How to remove stains from sweat under the mouses on color clothes


How to remove stains from sweat under the mouses on color clothes

Probably, each person came across hated spots on the clothes that arise due to sweat. Often get rid of them quite difficult, and not everyone knows how to do it correctly. It remains only to throw out a thing and purchase a new one. And this is quite a cost in our time.

How to clean color clothes?

With the problem of the appearance of yellow brightly pronounced traces under the mouse, there is absolutely every person. They appear due to the fault of the sweating of the human body. Of course, you can protect yourself from this problem with the help of modern deodorants, only this is not a 100% warranty of stain protection. The use of poor-quality deodorant can cause this annoying problem.

Many people prefer to cleanse clothes radically - simply throwing it away. If you do not have problems with finance and buying a new thing in no way can submit your budget, you can go this way. But if your finances are pretty limited, then you should not hurry. It is possible that such pollution can be tried to delete at home, and for this you do not need too much effort.

Currently get rid of the laminate divorces in two ways. The first assumes the use of special chemical reagents. As a rule, most people are preferred in this way. Without a doubt, many of these funds can help resolve such a delicate problem, but not always chemicals can positively affect the human body and the state of things.

The second method involves the use of home remedies. Among the most popular allocate:

  • lemon and oxalic acid;
  • alcohol-containing substances;
  • acetic acid;
  • Aspirin and much more.

How to remove stains from sweat under the mouses on color clothes


Acetylsalicylic acid is considered not only a wonderful means of headaches. Active components that are part of aspirin will help get rid of hated yellow divorces that arose due to sweating.

In order to get rid of a laminate spot, it is necessary to crush into the powder 2 aspirin tablets. It is desirable that the substance that the substance does not have merciless pieces, otherwise it may not be fully valid.

Next, you need to take a half-pack (50 ml) of warm water and stir the resulting powder mixture and mix thoroughly so that the powder is completely dissolved.

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Important! Do not mix rapid aspirin with cold water. It does not dissolve, and therefore does not work.

After the aspirin was dissolved, take the tissue napkin, wet her, and gently wipe the stain under the arm. Then the thing is worth leave for several hours. Well, finally, it will need to be handed out with a manual way.

Important! If the traces from sweat are old, then the procedure will have to be carried out several times for their final removal.

How to remove stains from sweat under the mouses on color clothes

Lemon and oxalic acid

As you know, the acid environment is perfectly capable of displaying stains. However, this method should be used with marginal caution. Even a minor excess of concentration can radically spoil the thing.

Among the most popular methods of purification are isolated oxal and citric acid. They are able to quickly save the fabric from the hated trails of sweating.

In order to prepare the remedy, it is necessary to dissolve in 50 ml of not cold water of the half-spoon of oxal or citric acid. When using fresh lemon, the concentration will be somewhat different. In this case, water is mixed with lemon juice in equal proportions.

Next, the fabric napkin is gently wipe the pollution several times. It is impossible to rub too much, otherwise the acid can damage the fibers of the fabric. After the means is applied, the fabric is left for about an hour in a dark and cool place, after which they are erased in cool water.

Important! When using the described means to get rid of the laborer stains, do not expose the thing with the exposure to sunlight, otherwise the trace can strengthen and remove it will not be released.

There is also another way - wipe the stained plot with a mixture based on the economic soap. It is worth putting it on the thing and wash off under the crane after 10 minutes.

Also, a prepared solution from lemon or oxalic acid can be combined with food soda. The principle of operation will remain the same. First apply the food soda, then wipe and washed in 30-40 minutes.

How to remove stains from sweat under the mouses on color clothes

White Spirit

White spirit is considered an ideal means. In particular, Its use will help avoid problems with delicate fabrics, like silk or wool.

In order to save color clothes, mix White spirit with the ammonia. Promotional attention should be given concentrations. The solution should consist of 4 parts of the White spirit and 2 parts of the ammonia. If you add more amazing alcohol, you can only strengthen the stain. In addition, excessive concentration can lead to loss of color from the thing and tissue damage.

After the tool is prepared, it must be carefully applied to pollution itself. Do not intensively rub the mixture, otherwise it will only fix it. After applying, leave the fabric about 1-1.5 hours so that the mixture is absorbed. Then you need to rinse it several times in cool water.

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How to remove stains from sweat under the mouses on color clothes

Summer Alcohol and Denate

It is impossible not to mention about one of the most common means. We are talking about Niphader. With it, it will get rid of hated trails of sweating, it will be even easier. However, it is necessary to know the measure, and accurately calculate the limit doses, otherwise the fabric can get damage.

