What are the types of lighting


In this article we will analyze what types of lighting. In fact, they are not so much, but it is worth knowing them. You will also learn some features and installation rules, and you will understand where to use which lighting.

Types of lighting

Now the types of lighting can be divided into two large groups:

- artificial.

- Natural.

To speak for artificial - this is a lighting of a natural nature. Its characteristics depend only on what time of day in the yard, on the general state of the atmosphere, geographical location and season.

Types of natural lighting

Natural lighting is for each person the necessary and most favorable. However, on a number of modern technologies, it simply is simply not able to provide a person with normal life. In antiquity, people began to look for him an alternative, namely, artificial lighting. Learn how to make lighting in the nursery.

Types of artificial lighting

If we talk for the types of artificial lighting, then you can meet several varieties at once. There are 4 types of artificial lighting. Of these, three are constantly used in the lighting of the house, the latter is extremely rare.

Now as artificial lighting usually use:

  1. Incandescent lamps.
  2. Fluorescent lamps.
  3. LEDs

This list can be continued, but perhaps we will dwell while only on it.

General lighting

In case such a type is established, the lighting is evenly distributed over the entire area. For this, all lighting devices are hanging at the same distance from each other, their light is further dissolved.

If the locations of the light source are in the middle of the room and there are no sharp drops - it can also be called common lighting. For example, the chandelier that is installed in the middle of any room.

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It is used to identify certain objects or zones. The light source in this case is installed only in a certain area, for example: hood in the kitchen, desktop, chandelier over the bed.

Basically, such types of lighting in the interior use designers in the design. With it, it is possible to highlight certain areas and show their logical completion, they also make such a plot more functional. It will be interesting to learn how to make outdoor lighting.

If we talk for the types of lighting in the production premises, then these two options cannot be considered universal. It is worth using other ways that can give a good and rich color.


Disadvantages that can manifest in previous versions can be calmly replaced using this kind. After all, they can be combined with each other, this option is considered frequently used and used everywhere. For example: bedrooms, kitchen, backlight in the bathroom.


Such lighting is extremely rare, many simply neglect them. Its essence is quite simple - when the light is accidentally turned off, the lamps that work on electricity are light. Such lamps have a small size and consume very little electricity.

Such lighting is considered necessary in places in order not to get serious injuries. For example, the staircase, to remain without the light of the catastrophe, because a person can easily fall from her. And if you arrange several lamps on the sides - this problem will completely disappear.

Interesting article on the topic: how to choose a bedroom lamps.

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