The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve


There may be such a problem as spontaneous opening or closing the door. Here you will pass by passage, and it opens. Leave the door ajar, and the sash itself closes. There is, as a number of reasons for such a problem and a whole list of solving the issue.

Causes of independent life sash

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve

Drafts from spontaneously opening doors

Spontaneous opening or closing the door in the home either in the structure of any type of destination is a normal phenomenon that may occur as with the installed design and overlapping, which has already been served faithfully not one year (or then a dozen years). Independent life of the door art sash, for example, in the conditions of the home environment, an unpleasant phenomenon that causes a lot of inconvenience. This fact may not just irritate strongly, but also lead to negative consequences. After all, we count on a certain degree of protection of the doorblet.

Doors with a completely different service life need a certain care and periodic small repair, and if the door began to close or open the door, then this is a signal to action.

But before, it is rejected for saving an important element of the home environment, it is worth studying the causes of such phenomena. After all, as otherwise, we will start repairing the doors if the reason for this misunderstanding is not clarified.

Causes of doors malfunctions are largely individual:

  • "Walked down" forward either back door box.

You can check this fact using a construction level. The level should show the verticality of the looping bar of the box.

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve

Not correct installation of the door frame relative to the vertical

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve

Proper installation of the door frame relative to the vertical

  • Not properly installed door hinges relative to the axis.

This can be seen visually or check the appiled level. Overhead hinges or mortise should be located on one axis of a looping bar. Shift one of them and can give an involuntary closing / opening of the sash.

  • Bad installation door loops.

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve

Paz under the loop in the door door

The bad behavior of the door can be due to incorrectly installed loops. Under the loops, the grooves could be incorrectly, that is, a groove was deeper into one loop, under the second - smaller, or with a breakdown.

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It can be seen when one side of the loop is more on the plane of the rack of the bar, or the whole item protrudes. The reason for the poor montage of the loops can concern and unevenly done holes under the fasteners with self-draws. As a result, the self-tapping screws will be crooked in the loop plank, which pulls the element a little to the side.

  • Non-quality looped canopies.

If the box is checked by the level, and the loops are planted into the bar evenly, then the reason for the spontaneous behavior of the sash can be in the poor quality of the elements themselves. The loop after even a short time could break out, which disrupts the verticality of the canvas. In such an embodiment, with a recent installation of the door, the loop should be changed like defective.

Door box and all related difficulties

The perfect verticality of the installed door frame is a practically the main argument for the effective functioning of the design of the opening of the opening. If, when checking the level, as noted above, the inclination of the loop bar is revealed into one of the sides (forward or backward), then it gives the spontaneous life of the closure relative to the closure / opening.

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve

Checking the installation level of the door

An exception may consist if the construction itself is either a partition where the door is installed, does not have a clear vertical. In this option, you need to put a rack under the tilt in the opposite direction.

In case of loss of vertical rack, it turns out that not properly installed loops on the same axis, and give a bias into one of the sides. It is worth finding out what to do in such a situation:

  • Opening outward (relative to the opening stroke) suggests that the sash slope is directed in the opposite side of the door frame.

The position is corrected using a piece of material to be paved under the top canopy. Of course, it must be reused, as before, removing the sash itself with the loops. If the situation has not succumbed to correction, and the door still opens, then you should take other actions.

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve

Door Control Methods

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It is necessary to make re-mounting the door box to align it vertically. For this you need:

• remove all the fasteners holding the rack;

• remove with looped cannons itself;

• Clean the timber from foam and other building material with a construction knife or just a sharp knife;

• Level measure the exact vertical location of the rack;

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve

Fastening the loops and the behavior of the sash with improper fixation

• Drill in a bar of holes for a new fastener, applying a long drill;

• Holes to provide dowels;

• hang the timber to the previous place, and with the help of an electric drill, screw the pair of screws into the top and bottom loop planks, which will help track the level of installation level;

• hang the canvas, and check its opening slope when equipped with a state of 45 °;

• After you make sure the installation vertical is correct, the loops can be screwed completely.

The process of reinstallation of the timber with a bruques, new gaps and installation of platbands, is completed. Installing the door frame, in this case, could not be initially correct, or over time it was somewhat led.

  • Closing door sash toward the door box.

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve

The canvas doors need to lift or put the focus

Arbitrary door closing will help eliminate the same piece of material suitable in the thickness of the material, but installed in this embodiment under the bottom loop. For this, the canvas cost a little raise. If this does not help to eliminate the defect, then you should do all the same manipulations as described above. Eliminate each of these problems is quite acceptable with your own hands, where you need to re-install the door frame, that is, the loop and opposite rack. Of course, when the box is adjusted, the door loops can be needed.

Problem in loops solved

Spontaneous Opening / Closing Door is permissible to control if you use the opening limiter.

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve

Decorative Limiter for Interior Door

This is effective, but unfortunately, it is not comfortable with constant use at home. The closer can correct the situation, but to install a hidden closer will have to produce a very time-consuming part-in part in the canvas, and the overhead is coarse for use in the residential room.

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So, if the opening limiter does not like it, but the box is installed vertically (extinct the construction level), then the problem of arbitrary opening will be solved with the door loops.

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve

Marking under the loop is worth doing carefully

Even more, if the door has led the door, which is likely when a canvas from a natural array of wood, then disorder is clearly with loops.

The door loops are the main functional element in the door design, and their failure disrupts the comfortable balance of the functioning of the sash. The problem with the loops is common, but solved. To do this, we will have to do not make repairs loops, then you definitely in their lives:

  • Not fully, but about a third, unscrew the screws from the loop of the top either below (depending on which direction, clone the canvas);
  • Put a piece of cards under the plano, aligning a vertical loop;
  • Twink screws and check the installation.

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve


If there was an independent closing, the same recommended to do with the second loop.

Over time, the location of the fasteners of the loop can break out. To do this, it is also necessary to turn the screws with a slightly slightly, and insert a piece of cardons or a different seal into the socket. Then screw the fasteners and check the work.

If none of the above operations helps, then the new cutting of door loops will be required. That is, move them from the old mount. It is also permissible to simplify the activity, trying to drown them a little in their own nests deeper.

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve

For accuracy adjusting inserts loops removed rack Bruz bars

In the embodiment, when the door has resulted in a thoroughly, it will be necessary to adjust it:

  • The canvas from the wood array to undergo a planer;
  • Remove a small layer with a bar of the box;
  • Or rearrange the flames, which is cling to the sash.

The layer of wood is removed opposite the place of a strong jamming of the canvas. Subsequently, the design is to be treated with a lacquer coating by either a different material so as not to be constructed from an array with negative effects of the microclimate of the room.

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve

The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve

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The door opens or closes by itself: causes and ways to solve


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