How to sew a lambrequin with your own hands?


Labreken is an elegant decorative element capable of decoracing and transforming any room. Therefore, many masters are wondering: how to sew a lambrene with their own hands?

How to sew a lambrequin with your own hands?

Soft lambrene from several elements

Types of Labreken

Before sewing such a decoration, you should clearly understand what product it will be best to look in the room. There are several types of lambrequins, each of which is characterized by its features.

  • Simple - it is a cut of the tissue collected into a fold manually or embroidered with a tape with a curtain tape. The form of such an element is simple rectangular, arched or wave-like.
  • Hard - sews from a tissue tissue, which is pre-duplicated by phlizelin, a bando or other seal. Such a window decoration can be with a direct or curly bottom edge, a fringe, cords or braids are used for decoration.
  • Soft is one of the most popular. For its tailoring, light, well-draped materials are needed. They may include many different elements: Swagging (provisis matter in the form of folds), ties (side vertical pieces of fabric collected in folds) and others. Council

Composing components, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the finished product will look clean and tastefully.

  • Combined - combines rigid and soft elements in a common intricate design. With such a lambrequin, the interior will simply unique.

How to sew a lambrequin with your own hands?

Sophisticated soft lambrene

Some features of choice

Before taking on to sewing a lambrequin with your own hands, you should choose a style, watch magazines or videos with possible options. To properly sew the product, you should also consider several important points.

  • Such decor visually reduces the height, because the use of lambrequins is not appropriate in rooms with low ceiling.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the height of the simplest window above the window. Lambreken must be greater than this distance (close up of silence);
  • The view of the decoration depends on the area and destination of the room. In spacious rooms, complex soft lambrequins will be perfect. For dark and small rooms, kitchen and children's better sew simple, hard or soft with minimal folds.
  • Choosing a cloth, you should give preference to mild, plastic and well-draped options. On the northern, shaded windows are better to choose lightweight tulle materials (semi-Russian, veil, etc.). For southern, solar windows you can take more dense fabric.
  • The tint of the fabric should be combined with the color of textiles (couplings' upholstery or bedspread) present in the room. If the interior is used in gentle, natural tones, more juicy tones of lambrequins are allowed.
  • If you need to independently sew a hard view of the product, you can choose a cloth with a large pattern, an embroidery imitation, or decorate it with glass beads.

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How to sew a lambrequin with your own hands?

Simple Lambreken made with your own hands

Sewing simple lambrequen

Sewing simple lambrequin independently will not be difficult even for a beginner master. First you need to choose a style, if you wish, you can see several different videos on the topic and after choosing the most interesting solution. Interestingly and elegantly looks like a lambrene into a fold.

The next important stage of the sewing of the lambrequins is the calculation of the required amount of tissue. To correctly define the Metage, you need to know:

  • the width of the material - to the height of the finished product should be added to the processing allowance;
  • Cutting length - the length of the eaves, multiplied by the assembly coefficient, plus the allowance of the allowance. The coefficient is taken by 1.5 (for not strongly selected variant) or 2.5 and more (if a large number of folds are needed).

Next is the necessary band.


If the lambrequin and the curtains with a pattern, then the direction should take into account its direction.

Top of the future decor is sewn tape, all edges are processed. Uniformly folds will be asleep - and the product is ready to take its place on the cornice.

How to sew a lambrequin with your own hands?

Pattern for rigid lambrequin

How to sew hard lambrequen

The technology of tailoring of rigid lambrequins has simplified with the advent of a new self-adhesive material - Termobando. Now you can create ideal, spectacular decorations for curtains with your own hands using the simplest patterns and - if necessary - video tutorials.

The calculation of matter on rigid lambrequin is very simple: to the length of the eaves and the height of the finished decoration should be added to the seams.


When counting the desired metrah, you need to take into account the direction of the pattern or texture of the tissue. Smooth, brilliant materials can give different visual effects with a crop along and across.

To properly sew such a product, you should step by step to perform the following actions:

  • apply a pattern on thermobando and cut down the contour (without letters);
  • on the fabric cut the same element, but with the addition of spaces;
  • With the help of a steam generator or an iron with a ferry to glue fabric to the base;


Clelling is better to start from the middle of the product so that the drawing does not shift

  • edges should be treated with decorative braid or oblique baker;
  • From the reverse side, it is gently attached to the velcro tape, on which the finished lambrene will be kept on the eaves.

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How to sew a lambrequin with your own hands?

Soft lambrequins: sewing features

Soft lambrequins look exquisitely and original, but also to sew them on their own harder. After all, you will have to make several steps and make the calculation of the necessary tissue.


When calculating it is worth considering that some details are lying on the diagonal. If doubts arise, it is better to carefully carefully watch the training video.

How to sew a lambrequin with your own hands?

Easy way to sew a swag

Beginner seamstres can try to sew with their own hands a symmetrical swag soft lambrequin without patterns and complex buildings. For this you need:

  • Fabric squares to add diagonally, mark the filling of the middle of the Swag;
  • On the rail marked with the width of the middle of the Swag and its shoulders to hang fabric, observing an angle of 450;
  • Gently lay down and fasten the first fold on both sides, the depth of the "roller" of the folds should be 10-15 cm;
  • Next, form all the folds, observing the symmetry and the same size of the lumen between them.


For a better review of the center and ease of work, you can fix the weightlifier.

  • Excess fabric cut, the upper edge is very often pinned along the pins along the folds of the folds;
  • If there is a need, the fabric can be dissolved and transfer the contours to the dummy tissue or paper. According to this pattern, you can create other swarps;
  • The bottom to process the oblique baker or in another way, to the top to sew a tape or velcro.

Soft lambrequins may consist of one or more match. In the latter case, they must overlap at least 1/3.

How to sew a lambrequin with your own hands?

Tie - an interesting element of the lambrene

The tie is a vertical element of the lambrequin, which is interesting to decorate the side sections of the window opening and visually slightly lengthen the space. Sew tie is very easy. On the tissue to build a trapezium, parallel sides of which are equal to the length of the finished product. It should also be taken into account that the wider there will be a tie, the more space it will be necessary to leave on the cornice.


In order for the finished product to look harmoniously, the tie length should be no more than 20% more than the length of the Swag.

The lambrequins are stylish decor elements that will create atmospheric atmosphere and sophisticated charm, and made with their own hands, they will also become the subject of pride of any mistress.

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