What to do with scratches on the TV screen


Sometimes it happens that scratches appear on the screen of the liquid crystal TV. Especially high the risk of such defects, if there are restless kids in the house. Damage can significantly worsen image quality, so you need to know how to remove scratch from the TV LCD screen.

How to remove scratches from the TV screen

What to do with scratches on the TV screen

Small scratches on the TV screen will help to remove sweater products and microfiber cloth.

If you encounter such a problem as damage to the TV screen, you must first estimate the degree of damage. The liquid crystal surface of the TV is a pretty capricious thing. Long deep scratches with LCD screen or display is unlikely to be removed.

But small defects can be possible if you do not remove completely, then disguise them so that they stop delisting discomfort when viewing any TV shows. It is important to remember that removing the scratch on your own, you risk spoiling the surface even more. Therefore, act extremely careful.

In no case cannot polish the TV screen using various mechanical devices. Grinding should be carried out only manually. In this way, you reduce the risk of surface damage.

To polish the defective screen surface, you will need to prepare the necessary materials.

  • You will need a soft napkin. The main requirement - matter should be challenged (for example, microfiber).
  • In stores you will find special sets to remove various damage from the screen surface. You can use the purchase agent, and act according to the instructions on the package. But if there is no desire to run on shopping, use the infirred materials that will be found in every home.

Consider in detail several ways to remove scratches at home.

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How to remove scratches on the LCD TV at home

You can polish the surface yourself using various means. The advantages of "folk" methods are obvious - this is accessibility and low cost, and in efficiency they are not inferior to special means.


What to do with scratches on the TV screen

To remove small defects with LCD screen, use a weak ethanol solution. 70% of alcohol is sold in pharmacies, and you need to achieve a concentration of 3.5%. To do this, spread alcohol with water in the ratio of 1:20.

Moisten a rag in the resulting solution, and with soft circular motions, polish the place where the scratch was formed. Grinding must continue until the defect will stop being noticeable.

If there is no effect, the concentration of alcohol in water can be slightly increased to repeat the procedure. The main thing is that the alcohol does not make more than water. Otherwise, you will spoil the surface even more.

After removing scratches, clean the surface. Moisten a rag with water (better if it is distilled) and remove the remnants of the alcohol.

Lacquer drying

What to do with scratches on the TV screen

A good scratch disguise effect gives such a means like a drying for varnish. Before using it, the place with a defect must be deguted.

You can do it with alcohol. Lightly moisten a cloth and wipe the screen. After the alcohol evaporates, and the surface will dry, carefully apply "dryer" to the scratch, and with the help of a cotton wand remove its surplus.

After holding such a "masking" of small defects, they become invisible.

Toothpaste and Vaseline

What to do with scratches on the TV screen

You can remove small damage from the TV screen using toothpaste and vaseline. Remember that you can only use the usual option of paste, white, without dyes and additives. Observe this procedure:

  • Decrease the surface with alcohol.
  • Singing a small amount of toothpaste along the entire length of scratch.
  • Neactive circular movements scroll the paste with a soft tissue. Act the extremely careful, do not press on the surface of the screen.
  • Dry clean cloth remove from the surface of the remnant toothpaste. It is necessary to make it so that the composition remains only in the depths of scratch.
  • Apply a small amount of vaseline on a cotton wand and distribute it on the surface of damage.

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Perhaps during the work of Vaseline will be a little more. Then apply it again until the scratch stops being noticeable.

Stationery Earth

What to do with scratches on the TV screen

This stationery is found in every home. The main thing is that it is white, and there were no traces from the griffel on the surface.

Before removing a defect, thoroughly wipe the TV screen from dust. Then take the eraser and pass it along the surface, slightly "rubbing" it into scratch (not pressed too much).

After the processing is completed, wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

Special tool

What to do with scratches on the TV screen

And finally, if you have tried all allowable ways, and scratches from the screen did not disappear, try removing them with special means. The set you need can be bought in the home appliance store, it is designed to remove damage from the surface of liquid crystal monitors.

The kit includes a cleaning agent, a special polyrolol, filling cracks and a napkin of soft tissue. Before buying, be sure to name the seller of your TV model so that it picks up the appropriate means.

In the process, follow the instructions, and the screen surface will look perfect again.

It is better to prevent the appearance of scratches and other damages than to spend strength and money, eliminating them. To protect the liquid crystal TV from damage, think about installing a special screen, and you do not have to worry about the safety of technology.

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