How to wash the curtain in the bathroom from stains and mold?


Being constantly in the water, the shower curtain is covered with mold and yellow spots. When you try to wash the curtain in the bathroom in conventional methods, the hostess often come to the conclusion that these measures are ineffective and easier to buy a new curtain than to clean the old one. In fact, this is an extreme measure: in most cases, bleach and folk remedies helps to save the curtain in the bathroom. However, they need to use them correctly so as not to spoil the product.

How to wash the curtain in the bathroom from stains and mold?

Choosing a wash way

The washing method will depend on the material from which the curtain in the bathroom is made. Most often it is made from polyethylene, polyester and polychlorvinyl.

Polyethylene curtains are the cheapest option. Compared to the rest, they look easier, but also stand relatively inexpensively. With regular care, they will be able to decorate the bathroom to six months, but with highly rusty water and the absence of care to change the product will have to be in a month. Strictly speaking, such curtains do not even erase, but clean with the help of "Pemiolux" or other universal funds. If they no longer cope with pollution, the speed is replaced with a new one.

Polyester and vinyl curtains can most often be erased using powders, bleach, but in each particular case you should see what the manufacturer says: information about the recommended washing methods can be found on the label, sewn to the curtain. If the manufacturer does not object to the use of machine washing and the use of bleach with chlorine - you are lucky: In this case, all stains are detached at all without hassle. When you stop the machine washing, you will have to wash on your hands. Replace chlorine-containing bleaching agents too: the modern chemical industry offers hostesses in a large assortment oxygen bleachers that do not contain chlorine stains.

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By selecting the wash method (machine or manual) and the funds used (chlorine, bleach without chlorine, the stain pressure, folk remedies) can be seated with curtains of ugly and nonhygienic stains.

How to wash the curtain in the bathroom from stains and mold?


The easiest way to eliminate pollution with curtains in the bathroom is washing machine. If you wash the curtain once a month, it is enough to put it in a typewriter, choose a delicate wash mode at a 40-degree water temperature, without pressing and drying, and curtains will be clean again.


Together with the curtain, put a couple of towels in the drum - they will play the role of brushes.

With severe pollution, the usual washing is not enough. If the manufacturer of the curtains has nothing against use for cleaning it a chlorine-containing bleach, then soak it in two hours before washing in the pelvis, dissolving the cap or two such means in water. The "Domasetos" belongs to effective, but it is permissible to use and cheaper options, such as "whiteness".

It is possible that the manufacturer, to put it mildly, does not recommend using for washing your product, not recommended. In this case, "Vanish" or other bleaching of a similar type should be used for soaking. It is worth adding when washing. If the machine machine has washing mode to eliminate stains, then choose it better. The spin and drying should be excluded in this case.


After washing, soak for half an hour the curtain in the salt solution - it will protect it from further contaminants.

After washing the curtain you need to hang wet, lowering her bottom into the bath to flow water into it. So the curtain will not look like mint. It is stroking its iron categorically forbidden.

How to wash the curtain in the bathroom from stains and mold?

Washing Activator type

When washing the curtains in the typewriter type, you can do without a powder. It follows as follows.

  1. Soak the curtain in warm water overnight. To increase efficiency, you can use the appropriate bleach. With its absence, it is possible to use chips of the economic soap or the special soap "Antipetin".
  2. Purit the most contaminated areas (at the bottom of the curtains, in the area of ​​the seams) an unnecessary toothbrush.
  3. Fill the typewriter with water, sprinkling a glass of soda in it. Put the chart and two waffle towels. Stretch. Drain the water. Do not squeeze the speed.
  4. Type the water for rinsing, pour a glass of table vinegar to it, rinse, drain the water.
  5. Shake the slope well, hang in the bathroom until complete drying, not pressing.

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Rings, with the help of which the curtain is attached, it is better to remove before washing, so that they do not jump and do not spoil the machine. This also applies to washing in automatic washing machines.

How to wash the curtain in the bathroom from stains and mold?

Washing manually

Some models of the curtain require a careful circulation, and to wash them permissible only with their hands. In this case, the speed can be wrapped, pre-insulating in a solution with a suitable bleach, a conventional powder or soap intended for the removal of stains. In the absence of soap and powder, you can use folk remedies.

  1. Soak the chart overnight in warm water (not higher than 40 degrees) with a bleach or without it.
  2. Soft brushes, spend the dirtiest places, paying special attention to the seams.
  3. A glass of soda pour half a glass of water so that it turned out Cashier.
  4. Purit soda with the help of sponge all pollution.
  5. Fill the bath with cool water. Dissolve three lemon acid packaging in it.
  6. Good rinse the speed. If the contamination remained, it will have to wash it again in the same way.
  7. After you managed to wash the curtain completely, soak it in water, dissolving in 5 liters a glass of salt.
  8. After half an hour, shook the speed well and hang in place. Water strokes in the bath, and the curtain will look clean and smooth.

With strong pollution, the hand wash may be ineffective if not to use special means to remove stains. But when the curtain is not badly contaminated, you can not spend electricity, but to wash it with your hands, even if the manufacturer allowed the use of machine washing.

How to wash the curtain in the bathroom from stains and mold?

Regular care

With regular care of the curtain in the bathroom, wash in the machine and manually may not need, and the polyethylene curtain in this case will last much longer.

Failure a rigorous contaminated curtain can be as follows.

  1. Instruct any detergent in the water that you usually use for cleaning in the bathroom and in the kitchen.
  2. Fill into a bottle with a sprayer.
  3. Sprinkle the remedy for the chart.
  4. Throw her with a sponge.
  5. Ride the remedy with wet rags, give the curtain to dry.

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Wash the curtain in the bathroom recommended monthly from hygienic considerations, but it follows it more often to prevent strong, seriously disposable contaminants.

Mold and yellow spots formed on the curtain in the shower can be removed. It will help this to make modern household chemicals and folk remedies. You can wash in the machine machine, activator type type or on hand - it all depends on the degree of contamination and manufacturer's recommendations. Accounting for information on the paper label will help save it when washing it safe and safety.

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