Certification Nostroy


Certification Nostroy

Certification Nostroy today is one of the popular documents, which, in addition to advanced training, is needed to obtain the permission of the SRO for construction work.

Faced with the need to pass attestation Construction companies increasingly. Nostroy is a kind of, verification of knowledge of specialists and management of the company.

At the same time, a certification of the national association of builders was developed, which was also obtained. In general, such an inspection is designed to improve the quality of services provided by construction companies, which, in turn, makes it possible to eliminate the entry into the market of unscrupulous developers and incompetent specialists.

At first, the specialists of the company undergoing checks must pass professional development. Only after that they will be admitted to computer testing. Nostroy certification is carried out in accredited institutes and training centers.

In the future, after testing, it is an act of assessing the level of knowledge. The results of the certification are published in the Unified Registry and are available to SRO.

The relevant self-regulatory organization also receives an act of assessment, on the basis of which the issue is already solved whether the company can be certified.

How to independently get the certification of nostroy?

To do this, contact a computer access center specialist. It is worth saying that the passage of certification is possible with the SRO themselves or under the centers of attestation. At the same time, who wants to get a document Vain to choose where it will take testing.

Certification Nostroy

In centers where it is possible to conduct a check, the program is connected to the Nostroy Site. This means that the results of the check come to the official website in real time, without lagging and replacing the results.

  • On average, each test contains about forty questions.
  • Questions relate to different sectors of construction and types of work.
  • Answers given 60 minutes.
  • There is a certain error limit, exceeding which is unacceptable if you want to pass attestation with success.
  • If testing has been completed successfully, then the data will be made to the Register of the Nostroy, and the employee further receives the act of passing certification.
  • In SRO, where the company consists, employees who have passed the certification must receive the appropriate document about it.

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You can try to spend yourself testing and getting a certificate. But there is also the opportunity to avoid challenges related to check if you contact a specialized company with experience in providing such services.

Company Certification Plus is a specialized center for issuing permits. With its help, certification in Moscow occurs in the shortest possible time without problems.

As for the passage of certification by Nostroy, such a service is available to the company's customers from any region of our country.

Certification Nostroy

Nostroy Certification with Certification Plus

Group of Companies Certification Plus includes accredited Nostroy Center. This means that you can check from any region.

To find out the cost of passing the procedure, and determine what will be the timing of certification and acquisition acts, on the company's website you can fill in a special online form where you specify:

  • SRO type;
  • the number of employees who need certification;
  • Contact number and email address.

After that, the Center employee can estimate the amount of work and establish a real time when Nostroy Certification can be produced for all employees. At the same time, the company's specialist certification Plus guarantees the confidentiality of customer data requested for help.

You can also count on a detailed professional advice on the process of receiving the Nostroy Certificate. To do this, you will need to contact a specialist to ask him questions you are interested in. You can do this in the following contacts:

Company employees are always ready to respond to any questions related to obtaining certificates and certification.

The results of certification of Nostroy are recognized by all self-regulatory organizations that are parties to the Unified Nostroy certification system. The check itself is produced once every 5 years.

To work according to the law, have additional opportunities and benefits to other construction companies, the passage of certification by Nostroy employees should be mandatory and not questionable in its necessity.

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