Options for performing thresholds on the balcony door


After installed a new balcony door, there is a need for a threshold. At first, you might think that there is nothing complicated in this, but when you start to understand, you will understand that there is a lot of nuances. Accordingly, today we will talk about how to make the threshold on the balcony own. An inexperienced person will first be difficult. We strongly recommend accurately follow the advice of more experienced builders, and then everything will turn out, the main thing is to do everything according to the instructions.

Options for performing thresholds on the balcony door

Threshold on the balcony do it yourself

The threshold on the balcony has two functions. The first is aesthetic, that is, the door with a beautiful threshold looks much better. The second function is insulating. Thanks to him, he penetrates less cold winter period.

The threshold on the balcony can be made of:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • bricks (better use silicate);
  • Properly prepared cement-sandy solution.


Options for performing thresholds on the balcony door

Work on the threshold

It is much easier to remove the threshold than to build a new one, but here there are nuances. Wooden products are not completely difficult to dismantle, but if it was made of brick, then everything is much more complicated. You need to do everything as careful, as you have to use a hammer and chisel. If these tools do not help, then it's time to let the perforator in the case.

IMPORTANT!!! In places near the wall it is better to work with a grinder with a nozzle to work with a stone. If the disk in some places does not get, then we are already trying to work with the previously mentioned hammer and chisel. The work is sufficiently dusty, so we advise you to purchase a respirator and building glasses.

Brick threshold

Options for performing thresholds on the balcony door

High threshold in the doorway of the balcony block

Most often, the brick threshold on the balcony is used in cases where the level of the balcony unit is much higher than the floor level. Thanks to the brick, namely, its thickness, it is possible without problems and quickly eliminate this difference, thereby saving money on a sandy-cement solution. Facing makes either laminate or ceramic tiles. See that the brick is not too high, otherwise the door will not open.

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To build a brick threshold, we need:

  1. Putty knife
  2. Roulette
  3. A hammer
  4. Gypsum mix
  5. Metal lighthouse
  6. Perforated corner
  7. Drill
  8. Nozzle on the drill "Mixer"
  9. Sand
  10. Cement
  11. Silicate brick

To begin with, it is advisable to take care, perfectly wash the floor. After cleaning, we start it all primrate. Primer helps to increase adhesion. We advise you to choose the soil mixture, after the drying of which the weak roughness remains.

Options for performing thresholds on the balcony door

High threshold in the doorway do it yourself

Next, mix the sand and cement in proportion 1 part of the cement + 3 parts of the sand. In order for the solution to grab faster, add in the resulting mixture of isoips or stengips. The nozzle "Mixer" in the tandem with a drill perfectly mix all the ingredients.

We take the spatula and evenly put the mixture on the projected place and the edge of the bricks. Thus, bricks grab not only with the floor, but also with each other.

A perforated corner is put on the corner of bricks, and on the door - the lighthouse. They are fixed in the same solution as the bricks, there should be no emptiness anywhere.

Plastic threshold

Options for performing thresholds on the balcony door

Threshold balcony doors

The plastic threshold on the balcony looks excellent, but has a relatively low service life. The installation of a plastic threshold takes no more than one day. All work is to install parts for profile using self-tapping screws. We advise you to use the mounting foam for the layer.

The best material for the manufacture of plastic thresholds is considered to be all known and existing in almost every construction store PVC window sills. They are strong enough to withstand human weight. With a beautiful threshold, the door looks quite different.

Wooden threshold on the balcony

Options for performing thresholds on the balcony door

Threshold on the balcony do it yourself

The greatest advantage of the wooden threshold is that it practically does not miss the cold air. If it is additionally insulated with high-quality mineral wool, the effect is even better.

For a start, we take wooden bars and collect the crate of them. It will have to fasten to the floor. Use the plate from the pressed wood chips as a sheath. It can easily withstand serious loads without deformations.

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In the process of making a wooden threshold you need:

  • Self-tapping screws
  • Corners for connecting timber with floor
  • Scoring screws with dowels
  • Hacksaw
  • A hammer
  • Hammer drill
  • Solid wood timber

To begin with, we take a harvested bar and make a frame, in size comparable to the size of the future threshold. Self-tapping screws that will fasten the frame, should be twice as long than the edge of the bar.

Options for performing thresholds on the balcony door

Balcony Trigger

If the frame is fully ready, put it on the place where the threshold should be, the inner edges mark the construction pencil. Internal corners need to drill holes for dowels. Next, we put the ready-made frame and with the help of the previously done holes in the corner of the BRUSEV, fastened the frame to the floor. It should turn out firmly and reliably.

Next, cut out the leaf of the tree dining plate and gently fit, fastened on the self-tapping screw. Optionally, you can insulate the design of the polystolter or mineral wool. As a facing, we advise you to use good linoleum or laminate.

Cement-sandy solution threshold

Options for performing thresholds on the balcony door

Threshold from Cafel

If the threshold on the balcony is not high, we advise you to make a concrete version of the product from a good cement-sand solution. This is the easiest and most quick way to listed ways. To begin with, we make a formwork, the height of which corresponds to the height of the future threshold. To achieve the maximum strength of the design, it is necessary to use gravel or brick pieces.

"Tip: Before filling with a solution, be sure to prcribsenate the surface of the floor, install the formwork and knead the cement, sand and water. The solution is needed as when laying bricks. Finished mixture poured into the formwork and thoroughly align the surface. "

As soon as everything dries, cover the surface of the dried concrete by what the soul wishes: linoleum, laminate, tiles ...

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