Easter napkin crochet: master class with description and schemes


The holiday of Christ's Resurrection by tradition is a family holiday, when all the relatives gather together at the festive table. The hostess bake the cakes and exhibit baskets with shards, pies, candles. All this diversity looks very harmoniously on handmade textiles, an example of which the Easter napkin can be crocheted.

Easter napkin crochet: master class with description and schemes

Lace fantasy

Very beautiful and gentle napkins performed by a fillet knitting, when with the help of air loops and columns with Nakud, empty and "filled" squares are created. The alternation of these squares form drawings and patterns on the principle of the fillet lace, when the cells were embroidered on the grid (filled), forming a pattern. You can knit such napkins from threads of different colors, not only white.

Easter napkin crochet: master class with description and schemes

Easter napkin crochet: master class with description and schemes

Schemes of some options are shown below:

Easter napkin crochet: master class with description and schemes

Easter napkin crochet: master class with description and schemes

Easter napkin crochet: master class with description and schemes

Such napkins can be not only with letters and symbols, but also with chickens, pigeons, clarops, as well as made in the form of eggs.

Easter napkin crochet: master class with description and schemes

Easter napkin crochet: master class with description and schemes

Easter napkin crochet: master class with description and schemes


This master class describes the decorative Easter napkin on the suspension with the image of the chicken. These napkins rub quickly and easily, they can be decorated with both tables and buffets and windows, hanging for the loop.

Easter napkin crochet: master class with description and schemes

To work, you will need:

  1. White yarn - 20 g;
  2. Peach yarn - 15 g;
  3. Bright yellow - 20 g;
  4. Pink - 10 g;
  5. Blue - 20 g;
  6. Malinovaya - 15 g;
  7. Scissors;
  8. Hook number 2.

Easter napkin crochet: master class with description and schemes

Knitting will be made according to the scheme below:


  • Row 1: White threads are scored 6 rewards. and they see them - it turns out 6 poleb / n.;
  • Series 2: Bright yellow threads knit from each column of the lower row two columns. B / N - 12 columns. B / N;
  • Row 3: Pink threads We repeat the drawing: "The elongated loop, 1 remove.", To the end of the row, it turns out 6 petals of two elbow loops;
  • Row 4: Knit from each remote. 3 p / column to the end of the row;
  • Row 5: Raspberry yarn the whole range ties simple pillar. B / N, at the end of the row - 1 joint venture;
  • Row 6: peach-colored thread: 1 PP, 2 pp / n, 2 VP above one post. The lower row, 2 column. b / n, 2 posses. Pettle and so to the end, then 1 compound.

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  • A row 7: White yarn knit all a row with two semi-brass, 2 rewards, 2 p / post. etc. At the end of the row, we make 1 comprehensive. Pretch, deploy the work of knit 11 pillars. With 2NAK. over 2 arches of the lower row;
  • Row 8: Bright yellow threads knit beak: 3 pillars. With Na., 1 Rev.Petl., 3 pillars.
  • A series of 9: Razhovy's raspberry yarn;
  • Row 10: Blue yarn knit last, Wavy napkins: 3 semi / pillar., 1 post.B / NA. In a row of peach colors, 3 semi-lines. And so until the head.

Such a napkin chicken as a gift will delight relatives and friends.

Easter hares

Easter napkin crochet on the theme "Easter bunnies at a festive table."

Please note that the product will turn out in diameter 35 cm. You can regulate the desired size yourself.


  • White, blue, yellow and pink yarn "Iris" (about 40 g);
  • Satin ribbon 3-5 mm Lightweight color width (1 m);
  • hook.

Easter napkin crochet: master class with description and schemes

This napkin on the edges is decorated with six sectors - hares with baskets that gathered around the table consisting of six clocks-droplets. Every hare has their own wedge. Thus, the pattern will be repeated 6 times, and the sectors will be connected to each other. Each bunny consists of several parts: eyes, head, torso, ears.

Start a knitting threads of white. Make a ring of 4 air loops. The next number to tie 3 in. p. 11 tbsp. S / N, connect. Next, knit according to the represented scheme, each row of a closure of the connecting column. Having created two eyes, connect them into one fragment, guided by the photo. The body and ears tie the way as indicated in the picture. Collect a bunny of parts into one. Silhouette of each shave with a blue shirt without a nakid on the head, to use the strapping "Pico".

Tie a central detail of the napkin - a yellow star with six rays that will connect all sectors. Make a circle with air loops, and rays are small out of 12, large out of 24 air loops of 6 pcs., Fasten them in the middle, as well as product fragments, as shown in the diagram. From the yellow threads to raise the basket and attach them to the main job.

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Easter napkin crochet: master class with description and schemes

Slide from the pink yarn seven flowers, attach them to the center of the napkin, as well as to each basket. Flowers knit from rings made of 6 air loops. Then bind 7 arches from air loops, connect with the center of the column without Nakid.

The finished job is slightly stagnate, and when dried, glue the bunks with black dots on the eyes.

Holidays are always inspired by creativity, so let the fiction and fantasy do not dry out, inventing new and interesting products.

Easter napkin crochet: master class with description and schemes

Video on the topic

About how to link the Easter napkin with your own hands, you can learn in more detail from video lessons at the end of the article.

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