Installing the door without a threshold: Tools, Materials, Mounting Rules


An important indicator of the proper installation of the door is the motionlessness of the doorway in any of the open positions (from a slightly ajected up to fully opened). In other words, in what position the doors are left, spontaneous opening or closing them is not allowed in any way. It will be the result of the proper installation of the door frame.

Door scheme without a threshold.

Despite the fact that at first glance, installing the door without a threshold may seem like a matter of particular attention, no need to be deceived. When installing the door, it is necessary to adhere to clear recommendations so that the installation process passes without any particular incidents and that the doors later served for a long time and reliably.

Basic installation rules

Important characteristics of good installation are approximately the same gap thickness between the door and its box. If the door cloth when installing is clearly included in the bee and nowhere is clinging for the door frame, and the slit over the entire length of the container is about 2-3 mm, this can be considered an excellent result of installing the door block.

Mounting quality also depends on the doorway itself. If, in relation to the wall, it will be distant from the vertical, then the door without a threshold is in such a place - almost impossible task.

Installing the door without a threshold: Tools, Materials, Mounting Rules

Tools for mounting doors.

The fact is that in the installation process, the door should be installed only vertically and equal to one of the planes of the wall, and this will lead to a riding or bottom will inevitably go beyond the boundaries of the uneven wall. This will lead to the fact that the platband attached to the door frame at the final stage of the work will be in one place to adjoin the wall, and in the other - to move away from it. Of course, it will look ugly, and to protect yourself from such negative excesses, you need to install doors after finishing work with the wall.

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But not everything is so sad if you consider that it is possible to align the wall or its small part adjacent to the doorway, you can after installing the door frame. In this case, at the time of the "dirty" work, the doors are better to remove, and the box can be caught with a construction tape. It is undesirable to apply any other tape, since only the construction has a paper base, therefore, it will not leave any traces on a delicate veneer (unlike simple tape). It can be reduced to any surface, even on paper wallpaper.

Short Guide for Installation Doors

To install the door, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • drill, but preferably a perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • a small level;
  • hacksaw;
  • construction knife;
  • Construction Scotch;
  • dowels with shock screws (diameter 6-8 mm, length - 120 mm);
  • Wooden wedges and pieces of packing cardboard.

Installing the door without a threshold: Tools, Materials, Mounting Rules

Mounting diagram door box.

First of all, you need to additionally check the position of the door frame in the wall and then determine which way your door will open. It is also necessary to take into account the placement of the loops on the box to know where to drive wedges. Two slivers thick in a few millimeters are harvested in advance to set them under the door frame racks. Since the threshold in our version is absent, these sins after installation will provide the desired gap between the bottom of the box and the base of the floor. Ideally, this clearance must be minimal. The fact is that visually this space will not rush into the eyes. We need this clearance so that the door frame can be free to breathe relative to the floor.

Installation process

To secure the door frame in the opening, you will need several wedges (3-4 pcs. On each side, plus 1-2 pieces from above), which can be made of brushing boxes. After these cooking doors, along with the box rises and installed in the opening.

The door block is better installed together with the web, since in this case the probability of the skew of the door frame is significantly reduced.

All that we have in this case, the door in a closed position, in the ribs there are wedges, wrapped by construction tape bottom of the door. It is a pretty rigid design, which is difficult to skew.

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Installing the door without a threshold: Tools, Materials, Mounting Rules

Installation scheme of door loops.

Of course, you can install the door frame and without a web, but in this case the struts will be needed on the width of the doors that will need to be inserted between the box racks. In order for the struts to be damaged by a decorative veneer, their ends should be wrapped with a construction tape or put pieces of packaging cardboard. The struts are a problematic thing, since there is no guarantee that they do not fall off during the installation process. Therefore, it is better to install the box with the door.

The next thing to be done is to put a box with a canvas (well or with spacers) in the prepared opening and squeeze with wooden wedges. It is necessary to do it carefully and not much so that the box has a little mobility. After installing the door block, it is necessary to check it in the level in two planes. At the same time, if the wall has some deviation vertically, the door still needs to be placed strictly vertically. The side of the future door opening is aligned on the wall plane. After calibrating the door frame, it can be more rigidly fixed, evenly and gradually picking up a wedge of two sides.

Now using the mounting foam you can fix the box. First you need to fill the clearance between it and the wall. Before giving well, it is also good to moisten the wall, because the foam is better sticking to the wet surface than to dry. In order to avoid it to get it on the floor it is better to cover it with newspapers, and stick to the box, because the trough the foam is very difficult to separate from any surface. After that, there will be no difficulties in installing the door without a threshold.

In addition to the mounting foam, the door frame is not suitable to fix the dowels with a shock screw. To do this, you need to open the door and drill 2 holes in each rack (you need to retreat approximately above and below 50-70 cm), insert the dowels in them and gently score screws. Impact screws are good because their use eliminates the dismantling of the door block. In addition, they are clogged into a dowel with a hammer, and only then chew a screwdriver. This allows you to significantly reduce the time of work.

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After the bounce, the whole design must be left alone at least 12 hours. Therefore, install the doors it is better in the evening so that by the morning foam reliably expanded and hardened. After hardening, the excess material is cut off with a construction knife, a lock, platbands and, if necessary, DOPFORTS.

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