Butterflies for curtains do it yourself: making options


The life of such graceful creatures, like butterflies, so short, and you can only meet them in the summer. How to be? How to make warm days to remain with us as long as possible? An artificial butterflies created from healthy materials and attached to the curtains so that they just flew into the opening window can serve as a reminder of the vacation and flowering meadow meadow.

Butterflies for curtains do it yourself: making options

The easiest option of decorative butterflies for curtains is paper deserted butterflies.

Decorative butterflies made of fine fabric

The simplest thing is to cut the silhouette. Packaging nonwoven material is well suited for this purpose. Silent wings will have sufficient rigidity to not blame.

Such a butterfly can be made contrast to the color curtains or choose a shade, echoing with shades of the drawing on the curtain.

Butterflies for curtains do it yourself: making options

Options for butterflies of paper for curtains.

If you cut a few identical silhouettes, add them to a stack and strain on the sewing machine along the center line of the Taurus, you can get the effect of waving wings, and the insect will turn out to be voluminous and almost alive. For butterflies will be required:

  • transparent fabric (organza, kapron or other);
  • thin wire;
  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic contour and paints;
  • Beads, beads, sequins, etc.

Large butterfly to do in other ways:

  1. Enlarge and print one of the silhouettes of the Internet from the Internet or draw your own variant of the required value. Bend thin rigid wire along the contour, leaving loose ends on the butterfly head. Later they form a mustache. A piece of elastic capron (tights, socks, etc.) stretch on the frame and brazen in the area of ​​the body, forming small folds at the base of the wings. Finished wings coloring with acrylic paints, decorative elements attach to glue or sew. The head is made from a large bead, to produce both the ends of the wire left for the mustache. A mustache to arrange small beads, gluing them on the ends of the lesheds left. If the insect is quite large, then you can put on a wire beads so that the mustache is even more beautiful.
  2. From transparent tissue type of organza, you can make a butterfly differently. With the help of adhesive "cob" to connect two layers of fabric, stroking them with an iron. On the selected silhouette, decompose the prepared workpiece and the contour gently circle all the lines on the wings. After drying the paint, paint with colored markers, pencils, paints. Make a mustache from the fishing line or thin wire, decorate the butterfly by beads and sparkles at will.

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Taurus in both options can be made of frying wool or cinema wire, beads of different sizes, beads, or invent other options. Finished shoulder to glue the product between the wings.

Create such butterflies on the curtains can be several stitches of the thread or glue the pin to them, which will then be jicked to the curtain.

Plastic bottles or film

Butterflies for curtains do it yourself: making options

Options for coloring butterflies from plastic bottles.

The butterfly can be done by cutting it out of the used plastic bottle or thick rigid film. Such materials will be required:

  • Slim plastic;
  • scissors, marker;
  • acrylic contour;
  • Multicolored varnish;
  • Decorative elements.

Cut the central part of the plastic bottle and circling the butterfly pattern with your own hand marker or acrylic contour. Cut and bend so that it turned out a caller and wings.

Color the plastic from the side by color varnish from the side, the back of the one where the contour is applied. After drying along the contour lines, you can apply glue and sequins. Glue decor.

Stripped on a folded twice wire beads, drawing up a body with head and mustache. You can use the receptions specified in the previous example.

How to make a butterfly from the tape?

You can make a fantasy insect of dense tape or braid of any color. They can settle not only on the colors of the curtain, but also on any textile or panel. For the butterfly will be required:

Butterflies for curtains do it yourself: making options

Tools and materials necessary for the manufacture of butterflies from the tape.

  • Tape segments: 3 pcs. 31 cm, 3 pcs. 15.5 cm, 2 pcs. 23 cm;
  • glue, pins.

From the segment of 31 cm long it is necessary to make a head. For this, the ribbon is not a very tight roll, end to fasten with glue. 15.5 cm segments Collapse in 3 smaller rolls for calf. Connect all together with glue to get a chain of circles, one of which is slightly more than the rest.

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Wings do in the form of a double loop:

  1. For the upper wings on a segment of 31 cm long postpone 8 cm from the edge and bend the tape, aligning the edge with the label. Secure the edge with glue. Free end to circle around the loop obtained so as to get a big loop. End glued. Similarly to make the second wing.
  2. For the lower wings, 2 segments are needed by 23 cm. For the inner loop, postpone 6 cm from the edge of the tape. In the future, the wings do, like the top. Connect pairs upper and lower wings, sticking them to each other.

Wings attach to glue in the area of ​​the 1st circle, of which the caller is made. The wingspan of such a butterfly will be about 20 cm. For the manufacture of a larger or smaller insect, it is necessary to proportionally change the length of the tape segments.

A mustache can be made from a pin with colored heads or from a wire.

An option for such a product can be a butterfly from ribbons of different colors, with another number of loops, from which wings consist. It is possible to decorate the wings and the taurus by various beads, sparkles and rhinestones pasted on their own taste.

Butterflies, with their own hands made of girlfriend, can decorate curtains all long winter, reminding about sunny summer. Make them quite easily and inexpensive.

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