How to hang blinds on a plastic window: instructions and useful tips


Methods for fastening blinds to the window depend on their size and designs. How to hang blinds with vertical and horizontal panels? Is it possible to attach blinds without drilling? To deal with the features of the attachment, it should be determined than different models and what are their functions indoors.

How to hang blinds on a plastic window: instructions and useful tips

Vertical Blinds with Print

What are they needed for?

Functions are multifaceted blinds. They effectively protect furniture and wallpapers from sunlight, hide the room from curious eyes, make it possible to adjust the required flow of light, and it is easy to care. Blinds are a very stylish window decoration. The variety of color shades and materials used for their manufacture allows you to mount these curtains in any room.

Blinds are 3 species, each of which has its own fastening nuances:

  1. Horizontal. Such models are most often used in various premises. They can be hung in several ways: in the window itself, on each half of it separately or on the outer wall above the window.
  2. Vertical. They successfully replace tulle and curtains in residential and office space. Vertical blinds can be hugged by attaching them to the wall above the window opening or directly to the ceiling.
  3. Rolled. This species is the most popular in the modern world. The model performs all the functions of the blinds, perfectly combined with ordinary curtains and is suitable for any interior design. Rolled blinds are attached to the window with the help of special brackets, adhesive tape or screwed by self-taps to the window of the window.

How to hang blinds on a plastic window: instructions and useful tips

Measures for horizontal blinds

How to make measurements?

If you decide not to use the services of a specialist, and hang blinds yourself, you need to make the right measurements, since it will depend on the convenience of using the curtains. If you are installing vertical blinds, you will need to know the dimensions of the window opening. Measure the height and width from the attachment points. Be careful: to shorten the long curtains will not be difficult, but add plates to too narrow will not work.

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Measures when installing a horizontal model will be more difficult. If you are fixing the curtains directly in the window, it will take the value of its width and height. The length of the blinds can be chosen as desired: they can be to the floor or overlap only the windowsill. If necessary, blinds from aluminum and plastic is easy to shorten or adjust using the built-in mechanism.

If the window is deaf, you can fix curtains inside. For opening windows, individual blinds are suitable for each half. In this case, measure the width and height of the glass, and then add 2 centimeters from above and 0.5 centimeters from two edges. It is important that the existing window fittings will not interfere with the functioning of the blinds. For the same principle, measurements are made to install rolled curtains.

You can do all the necessary measurements and order blinds according to this data. However, in this case, you spend more money than when buying standard models. To save, first find out what is the dimensional grid, and select the appropriate attachment method. If you have any difficulties with measurements, look at the learning video.

How to hang blinds on a plastic window: instructions and useful tips

Scheme of fastening horizontal blinds

Instructions for fasteners

After you have measured, proceed directly to the installation. You will need: pencil, screwdriver, brackets, drill (6 mm drill), hammer, scissors, dowel and screwdriver. How to mount blinds with horizontal panels? This process is carried out in several stages:

  • Return a glass of 6 cm on both sides, mark the right place with a pencil, make sure that the line is smooth, otherwise the curtains will work badly and quickly fail;
  • With the help of a screwdriver, make holes in which you will fix brackets;
  • If the window opens, make holes at the top of the sash, if the deaf window is on the outer side of the stroke;
  • Insert the blinds into the brackets, snapping the latter;
  • Below or on the side of the window sash, make a hole for the retainer;
  • Lower the blinds and check their work;
  • If at some stage you have difficulty, see the video in which it is shown in detail how this process occurs.

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How to hang blinds on a plastic window: instructions and useful tips

Vertical Blind Device

To attach vertical curtains, use the following instructions:

  • Pencil make the markup for the brackets (they should be located at a distance of 10 cm from the edge of the cornice);
  • Drilling a hole, insert a dowel into it and secure the brackets using the screws;
  • Mounting brackets and decorative panels. Install on the cornice;
  • Collect runners and secure the canvas in them;
  • In the lower part of the blinds are boosted by weight, then you should hang a decorative chain;
  • Set the decorative panel to the mounting brackets by inserting the end corners and side panels in its ends;
  • Check how vertical curtains work, with a control cord and chains;
  • Look at the educational video to make sure that you have done everything right.

How to hang blinds on a plastic window: instructions and useful tips

Fastening rolled curtains

Create rolled curtains in both self-tapping screws and without drilling. The most popular are blinds that can be hung directly on the window sash. This will require bilateral tape, sticky tape or liquid nails. This method is also suitable for deaf, and for opening windows. Do not forget that we first need to wash and degrease with alcohol. More reliable is the mounting on the self-tapping screw, which is carried out on the principle of installing vertical blinds.

How to hang blinds on a plastic window: instructions and useful tips

Blinds is a design that does not imply careless circulation and when improper operation quickly fails

Useful advice

  1. Before you buy blinds, find out what is included in the full cost of purchase. Some firms offer to pay only the canvas, and all components (management, cornice, weights) will have to be purchased additionally.
  2. Choosing curtains, pay attention to the material from which the canvas is made. Blinds for the bathroom must be plastic: they are easily cleaned and not afraid of high humidity. In the kitchen you should hang fiberglass or aluminum, as these materials are not lit. For bedroom, living room, dining room perfectly tissue blinds.
  3. During installation, pay attention to the panel: if they open smoothly, then the service life will be longer.
  4. If you have found any defects: the plates are honey, do not rotate, sliding sluts, etc. - Do not correct them yourself, and call the firm in which the blinds acquired, and call the specialist;
  5. New blinds have a protective coating that is washed off over time, so you do not need to clean them too often. It is best to completely soak the cloth in a container with a liquid detergent, and then wipe the soft sponge and rinse.
  6. Usefully use the curtains. Opening and closing vertical blinds, sharply twitching for the lace, you can damage the mount and provoke the dropping of panels.

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Many wonder how to hang blinds on a plastic window, because it is possible to break the tightness of the sash. However, this will not happen if all attachments do on the frame, masking unnecessary holes with silicone. If you decide to attach brackets to window strokes, be careful. Use the smallest screws to avoid glass split.

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