How to stroke curtains from organza without spoiling?


Thin, transparent and surprisingly beautiful organza is widely used when sewing curtains and curtains. Quite often, the hostesses face product care problems: Matter is very capricious, and not everyone knows how to stroke the curtains from organza or straighten them. Incorrect operation, aggressive cleaning and the use of high temperatures are capable of noticeably worsening the decorative properties of the tissue. Despite the widespread opinion that it is easier to purchase new curtains than stroking Organza, experienced hostesses know several secrets that will help bring curtains to the perfect condition.

How to stroke curtains from organza without spoiling?

Basic guidelines for curtains after washing

There are general rules that apply to all types of tissue tissues. Their observance is mandatory, otherwise the matter is very quickly losing the original appearance, the curtains lose the form and texture, unaesthetic stains and divorces are formed on their surface.

  • It is best to start processing the fabric while it is still slightly wet. So the curtains are better than onemand, the folds and chances are smoothed easier.
  • It is possible to iron organza and other matter only through the fabric, and it must be laid down and below. From dense, drenched, colored linen lining and newspapers it is better to refuse. The effect will be insufficient, and the drawing can be imprinted on the curtains.
  • The temperature on the iron is correctly installed by the type of main tissue, and not laying. For example, if you need to stroke a veil or organz, and it takes cotton as a layer, it is possible to heat the iron only to a warm state, otherwise the fabric can melt or yellowed.
  • The seams are stroked the edge of the iron through the gauze on the front side. If you do otherwise, on the outside of the curtains are imprinted non-wellwork bulbs.
  • In the ironing of the tissue fabrics, patience is important. It is not worth it for a long time to keep the iron in one place, it will provoke the appearance of yellowness or a noticeable change in the color of the product.
  • It is impossible to abuse the ferry, the curtains will go with waves, especially soft and light fabrics. Such a function is used only as a last resort, if you need to get rid of the strong challenge.
  • Water on matter, especially one-photon, is not worth splashing. Hydish, even the cleanest water provokes the formation of spots.

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Many hostesses do not like to iron curtains due to their size and inability to provide the product the same processing quality. While reaching the end of the canvas, a part that was depicted first, time to dive. In fact, the problem is solved very simply. The ironing board is put in front of the sofa (you can put a stool in front of the board itself, on which the untreated matter) will be located. Curtains must be stroke until they start to get to the floor. Then they shifted on the sofa, and the process continues. As you need, the board can be redemed, not allowing the formation of folds.


Often you can do without ironing. Wet curtains are postponed, and the canvas itself straightened under its weight. The bottom, which can be slightly wrinkled, is laid out on the board and slightly strokes to the desired state.

How to stroke curtains from organza without spoiling?

How to smooth out curtains from organza with iron?

It is possible to stroke the curtains from organza with high quality and without any problems after proper washing. Water should not be hot, the spin is prohibited in any form, the mode must be as delicate as possible. It is possible to erase organz by hand, but the whole process will be reduced to soaking and rinse. It is impossible to rub stains (you can only cry), otherwise the fabric will become rigging, and nothing will fix it.

When the curtains are wrapped, you can start ironing.

  1. The fabric should be slightly wet. It is possible to iron it in this case only through the gasket. If you have a preheated iron on unprotected wet matter (even if the water is only a few drops), its surface will go specific waves, which are very difficult to get rid of.
  2. Some hostesses prefer to iron an organz after careful drying and without an auxiliary tissue, but such an option can lead to the formation of yellow spots and even the melting of individual sites.
  3. It is worth noting that the sole of the iron should be only slightly warmed, despite the layer, and absolutely smooth and clean. Any roughness will worsen the quality of work and the final result.
  4. You can stroke the curtain of the organza through special silk or cigarette paper.

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If all the options scare, cause misunderstanding or concerns for the condition of fragile fabric, it is better to trust the professionals and hand out the product in a dry cleaning.

How to straighten curtains from flying tissue without an iron application?

It is not necessary to use the iron if you need to stroke the curtains from organza. There are several ways to which more time and energy leaves, but the safety of matter is guaranteed and an excellent result.

  • The easiest way to give fabric to "shift" after washing. It is placed on the cornice in another wet form, the floor is covered with towels (otherwise the coating can be disretened). Large folds need to straighten manually, you can occasionally smooth out the tissue with clean hands (without tension). The complexity may arise in the fact that the towels will interfere with the canvas hanging smoothly. In this case, you can slightly screw the curtain on the cornice, if the design allows.
  • A steam generator can help. The curtain is hanging on the cornice in the dry state and is processed in a vertical position. The process is very laborious and long. It is better to do several goals, then the fabric does not boost and wines from steam.

How to stroke curtains from organza without spoiling?


Images that can be created using the curtain of organza are very beautiful, and it would be foolishly abandoning their attractiveness only because of the hassle associated with the care of matter. The fabric is quite practical, does not fade, does not collect dust and does not need cleaning for a long time. With high-quality weekly cleaning, the organza will have no more often than 2-4 times a year.

Incorrect cloth care quickly leads to their wear, and Hardin's appeal will not be restored. In order for the curtains to serve for many years and retained their aesthetics, it is necessary to pay due attention to them and provide high-quality non-aggressive cleaning by their own or with the help of professionals.

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