Bedroom with balcony: design with features


The standard bedroom planning apartments are usually a small room to 13 sq.m., which has enough space for the bed and a linen cabinet. Very well, if a balcony or loggia is adjacent to this small room. The bedroom with a balcony, the design of which is completely satisfied with the owners, this is a good supplement of the home.

Due to the attachment of a narrow strip of useful space, the room receives additional square meters, where those designer solutions are being implemented in a particular case.

Bedroom with balcony design

Most of all the idea of ​​uniting two spaces are relevant for a small apartment in which many people live. Here every square. The meter must be used on the basis of practicality. And even a narrow balcony area you can find useful use.

Bedroom with balcony design

Benefits of combining spaces

For a small room up to 13 sq.m., an increase in the parameters by attaching a narrow balcony area is very relevant.

Even a few free meters will find their proper use, and the room will become spacious and more convenient for life:

  • Living in the room will be more comfortable and spacious;
  • Natural lighting will contribute to the fact that the room will be bright;
  • The whole room is transformed, to change its geometry and perception of the entire space.
  • Before starting work, the redevelopment must be coordinated with the management organization.

A full or partial dismantling of the balcony block is considered to be a full redevelopment, and is made after coordination with higher instances.

Bedroom with balcony design

Balcony or loggia

To attach a balcony or loggia to a room at 13 sq. M or other sizes and their arrangement needed, first of all, take care of the insulation of a narrow area of ​​the joined space.

Modern building materials allow you to choose the most suitable in properties, and price.

Article on the topic: 4 options for combining rooms with balcony

For insulation of walls, you can apply:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Polyenopolster.

Bedroom with balcony design

Each of these materials requires additional trim using hydra and insulation pair.

Additionally, you need to take care of both reliable glazing, it can be two or three chamber windows. About their installation you need to take care of the insulation of the walls.

On the balcony you can make a warm floor, it will give the room additional comfort.

Bedroom with balcony design

After the insulation of a narrow balcony area, you can proceed to dismantling the balcony unit. It is first necessary to decide to remove the unit completely or leave it part with a separate output. From this, the further design of the room will be dependent.

Bedroom with balcony design

Bedroom design with balcony

Room with a balcony is a large field for fantasy and various interior solutions. A small bedroom can make a functional and beautiful room.

After combining two spaces, there are still two ways to select design:

  • zoning a combined room, that is, an attached balcony, in style may differ from the room itself;
  • Make a single style for the whole room.

Bedroom with balcony design

First you need to understand what you want to see in the final result. Someone has a need for a large dressing room and it can be equipped with an attached area. Someone dreams of a working office, in which you can retire. Others will arrange a library on the mass of the ex-balcony or a place to relax. Thinking the design, repel in many ways will have to the size of the room. In a small bedroom up to 13 sq.m., even with a balcony attached to it is not recommended too donating so as not to english square meters.

Do not forget that the bedroom is a place to relax and relaxation, too bright colors of the interior for the room are extremely not desirable, however, to use several color accents is permissible.

Bedroom with balcony design

Classic bedroom

The classic is loved by many style, it is quite simple, but at the same time has its own highlight. Bedroom design with loggia made in the classic style is a choice of confident people who value reliability and tradition. Furniture in the classic style is made of wood, textiles and other interior items are made in the colors that are echoing with it. It is also possible to use various decorative elements: paintings, vases, figurines, curtains. Also with the help of the curtains, you can decorate the bed canopy, it fully matches this style.

An attached balcony can be used as a cabinet, or with a curtains to make a dressing room. Or install the ladies' dressing table with a classic-style mirror here.

Bedroom with balcony design

Bedroom with minimalism balcony

Minimalism in style implies a rather modest environment, not deprived of taste. Mining furniture, all just the most necessary important difference in this style. In the bedroom, the main place is given to beds, which in this case can have quite impressive sizes. It is important to think about storage places, it can be a wardrobe on the whole wall, he visually should not get into the eyes to perform its main function

Bedroom with balcony design

You can arrange a cabinet or library on the site of the connected narrow balcony area or equip a home theater with a large screen, deploying in the entire wall. You can decorate the room with curtains that can simultaneously dim the room and be its highlight. With the help of the curtain, you can drag not only windows, but also the walls of the bedroom, it will give her extra comfort.

The color solution for this interior depends on the preferences of the owners of the room, it may be calm colors, may be a monophonic interior or something bright. Using curtains and textiles, you can diversify the interior even a small bedroom to 13 sq.m. In the style of minimalism

Bedroom with balcony design

Eclectic Style Bedroom

Eclectic - mixing different styles, design in this bedroom style I can afford to be bold, not afraid of experiments. The bedrooms can combine furniture, and decor, curtains and other parts of such styles as a classic and art deco, or minimalism and khaitek.

The main condition for the bedroom is the comfort of her owners. From this should be repelled by choosing the interior design.

Bedroom with balcony design

In any style, many interesting details. And from a small bedroom in 13 sq.m. If you wish, you can make a cozy and interesting space.

Article on the topic: Decor of an open and closed balcony: outstanding ideas

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Bedroom with balcony design

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Bedroom with balcony design

Bedroom with balcony design

Bedroom with balcony design

Bedroom with balcony design

Bedroom with balcony design

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Bedroom with balcony design

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Bedroom with balcony design

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Bedroom with balcony design

Bedroom with balcony design

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Bedroom with balcony design

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Comfortable bedroom with attached balcony

Bedroom with balcony design

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