motion sensor for entrances to choose

As a rule, in all areas of our country, ordinary incandescent lamps are installed, which are included at the set time. Such lamps often burn out, have a large amount of electricity and are simply considered not reliable enough. In the modern world, they began to constantly refuse, because it allows you to make a comfortable and truly economical lighting in the entrance.

Now on the market you can meet lamps with a motion sensor that react to the appearance of people in the entrance. For example, if there is no one there, they remain in the off position. As soon as someone enters, then they light up. In fact, it is quite convenient and practical.

Lamps with traffic sensor for entrances

It is necessary to allocate several reasons why it is worth abandoning the usual incandescent lamps and install lamps with a motion sensor in the entrance:

  1. You will not need to follow their work, installed and enjoy progress.
  2. They significantly save electricity, as they turn on only when a person appears in the entrance.
  3. The lamp period is extended.
  4. Comfort appears while traveling on the entrance or the lobby.
  5. Modern style and design.

What lamps are there

Now you can meet the following types of lamps:
  1. Infrared.
  2. Ultrasound.
  3. Microwave.
  4. Combined.

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Every of them will talk in more detail about each of them.

Infrared are considered the most popular, as they have a fairly low cost and are considered practical. Such lamps are capable of working in any room in the best way. They are triggered to fluctuations in temperature, that is, only per person or animal. It is such lamps that we recommend setting because of their practicality and versatility. The principle of IR lamps can be discovered for yourself, just looking at the next video.

The principle of ultrasound is based on the fact that they constantly emit ultrasound fluctuations. As soon as someone appears, the signal is interrupted and they light up. In the market you can find several dozen excellent models.

If we talk for microwave lamps, they are similar to ultrasound. The only difference is a radio wave spectrum instead of sound. Noting combined, they can be called more reliable and advanced. Only here you should clearly understand that their cost is high enough.

How to choose entrance lamps

What lamps exist, we have already figured out. Now it is necessary to install in detail on several factors that should be considered by choice:

Lamps with traffic sensor for entrances

  1. Under what conditions can be used.
  2. Is it possible to change the lamps or how difficult it is.
  3. The number of electricity consumed.
  4. It is necessary to dispose of energy-saving lamps.
  5. It is also recommended to read reviews.

Always pay special attention to the lighting device that is installed there. It is strictly recommended to be installed on the incandescent lamps and luminescent. The first consume too much electricity, the second and can harm the body at all, as they are considered harmful.

It is recommended to install LED or halogen luminaires, they have proven themselves in the best way.

Here you will find a comparison of LED and halogen lamps.

Installation and Setup

As a rule, there is nothing complex in the installation and setting. We decided to provide an extremely simple and understandable instruction that will help prevent serious mistakes. So, in the next video you will learn how to install lamps with a motion sensor in the entrance.

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The connection scheme is as follows:

Lamps with traffic sensor for entrances

Step-by-step lamp with a motion sensor is installed as follows:

  1. Read the instructions.
  2. Select the installation location.
  3. We connect the lamp, at this time it is worth remembering "Nole" and "phase".
  4. Additionally, it is recommended to install the lamp switch, you can add it to the circuit.
  5. Adjust and configure everything. It all depends on the model here, so read detailed instructions.

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