Unusual curtains do it yourself: recommendations for their creation (photo)



Curtains are one of the final nuances in the interior of the room. In addition to decorative, they bring real benefits: protect against bright light, hide your personal life from curious eyes.

Unusual curtains do it yourself: recommendations for their creation (photo)

Pattern of classic curtains.

Length, color, texture and thickness can vary. To date, the market has a huge choice of fabric of domestic and foreign manufacturers. The price of the goods is also different, so you can pick up your wallet and stay satisfied. You can make an unusual curtains with your own hands, your work will be unique and delight your eyes.

To understand what curtains you want to decorate your nest, you need to figure out what they happen.

What are the curtains?

Unusual curtains do it yourself: recommendations for their creation (photo)

Table of tissue for sewing curtains.

Remember that natural fabrics are easier to impass and are harder, so give preference to mixed tissues. Fabrics whose composition includes cotton with synthetics, perfectly and efficiently look, as well as practical.

The most common curtain option is a classic, which is a sweating cloth without any additions. Such curtains have great advantages:

  • The classic look is suitable for any interior. These curtains will not clutter the lush interior, and the modest one will complement and make organic;
  • For such an option, any kind of fabric, color, thickness, drawing suitable;
  • You can control the length of such curtains: make them to the floor or 2/3 of the wall length;
  • From a large range of classic curtains you choose exactly what you can afford and what meets all your requirements;
  • Such curtains are easy to hang, wash and stroke. They will keep their initial transportation for a long time.
  1. Roman curtains are vertically hanging fabrics that are collected by large folds using a special cord that is located on the side. The length of the Roman curtains usually grabs to cover the window to the windowsill. This type of curtains is suitable for the kitchen, balcony and office space, they are less common in the living rooms and bedrooms.
  2. Rolled curtains are a roll of fabric, which is attached to the ceiling or in the opening of the window. The principle of work, like the Roman curtain, but in this case the fabric does not form folds, and is going to a tight roll.
  3. French curtains create a festive atmosphere. When looking at French curtains, an association with the theater or a banquet hall immediately arises. A feature of such curtains are Festers, which are located at the top of the curtains.
  4. Japanese curtains are suitable for modern interior. They are pieces of vertically hanging tight fabrics that are collected in parallel to each other. Such curtains resemble the doors of the elevator or Japanese doors of Sedzi.
  5. Austrian curtains combine French and classic curtains. In the original state, these are ordinary curtains, but when they open, they turn into French with large festers.
  6. Italian curtains are quite static, they are tightened on the sides with the help of cords that are attached diagonally to the eaves. Italian curtains are like those who draw little girls in their notebooks.

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There are other, more complex types of curtains that are suitable under modern design. You can make your apartment more original if you make a curtain with your own hands - you will get an exclusive option.

What can the original curtains make?

To create a curtain, many infringement materials will be suitable. In the course you can start old beads, discs, bottles, ribbons, sections of fabric, caps from bottles, coins, buttons and a lot more.

Try to choose the same type for the curtain to be organic.

Curtains from disk

Surely you have a lot of unnecessary discs, from which the original curtain will turn out. In addition to discs, you will need drill and fasteners. Fastenings can be made of tapes or clips, suitable for this purpose and rings.

Unusual curtains do it yourself: recommendations for their creation (photo)

Curtains from disks are recommended to hang so that the mirror part is facing the room.

Take the disk, divide the outer edge into 4 equal parts, step from the edge to 1 cm and make the points with the marker. Now you need to make holes where there are labels. Those discs that will be at the bottom and on the sides of the curtains, you need to shift in three places. Now connect the discs using fasteners. If you use a thin satin ribbon, you will get a more delicate option, and the paper clips will make the cloth more durable.

You can make a classic curtain form, stepped or triangular, where the base of the triangle will be attached to the frame.

Hang the chart so that the mirror part is facing the room. In the light, such a masterpiece will look especially attractive and rosy.

Lose coins in the case

If you have old coins that you cannot find application, then of them get an exquisite curtain. You can leave coins in the original condition or paint their gold, copper or silver paint.

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Unusual curtains do it yourself: recommendations for their creation (photo)

Fabric calculation scheme for cutting Roman curtains.

To begin with, make two holes in each coin, which will be located opposite each other. Then you need to make a chain of coins that will be connected by paper clips, wire or fishing line. Decide with the length of the curtains. So that the chain is not very sticky, and its weight was not big, make intervals between coins. So that the coin is fixed, you need to turn the line or wire into the top hole of the coin twice.

With paper clips it will be easier: Create a chain from the clips of the length that you need.

Make so many chains as you need to close the window or doorway. Next, proceed to painting. To do this, give preference to paint in cylinders, it will greatly facilitate this process.

Such a curtain will be pleased to ring under the influence of external forces and resemble wind music.

Curtain from Bead or Bead

Unusual curtains do it yourself: recommendations for their creation (photo)

Scheme curtains from beads.

The principle of creating such a curtain is similar to the previous way. You need to make individual chains of the required length and secure them on the frame.

Use various beads: wooden, plastic, glass or beads. For beads there is a fishing line, for wooden beads - a dense thread under the burlap, for glass beads - fishing line, satin ribbon or silk thread.

Wooden beads can be combined with coins, and glass - combine with beads. "Glass" curtains look especially attractive with artificial lighting, they overflow and force to run around the room of solar bunnies.

Use pieces of fabric

Unusual curtains do it yourself: recommendations for their creation (photo)

Scheme curtains from beads.

The curtain of individual pieces of fabric should be made on the principle of vertical blinds. Choose a cloth, you can combine several species, decide on the length and width. Now you need to see long lateral parts, and from the bottom to make pockets for a weighting agent, so that the curtain is beautifully falling down and did not deform.

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Next, you need to think about the curtains will be attached to Cardina. To do this, leave the length of the length, which will be equal to the diameter of the curtain plus 5-10 cm. The edge of the curtains must wrap the curtain and then attach with the velcro that you seen. Such a fastening is very practical: you can easily wash such curtains, and then quickly cheat.

The original curtains will help you save your money, and will also become an excellent decoration of your home. The curtains that you do yourself will be unique.

The design work you have done will bring originality and style to the room, but it will not cost you a lot of money. You can do unusual curtains yourself, but you can connect children who will definitely like this creative occupation.

Use recommendations for creating curtains that are offered in this text, do not be afraid to experiment. You have at home for sure there is a material that was lying on and which is perfect for creating original curtains.

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