Learning to sew the curtains do it yourself correctly


The question is how to sew the curtains with your own hands, it appears in many owners who wish to make the product on their own. Processing Products from Organza For sewing a conventional model of window curtains for the kitchen can be available to many of those who have a little experience and is the owner of the sewing machine. Sewing luxurious curtains with lambrequin for the living room is the experts' lotion that have not only knowledge, but also professional experience.

Learning to sew the curtains do it yourself correctly

Scheme of lateral lambrequin.

The chief advice for beginners to sew the curtains with their own hands, who need to be guided by: Do not overestimate your strength and opportunities, start with the manufacture of the curtains of the simplest models. So, learning to sew curtains.

First, you should understand how to do high quality, be able to properly sew the curtain tapes, with accuracy to calculate the consumption of the material.

Relying on the recommendations given, you can easily make the curtains with your own hands for any room.

As a rule, curtains use curtains, organza or tulle for curtains. The manufacturing technology of the curtains includes ordinary methods that will not require the creation of special templates, processing the tissue of increased complexity.

Thrust the amount of material

The process of making curtains.

Since the task associated with the manufacture of single or double curtains with your own hands, including two halves, implies the use of different amounts of material, it should be pre-calculated, that is, to determine how much fabric needs to be purchased to make the curtain. Together with the cloth prepared and a curtain ribbon, which will keep the curtains on the curtain carnous.

To this end, it is natural to measure the size of the window width and height of the curtains, which at first glance is not associated with difficulties. But specifically, these characteristics often protrude the prerequisite for a spoiled product.

First decide how the distance should be from the bottom of the curtains to the floor of the floor. The product may touch the floor, but can be slightly higher. If the length is provided, when one of the edges of the curtains falls to the floor, then they will need garters or pickups. It is necessary to take into account that the curtain will in this case will be longer.

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It is necessary to make a choice of cornice in advance to present the placement of the curtains on it. If you need to attach to special hooks, the cornice will use the loop of the curtain braid in the top row. At the same time counting, ranging from hooks, that is, their lower part, to the very floor, taking into account an increase, equal to 1.5 - 2 cm. When mounting the curtains from the bottom edge, the loops of the braid for the curtain should be added not 1.5 cm, but a little more. The size of the increase is determined by the width of the loop with loops for the curtains located in the range from 2.5 to 10 cm.

Then you need to select the desired width of the product, calculating all the costs of the material. The size of the curtains will not have effect on the consumption of the material, since the width usually has a width size of 2.8 - 3 m. The amount of consumable material depends only on the type of braid with loops for curtains, as well as the size of the carnis width or the required amount of fabric folds.

Learning to sew the curtains do it yourself correctly

Pattern of the Roman curtains.

For any types of curtains lay folds manually. You can implement this by tightening the cords of the braid for curtains with hinges. If the folding folds are manually produced, then the curtain braid is coated from above the folds made. For the correct formation of all folds of the tissue, the corresponding coefficient of the tape is provided (1 / 1.5; 1/2: 1/3).

When choosing a 1/2 ratio with coefficient 2, you need to purchase fabrics 2 times more than the width of the cornice. It should be paid particular attention primarily not to the windows, but on the cornice, since the curtain should be placed on the eaves from one edge to another. It is necessary to make an increase to align the edge of the curtains and adjust both sides on the side of at least 10. The curtain braid must be taken with a margin.

Thus, for sewing a curtain or curtain of an organza for one window, 130 cm in size is necessary to increase the cornice length, equal to 150 cm 2 times, adding 10 cm. If the coefficient of assembly of the tape is 1/2, then at 310 cm, it will take 350 cm curtain tape. A similar calculation is used in the manufacture of curtains from curtain tissues, adding from 15 to 20 cm just in case.

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Align the side cuts curtains

Learning to sew the curtains do it yourself correctly

Processing side cuts.

When a material that has a picture is selected and purchased, which is easiest to cut the fabric, adjust the sides when sewing the curtain will not be particularly difficult. It is more difficult if the pilotier fabric does not have a picture. Before sewing, it is required to check for the presence of skews on the side seams.

If organza is used, then it is easiest to do. Usually, the organza is easy to break through the thread, you can only cut off with one edge with scissors, and then tear the cloth. However, it is not necessary to produce such manipulations with a cloth in the absence of experience in lifting the side edges. It is best on the floor to decompose the fabric, carefully hanging it with scissors. After that, it is suspended under the ceiling in the deployed form.

The main thing is to make sure that there is no breakdown. If the cloth is purchased cheap, the weave in it is not dense. Higher quality fabric is always cut more smoothly. Before sewing a curtain, it is necessary to check the side edges of the material to be placed at a right angle to the ceiling or floor.

How to customize the sewing machine

Learning to sew the curtains do it yourself correctly

Option pattern lambrequin.

When sewing, the curtains will be required as knowledge in the field of the technology of their creation and the ability to adjust the sewing machines accordingly. The settings will depend not only on the type of fabric, but also from the quality of the threads. The force of tension of the thread should correspond to the type of tissue.

The line quality is determined by the choice of needle and thread. If you need to make seams invisible, the stitch length is set with an average value. At the same time, the string should not be filtered by the scope, so, for example, the organza will not have tighters. It will be necessary to adjust the height of the dentions of the rail, which should not collect tulle during the promotion. In the absence of one of the nuances, all seams will be pulled, and they cannot be allegedly altered by any iron.

When in the process of sewing inexperienced seamstones begin to pull over the edge of the material for the curtains, it leads not only to the needle breakdown, but also to stretching the cuts of the curtains and the emergence of "waves" in their edges. When using many tissues, uneven tracks can be left near the stitch from the needle proof. Therefore, it is certainly necessary to use a piece of material to verify the quality of the machine line. After that, all settings should be risen and re-change.

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How to learn to sew curtains right

Learning to sew the curtains do it yourself correctly

Curtain pattern.

Before starting the treatment of all curtains, to then decide their curtain braid, it is necessary to make an outline, considering all sizes. Then you should cut the fabric from above or below, align all sides. Next, you need to add 10 cm to make the lower (double) bending, leaving 2 cm to adjust the top, given the presence of a curtain ribbon.

Treat the lateral sections with the premium in the boundaries of 1-1.5 cm. When using the organza, it is rather 1 cm for the porter tissues, 1.5 cm is sufficient.

First, it is necessary to carry out all the side of the sides of the seam to the bending or oblique baker. But in order to properly sew the curtains with their own hands without someone else's help with beautiful and highly processed cuts and edges, not only an excellent sewing machine, as well as a skill that allows you to perform all operations.

To process the edges with the help of seams using an overlock is not difficult, but to carry out the processing of the edge "to the bending" or with the help of oblique bey - a more complex task. We will have to start the edge twice the edge, and later all the seams to fit the thread.

So that the line does not create a landing, it is necessary to pull the edges of the curtains, but not to stretch it so that the needle does not accidentally break, then it should be pasted carefully hot iron.

Niza's two layer bending, whose width is 5 cm (total is 10 cm), they make the curtains look much more solid. Double bending will contribute to the creation of additional weight at the bottom of the curtains. It is best to make a bending of at least 5 cm. In the absence of experience, it is necessary to fit the bending, which is started, 2 times, to see it in one line, laid by the inside of the curtains. Upper bending, which is equal to 2 cm, should be passed. Then you should sew a curtain tape.

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