Is it possible to put a laminate on the wooden floor


On the wooden basis, you can put so many types of decorative coating as I would like. Laminate is usually included in the number of inaccessible materials. However, if you comply with certain conditions, it is possible to collect wooden floors from almost anything.

So, the floating laminate, stacked on the structure of the lag, is perfect for separating the floor of the tree. But before leaving the laminate, it is necessary to figure out in some important points of installation and the specifics of wood.

The possibility of laying laminate on the wooden basis

Is it possible to put a laminate on the wooden floor

Laying of laminated parquet boards per floor is made according to a floating pattern, that is, individual coating elements are fastened only among themselves, and on the basis of them does not hold anything. If you put the coating in this way, nothing will prevent the temperature deformations of the main floor, which is very typical wood.

The basis does not interfere in this case, changes in the form of laminate associated with the same temperature and air humidity differences. Thus, the wooden base and laminated decorative coating practically do not depend on each other.

The design of the jacks of laminated boards allows you to put them, without sneaking the joints. Of course, it is possible to apply adhesive compositions to ensure even more reliable clutch of the elements, but the lock system is usually quite enough. In addition, in the case of a gluing, you will have to spend too much glue to put the laminated coating on the surface of a large area.

In the event of a breakdown, in this case it will not be possible to turn off and replace damaged boards. The flooring of the floor without glue is good in the case of the presence of a wooden base not only by simple installation, but also in that, thanks to the locking bonding, additional ventilation of wooden structures is ensured, which protects them from premature rotting.

Laminate consists of several layers, the main of which is usually carried out from high strength Fiberboard. Due to the weakness of this material to humidity, it is not recommended to lay laminate in the kitchens and even more so in the bathrooms, but it is quite possible to sharpen this coating in bedrooms and children, since all composite substances are completely safe for the ecology and human health.

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Preparation of wooden floor to laying laminate

Is it possible to put a laminate on the wooden floor

In order for the laminate to lay reliably and serve for a long time, the foundation of the tree needs to be properly prepared. So, the following conditions must be observed:

  • The base surface must be smooth - the height differences should not exceed 2 mm;
  • The slope of the surface to the horizontal should be less than 4 mm and is evenly distributed over the entire floor area.

Following these instructions is necessary in order not to be damaged by the closed system of parquetin. Due to the large irregularities, the grooves and ridges can be blocked and break. Of course, in this case, you can easily replace several damaged boards, but if the harm is caused by a large floor area, the repair will require a lot of effort and will be delayed for a long time. Probably, in this case, you will have to completely remove and transfer the coating.

Before tempering the wooden floor, the wooden base is carefully examined and evaluated. It is necessary to determine the amount of work and analyze the state of the frame of the tree to understand whether it is able to take over the floor of the outdoor design.

Preparation depends on the type and number of floor damage.

The old deformed wooden floor of the boards will have to make out to the base, since during operation the tree rotates and infects microorganisms. Through the slots in the floor, it is impossible to estimate the condition of the lag if there is no basement under them to take a look at below.

Is it possible to put a laminate on the wooden floor

If the underground is spacious, you can not disassemble the floor covering, but repair the basis on the other side. All lags should be carefully examined, the reinforced areas are cut off and replaced with fresh material. If the coating was removed, the boards should also be examined for damage. More or less suitable allowed to flip and use again.

The removal of the wooden floor is processed by antifungal and flame preschool impregnations, the slots between the boards are filled with a sealant or elastic putty. Fresh boards, together with suitable for use, you can handle cycles, so that the wooden floor becomes as smooth as possible.

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If wooden floors have recently been constructed from scratch, they are probably already processed by all necessary means. To prepare a fresh basis, you only need to check the reliability of the fasteners of the lag and flooring. Sharing selflessness are replaced, the cracks are embarrassed. If the boards bend in some places, it is necessary to securely fix the wooden floor based on the mounting foam or long fastener.

If serious technical flaws are observed in the design of the floor, you can either try to correct them, the complexity of which varies in wide boundaries depending on the type of violations, or to be used on top of another layer of genital board across the original.

To align the basis of the floor, a variety of wood sheets are used - plywood, GVL, plasterboard, chipboard, fiberboard and much more. It is also possible to adjust the lags by placing pieces of rubberoid, linoleum or other elastic material. The method is chosen by any, depending on the available finances, ease of work and the level of irregularities.

Laying of laminate

Protecting the decorative coating with the help of waterproofing materials when laying on a wooden base is impossible, as polyethylene and similar substances will prevent floor design ventilation. Also, this material will accumulate condensate, which will very quickly destroy all the bearing structures of the floor.

Before laying the laminate, we need to put only a substrate that will play the role of a noise absorbing and heat insulating material. It can be performed, both of synthetic substances - foamed polyethylene or extruded polystyrene foam, and from natural - jute or cork. The plug and produced on its basis rubberized coatings although they are very expensive, but will provide the wooden floor of a long life.

The substrate thickness must correspond to the thickness of the layer of the laminated board. Typically, the proportions are approximately 1: 3. In this case, the preservation of laminate is also provided, and insulating and sound insulation characteristics will not cause complaints.

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The substrate is stacked without adhesion. It is not necessary to mount it to the floor, or the laminate itself is not necessary, as well as the laminate itself, it is enough to grind the material of the material among themselves with the help of tape.

If the laying of boards was chosen in advance, it's time to start the coating flooring. The elements can be poked either separately or entire rows. Usually the optimal method is indicated by a manufacturer of a particular parquet model.

Is it possible to put a laminate on the wooden floor

With podular laying algorithm of actions such.

You should start from the long corner of the room. The first boards in the first and third row are shortened by about a third. The boards stacked against the wall are deprived of the ridge so that it does not interfere with the laminate. The groove is directed from the wall.

In the corner there is a first cropped board, then, the second next, the whole, then cut again, and so on.

Neighboring elements are attached to the lower edges of the boards.

Thus, shifting the joints, the weight of the wooden floor is going.

The last row is cut along in such a way that the wall has a gap, and is attached to the other coating using a bracket or a special tool.

In complex bending places and around the pipes, the laminate is stacked in a similar way. Boards are cut and fasten with neighboring whole parquets. If you cannot connect items using locks, you can simply glue the board to the floor.

Video instruction on the installation of laminate with Lock Lock:

Video instruction on the installation of laminate with Click Castle:

If the room is large, the gaps should be foreseen not only near the walls, but also every 8-10 meters so that at temperature deformations of the tension force did not break the coating.

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