In order to remove the sweaty mark, it is necessary to take ammonia and denature in equivalent proportions, after all thoroughly mix. Next, you should apply the resulting mixture on the fabric and leave it in a dry and dark place for 30-40 minutes. At the end of this time, put the clothes manually.

Also denatured alcohol can be combined with egg yolk. The proportions should also be approximately equal. The only nuance is to leave a thing you can not more than 20 minutes. After that, it should be rinsed in cool water, and then stretch in warm.

The ammonia alcohol can be similarly used together with the White spirit (respectively, in the proportion 2: 1) and the cooking salt (1 h. Such per 100 ml of water and 1 h. Such of the ammonia).

How to remove stains from sweat under the mouses on color clothes

Alcohol or vodka.

Alcohol-containing substances are also good. The enzymes contained in them allow you to penetrate the fabric fibers and separate the dirt from them.

It is worth noting that instead of a stifter, you can use a clean alcohol solution. That is, fit or vodka, or 96% alcohol. Other alcohol-containing products (cognacs, gins, whiskey) are better not to use, otherwise the stain will only become more comprehensive.

To remove traces from the selected sweat, you need to dilute alcohol or water with water. In the case of 96% alcoholic proportions, approximately 1: 2 should be. But the vodka can be diluted with water in equal parts.

After that, it is necessary to apply the resulting agent to the material site and wipe it over the entire surface. The active substance should absorb, so it is necessary to leave a thing alone for a couple of hours, after which it stands to wash it.

Alcohol-containing solutions can also be used with other components, In particular, lemon juice, a cooking salt and a solution of economic soap.

How to remove stains from sweat under the mouses on color clothes

Salt, soda and vinegar

Food soda can serve as a good agent. To do this, it is worth mixing it with small volumes of warm water. As a rule, 4 tablespoons of this food ingredient are mixed with a quarter of a glass of water. At the exit, a paste-like substance is obtained, which must be applied to stains using a brush. For more effect, the thing is left for a few hours until the soda paste is completely dried. After you need to slip it with cool water, stretch with the use of washing powder in warm.

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Acetic acid can also be an indispensable assistant. It is worth noting that Use 6 - percentage solution. More concentrated substances will not fit , and even more so, they are able to damage fabric. Acetic acid needs to be mixed proportionally with water and mix. This mixture should be applied to the fabric areas where yellow divorces are most pronounced. After that it is worth waiting for 15-20 minutes and wash the thing.

A simple cook salt is not only indispensable seasoning to each dish, but an excellent means of cleansing things from sweat. It is especially good it is in contact with silk, flax and cotton fabrics. To remove stains, it is necessary to stir salt 1 tablespoon in a glass of a bit of warm water until complete dissolution. Next sprinkle the fabric in the right places and wait a few minutes to dry the solution. So repeat several times. But it is not necessary to overdo it, it is enough to repeat the procedure 2-3 times. After that, to solve the fabric of cool water, and wash it with a washing powder.

Salt, vinegar and soda. These funds are available at each kitchen. So no expenses for cleaning a person will suffer. It is worth noting that in the presence of old traces, it is possible to slightly increase the concentration of salt and soda in solution. But the dosage of acetic acid is better to leave unchanged, since it is precisely it can become a characteristic reason for bleaching things and losing her presentable appearance.

How to remove stains from sweat under the mouses on color clothes

What is categorically impossible to use?

Many substances that we use in everyday life can help to cope with the described problem. However, not all of them may be effective and effective. Some of them categorically cannot be applied as part of the fight against sweat traces.
  1. Hot water. It is recommended to wash clothes at a water temperature not more than 30 degrees C. Otherwise, pollution can gain.
  2. Chlorine. All chlorine-containing substances are not suitable for working with colored fabrics. Chlorine can only be used with perfect white material. But with color, he can only complicate everything. The chlorine spot will bring out, but will spoil the color color, as a result of which the material in the place of pollution is brightening, which will spoil the thing.
  3. It is also prohibited to use strong acids (nitrogen and salt) and alkali.
  4. Acetone. This substance can cause color loss. Therefore, it is categorically impossible to apply it.
  5. Cannot use gasoline and benzene solvents. They are able to damage the texture of the fabric and serve as a reason for the loss of the present look.

How to remove stains from sweat under the mouses on color clothes


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