Features of the worktop IKEA


Features of the worktop IKEA

Fashionable, stylish and inexpensive Tables IKEA are not the first year in demand among Russians. What do they differ from the analogues, how did they manage to succeed? Trade brand IKEA for rumors in many, but what exactly is this company, offering furniture and components for several decades?

Features of the worktop IKEA

Corner countertop IKEA

At first, a little-known company began its activities in the city of Smoland, located in southern Sweden. The founder of I. Camprad since childhood was distinguished by the tasks of an experienced businessman, and he demonstrated them in the 1940s, literally from nothing by creating a giant in the production of available furniture of excellent quality.

IKEA countertops are always high quality combined with a budget price. Today, the company offers components and furniture produced by the best technologies from high-quality materials. The use of the full cycle, ranging from the workpiece of the material and ending with the output on the fittings of the products, allows IKEA to offer the most favorable price. The product feature is also the fact that brand table tops are universal, they can be used for any style of kitchen furniture and furnishings. The models are remarkably suitable for typical apartments, and for prestigious country cottages.

Features of the worktop IKEA

What materials are used?

Many are used to that the kitchen countertop is made only from artificial materials, but in the case of IKEA, such a statement will be incorrect. The manufacturing company offers a variety of options that can satisfy even demanding consumers. Most often, high-quality laminate applies for production. It is inexpensive, it has thermal resistance, racks to wear. Budget countertops of this performance are commonly used for model apartments. The design of their strict, minimalistic, but rather attractive.

A wooden stylish tabletop, made of natural array, is very popular in modern design. Unity with nature, natural light shade, traditional atmosphere - all this is interesting to consumers. But such countertops do not tolerate coarse, for example, the knife will leave deep scratches on them.

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Features of the worktop IKEA

Wooden countertops are very popular today.

Acrylic stone countertops, which are characterized by resistance to mechanical effects, combine the qualities of acrylic resins and natural stones.

They are not inferior in strength to the real mramor, but it is perfectly protected from moisture and temperature, they have a seamless surface.

The most interesting from the designer point of view the material is glass. Such a countertop is the perfect option for a prestigious and luxurious interior not only kitchen, but also other rooms. For example, countertops with a decorative pattern will become a highlight of a spacious living room.

Countertops from IKEA: for and against

Countertop from IKEA is a constant sign of excellent quality for an affordable price. But is it all rosy? To make your own conclusions, it is necessary to consider everything for both against consumers that are consumed by the products of this brand around the world.

Features of the worktop IKEA

Tabletop of acrylic stone for strength is not inferior to Mramra

Among the advantages of tabletops should be highlighted:

  • high quality, durability, safety of all materials used in the manufacture of materials;
  • the ability to withstand large loads and negative mechanical impacts, maintain an excellent appearance;
  • With an individual order, the model fully complies with all the specified sizes, the location of the mounting holes, selected accessories;
  • Universality - countertops are perfectly combined with any interior style and embedded equipment;
  • extremely simple installation, reliability of all fasteners;
  • IKEA products are one of the best options for any typical situation;
  • Stylish appearance, giving food design freshness and elegance;
  • the possibility of ordering tabletops from a natural tree at an affordable price;
  • Products are excellent for built-in kitchen furniture, window sills, dining tables, bar racks.

Features of the worktop IKEA

IKEA products are distinguished by the simplicity of the designer solution.

Are there any cons attendants from IKEA? As with any material, there are such disadvantages:

  • Strict and simple design like not everyone;
  • All products are characterized by some typical recognizability, although this negative time is easy to eliminate the thoughtfulness of the choice of accessories and components for assembly;
  • When assembling, the countertop is completed only by connecting spacecraft, the end manufacturer does not suggest that it creates certain inconvenience;
  • The edge thickness for the table top is only 2 mm, while the products of other manufacturers have a thickness of 4 mm, the edge must be protected from water from entering water;
  • The mount is carried out "tightly", i.e. Disassemble and gather furniture again, including a worktop, will not succeed;
  • Some difficulties in installing, as IKEA products require perfect corners and walls, and in practice it is extremely rare.

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How not to make a mistake in choosing?

No brand in the world cost no negative, implausible statements in their own address. Products from Ikea did not exception, but the most common myths relate to the material of manufacture. To make your own conclusions, it is necessary to figure out how and from what a worktop of IKEA is made. The low and affordable cost of ICEA products is the result of not poor quality, but the use of modern technologies. This allows much to reduce the manufacture of even tabletops from natural wood.

Most often argue that materials are unreliable and have a small shelf life. In fact, this is not the case: the MDF used for production is a multi-layered wood veneer material, strengthened by high-strength laminated film. Some groups of tabletops are produced from natural wood, and impregnations provide resistance to humidity, mechanical effects.

The assertion that IKEA products are represented only in a modern style, does not withstand any criticism. The widest model range, a large variety of bold modern models, not less in traditional Scandinavian style, country style, provence or vintage. It was not without attractive models in such a popular youth style.

Assortment Row: Modern and Universal Models from IKEA

IKEA company offers a convenient separation of its assortment of tabletops by groups. This allows you to easily navigate when choosing. There are the following models on sale:

Features of the worktop IKEA

Tabletop lagan

  1. Countertop Numerher - Exquisite style, Natural aesthetics and natural materials. Products will come to the lover of nature lovers, because the countertops are made only from the natural array of wood, creating an incredible feeling of comfort in the house. The main color is a bright beech, it is universal for the kitchen. Most often, the numero is acquired for the interiors in the style of country, Provence, classic.
  2. Table tops lagan - the optimal solution for the arrangement of not only workers kitchen surfaces, but also shelves, window sills in a single and harmonious style. For the production of this product group, exceptionally high-quality laminate is used, which is not inferior to natural wood. The bright uniform shade and excellent imitation of the surface of the real wooden board allows you to use lagan's countertops everywhere.
  3. Tabletop Vistorp - unique products, the surface of which mimics the luxurious marble. Stylish and exquisite model will become a highlight of any kitchen or dining room. It is this material that is recommended for the design of the windowsill, bar tabletops. The peculiarity of the manufacturing technology allows you to give vestorp table tops any length and shape, and this only contributes to the popularity of this material. The kit proposes an elegant edging.
  4. Pregel countertops are the most popular option with a budget price and excellent quality. A smooth surface imitates a natural light tree, it is practical, easily cleaned from any contamination.

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Features of the worktop IKEA

Stopper Promel imitates a natural light tree

Modern, stylish and reliable countertop from IKEA is the best choice for any kitchen. This is a high-quality material manufactured on the basis of innovative technologies in full compliance with European requirements. Many technique models, choose the optimal option for the interior will not be difficult.

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