How to repair the drain of the bath?


Plumbing repair in the house Many are considered as a very troublesome and an unfortunate occupation. Sometimes even the challenge of the plumbing turns into a problem. But in fact, many malfunctions can be eliminated independently.

How to repair the drain of the bath?

Connection diagram of plumbing in the bathroom.

Consider the issue of repairing the drain of water in the bathroom. Repair the drain falls in two cases:

  1. Water leakage in a bathroom plum.
  2. Poor outgoing water from the bathroom.

Elimination of water leakage in the place of plum

If you have a bathtub, then you need to find out the reason.

Such a nuisance can happen due to the depressurization of the siphon or its failure (for example, cracks). If the siphon, or, as it is also called, the strapping, it works for a short time and is in good condition, it is possible to eliminate the problem of water flow, simply replacing the gaskets. At the same time, it is advisable to use more sealant.

Often the reason for the flow occurs in the fact that the upper part of the drain "loosened" and the resulting gap passes water. In this case, you just need to unscrew the fastening of the siphon and apply the sealant details on the joints. At present, silicone sealants specifically designed for plumbing systems appeared on sale. You can recommend, for example, the sealant Silicone-915 or Ki Meg Silicone E. They will quickly dry (10-20 minutes), do not lose their properties both at low temperatures and high, up to 150 ° C are not affected by the fungus.

How to repair the drain of the bath?

Siphon scheme.

When applying sealants, you need to adhere to the following rules. The surfaces on which the sealant is applied must be dry, clean, without mechanical damage. Metal surfaces need to be deguted. The width of the sealing seam can be a width of 6 ... 35 mm. Align the seam, it is possible to seal it within 5 minutes immediately after applying. After complete frost, you can remove irregularities, carefully cut the surplus, trying not to damage the seam itself. All work should be performed in rubber gloves, not allowing sealant to the skin.

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If the visible part of the drain is not damaged, well strengthened, but from under the bath still flows, then in this case it is better to replace the strapping on a new one. When choosing a new system "Drain / overflow", you need to consider from what material your bath is made. Some siphons are intended only for thin-walled plumbing equipment.

When installing a new strapping, it is necessary first to fully assemble it in your arms, and already last on the basis of the assembled form to fix the drain and overflow holes.

Water from the bathroom merges slowly

The main reasons for poor drain are as follows:

  • plot of the drain pipe;
  • too small slim system slope;
  • The diameter of the drain pipe or the riser is insufficient.

If the water from the bathroom began to leave worse than before, then, most likely, you have a blockage. With a slight degradation of the drain, you can use old good vanatuz or clean the system with chemicals. This is the easiest way to remove sewer sewage. But you need to remember that only minor stools are forces. In cases where water merges very slowly, or does not merge at all, these tools cannot be applied.

It is possible to clear the blockage, disassemble and flushing the siphon (sump) or clean the entire drain pipe to the riser. In some cases, disassembling the entire drain system under the bathroom, clean and flushing is required. This happens in cases where, for example, recently did the repair and drained solutions and suspensions into the sewer. In this case, the axial particles strongly clog pipes and they have to knock out.

Frequently the reason for draining the bathroom is bad, the sewer pipe is becoming too small. See how your drain is arranged. If the slope is too small or it is not at all, then this is the reason that the water goes slowly. In this case, do not use chemicals to eliminate blockages.

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What should be the bias of the issue so that the drain works fine? The exact values ​​of the slopes are determined by the calculations in which the volume of wastewater is taken into account, pipe diameters and some other indicators. But, guided by practical experience, you can adhere to the following generalized values: with the diameter of the pipe of the sewer highway 100 mm, the minimum bias must be 2%; When the diameter of pipes 50 mm, the bias must be at least 3%. For reference, add that a bias of 2% is a decrease in a pipe for 2 cm through each M pipeline.

To increase the slope of the drain system, you can simply lower the release in the central riser or raise the bath itself. Too much bias is undesirable, as it can lead to gradual clogging of pipes with heavy precipitation, as well as cause the effect of "bubble" of water during plum. In the relevant building standards it is indicated that the maximum sludge sludge can be up to 15%.

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