What to do if the phone screen scattered


Modern smartphones made a real opportunity to manage all the actions with the help of the fingertips of the hands. However, this gadget is quite easy to damage careless touch and sharp manicure. An excellent solution becomes attachment to the telephone special film that protects its screen. But what if he is already damaged? How to remove scratches from the phone screen at home? This will be discussed below.

How to remove scratches from the phone screen

What to do if the phone screen scattered

Using the destination the phone that has a touch screen is very difficult to avoid damage. Pretty disappointment when a new smartphone, for which a considerable amount is given, quickly loses the external appeal. Therefore, the solution to the question, how to remove scratches from the phone screen, becomes on the fore.

Before entering into troubleshooting, you need to prepare a mobile device:

  • turn off the phone;
  • External connectors to close with the help of tape so as not to derive it in order to enter moisture or cleaning agents;
  • Preparing for painstaking work, polishing the screen can take some time.

Ways to remove pulp from a smartphone:

What to do if the phone screen scattered

  • a little means to apply on the fabric;
  • add machine oil;
  • Light movements rub the resulting composition in the phone screen;
  • Wash the smartphone dry with the help of fabric.

What to do if the phone screen scattered

  • In an aluminum bowl you need to pour a teaspoon of the alum (which can be purchased in the pharmacy) and egg protein;
  • mix up to 65 degrees;
  • On the microfiber fabric, apply the tool, after which it is to send it to the oven, putting on a foil;
  • After the fabric is removed from the oven, it must be lowered into a cold water capacity;
  • This ritual will be repeated three times;
  • The fabric should be independently saved for 2 days, after which it can be used for polishing.

How to remove scratches from the phone body

What to do if the phone screen scattered

With the help of Paste Goe, it is possible to polish the body of the phone, rub it with its felt cloth.

The bunches of a new mobile phone can spoil the mood, but should not be upset, it is better to take it out and find a way to remove scratches from the phone body. As a rule, at hand, every person will necessarily have means that will greatly update the appearance of the device.

Remove the damage to the case, you must first remove this panel from the machine. The 3 most popular methods can be noted:

  • Remove sweeps by applying the electric shaver. To do this, you need to place on its blades with a small piece of soft matter cleaned with a grid and fix it. After that, simply turn on the instrument to the network and the soft movement to polish the body of the phone. It is important to monitor the safety of matter on the place where it was located at first to prevent damage to the mobile phone.
  • It is possible for 20-30 minutes to polish the smartphone body with a soft cloth (ideally - felt), which is applied to GOI paste.
  • It was not bad to show themselves a polyrolol that is used for computer disks. It must be applied to the body and confused with a cotton swab.

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When going to remove scratches from the body, you should make sure that it has a metal base. Otherwise, starting to process the plastic surface, you can only worsen its appearance.

How to remove scratches from the phone camera

When going to decide how to remove scratch from the phone camera, you need to make sure that the problem is precisely in the external sweetes, and not in the functioning of the device itself.

In order to bring the camera in order, you need to do the following:

  • Remove the glass from the surface of the phone camera;
  • Take cotton matter and with the help of toothpaste to carefully polish the glass;
  • It is worth paying attention to the fact that the paste should not contain large particles so as not to damage the surface even more by such an influence;
  • To remove scratches from the camera, you can use a manicure file that polishes the nails. It should have a good degree of abrasiveness. First you need to process the screen, and after taking a soft punch and rub the camera screen with it.

How to remove scratches from the phone

What to do if the phone screen scattered

The film, which is created from the polymer and pastes on the smartphone screen, is to protect against small damage and scratches, as well as from global troubles in the form of a broken screen. True, it is rarely able to save the phone from the breakage in case of falling.

On store shelves, you can find a wide variety of similar films that are created from a variety of materials. In addition, they differ in both sizes and characteristics (may be matte or mirrored).

It is best to entrust the sticking of the protective film to the seller Consultant Communication Salon, but this process is quite able to implement it yourself:

  • Before sticking, you need to carefully clean and degrease the phone screen;
  • The surface of the filtered film should be smooth, like a mirror surface;
  • It is necessary to carefully monitor, so that the fillets do not get sorts or pile, which will drive all the works to no;
  • Before sticking, you need to align alone, and then the second ends.

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What to do if the phone screen scattered

A protective film can be cleaned with a disk polishing agent.

So, the film is glued to the device screen and can serve as a good deal of protection from all sorts of damage, it is not clear from where small scratches coming from. Over time, the user may have a question how to remove scratches from the phone, or rather, from the film, which covers it.

It will be best to use a substance that is used to polish the disks. True, repeating the process of such treatment will have at least once a month. Otherwise, if scratches on the phone screen, which appeared on the film, do not leave, makes sense to acquire a new protective coating.

How to remove scratches from a metal phone body

Holders of smartphones enclosed in a metal case that are neglecting the use of protective covers can sooner or later encounter the inevitable appearance of scratches.

What to do if the phone screen scattered

You can polish the phone body with a soft tissue and an electric razor.

It is possible to remove damage to the phone cover, but for this you need to do the following manipulations:

  • First you need to remove the panel from the device.
  • The first method of polishing the display, as well as the lid of the phone, involves the use of an electric razor, on which a soft tissue will be attached instead of the mesh. The device is included in the network and smoothly polishes the housing.
  • Another method implies the use of manual labor: to polish the surface of the metal, if you apply a goe paste on soft matter or an ordinary toothpaste. Both of these substances with the same efficiency remove microcracks and pulp on the metal case of the smartphone.

How to remove scratches from the tablet screen at home

What to do if the phone screen scattered

Before using automotive polishing agents, it is recommended to close all connectors on the tablet.

Tablets who have gained widespread and often given to children's hands for a pleasant pastime, quite often get scratches or other screen damage. It is possible to remove such blowers from the tablet, and the methods will be practically identical to those with which scratches from smartphones are removed:

  • The use of gay paste, so appreciated jewelers, is considered the most effective method. The only disadvantage of such a method is the duration of exposure, because polishing the device pasted on a soft fabric, it is necessary not less than half an hour.
  • Poly rates that use motorists give a good effect: the main thing is to pre-stick all the connectors, after which you can clean the surface of the screen with applying these substances.
  • Ordinary toothpaste or powder copes well with scratches that settled on the screens of tablets. The remedy must be applied to a soft cloth and thoroughly rub into the surface of the device.

If the tablet has hardened glass, it is unlikely to work on it, it is better to bother and cover the surface of the screen with a protective film. Any friction will only give the screen of a matte tint, and largely spoil the picture.

How to remove scratches from the iPhone screen

What to do if the phone screen scattered

Like soda, baby powder will remove scratches from the iPhone screen.

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Almost all modern mobile devices are affected by the formation of scratches, because the management of them is directly fingers. The emergence of this trouble and expensive gadgets of the brand iPhone are not deprived.

How to glue a protective glass or film on the phone screen

How to remove scratch from the iPhone screen? This can be done using one of the following methods:

  • polishing using toothpaste that does not contain abrasive substances;
  • Special cream for cars, which is capable of removing scratches;
  • Small damage is perfectly removed by soda, which you need to mix with water and neat movements rub across the screen, after which I wipe the remnants of the tools with a dry napkin;
  • powder treatment for children's skin gives an effect compared to the action of soda;
  • Very small screensing on the iPhone can be touched smooth using a woven disk in the vegetable oil.

How to remove scratches from the phone toothpaste

What to do if the phone screen scattered

Dental pastes in the form of a gel for polishing are not suitable.

The most famous way to remove damage from mobile screens requires the use of toothpaste as a means that is always at hand, besides the low cost.

Delete scratches as follows:

  • First you need to prepare a paste or powder for cleaning the teeth (you should not take a gel - paste, it may not cope with the task);
  • The composition is required to squeeze on a piece of matter or cotton wand;
  • Take careful circular motions to rub the substance into the surface of the screen in those places where there are damage (it is not necessary to put pressure on the screen too much so as not to damage it);
  • As soon as the result is visible, the procedure can be completed;
  • Remedies need to be removed with a dry cloth or napkin.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that special protective glasses, films and covers are created not only for giving a mobile phone of additional attractiveness. Their main purpose is the protection of gadgets from damage and scratches. You should not neglect the purchase of these devices, so that after not to spend your time to remove pulp, which spoil the appearance of your favorite smartphone.

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