Standard opening of entrance doors: standards


To quickly and correctly install the front door, you must first pick it up, decide on the type of web. Today, entrance metal doors are installed, which have a trim from various materials.

Standard opening of entrance doors: standards

In order for installing doors, no problems arise, it is necessary to properly remove the dimensions of the doorway.

They can be reinforced, having a layer of insulation. The dimensions of the doorways in old and new homes are different, installed doors with one and two sash.

Features of the English and metric size system

Standard opening of entrance doors: standards

Metric system of length.

Selecting the door, it is important to immediately take into account exactly the manufacturer uses the manufacturer. Today, metric and English are applied. The English system uses a unit of measurement - foot. For example, the standard opening has a height of 6 feet of 8 inches or 203.20 cm. The width is 2 feet and 9 inches, translated into the usual units of measurement is 84 cm.

For the metric system, standard parameters are characterized:

  • 2170 * 700;
  • 2419 * 1910;
  • 2040 * 826 for a conventional wooden door;
  • 2050 * 860 for metallic reinforced.

Separately, it is necessary to take into account the presence of one or two sash.

Metal doors are ordinary and compacted

When determining values ​​for doors and windows, the need for strengthening and insulation has always been taken into account. Input structures are no exception to the rules. It is important to immediately foresee what kind of canvas is necessary, single or bivalve, or insulated, is there any need for an additional gain to protect against hacking.

Standard opening of entrance doors: standards

Standard dimensions of metal doors.

Conventional metal doors can have standard parameters:

  • For the cloth at 850-2050 mm, we need to work in 880-2080;
  • For 890-2070 mm, an open device is required in 920-2100;
  • At the inlet door cloth in 970-2070 mm, the opening should have dimensions of 1000-2100;
  • For the canvas in 1200-2070 (with a double-handed door), we need to be necessary at 1230-2100.

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If used enhanced web, then the parameters are as follows:

  • For the door cloth in 865-2050 mm, the opening is used for 900-2080;
  • For the cloth in 905-2070, it is necessary to use the opening of the 940-2100;
  • If the cloth has dimensions in 985-2070, then we need an opening of 1020-2100 mm.

The size can be changed if the casing is performed from a natural tree with a large thickness. Therefore, before buying, you need to measure the existing opening, freed from the old design.

Standard Dimensions for Doors in Apartment Houses

In order for the entrance door is chosen correctly and installed in accordance with all the requirements, you need to know the following standards:

Standard opening of entrance doors: standards

Standard dimensions of doorways: width and height of GOST.

  1. For new buildings today, such dimensions are mainly used: height - from 1950 mm to 1980 mm, width - from 740 to 760 mm. It is important to pay attention to a series of houses, since the width of the opening is largely depends on the size of the staircase.
  2. The brick apartment buildings are larger than the width is 880-920 mm, and the height ranges from 2050 to 2100 mm.
  3. The dimensions of the entrance doors at the houses of the old sample are different. More often is single doors with a width of 830 mm to 960 mm, from 2040 mm to 2600 mm. The bivalve size is large, but it all depends on the individual project of the house, since there is no standard single value. Reduce or increase the openings without prior approval with certain bodies, it is impossible, as this may entail various troubles.
  4. The nine-storey urban homes that were built in the 70s, standard sizes are close to the houses of old series. The input may have dimensions of 1280 * 2550mm.

When choosing the doorway, attention should be paid to the convenience and safety of the design.

The staircases of apartment buildings do not differ in large sizes, so you need to choose the doors based on it. There are no such restrictions for private homes. When choosing, it is necessary to pay attention to the convenience and its reliability, burglary protection.

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Advantage of standards:

Standard opening of entrance doors: standards

In the case of non-standard dimensions of the doorway, you can make doors for individual orders.

  1. Wide choice. Basically, all manufacturers produce collections with standard or parameters close to them. The choice of materials for finishing in this case is extensive.
  2. An individual order is unscheduled financial costs, and the standard will always cost cheaper. It will be possible to spend money on the selection of more exclusive decorative elements.
  3. Easy in mounting. Than the dimensions are closer to the standard, the easier it is to install. Additional work on decorating the gaps, the installation of good webs will not be required, and this is a significant time saving. Otherwise, the installation will turn into a protracted and annoying process.

What regulations act?

Entrance dimensions can be different, but it is important to pay attention to the standards adopted today:

  1. Snip 210197 Paragraph 6.9 All entrance doors refer to the group of evacuation outputs. They must provide a free passage. The height of the web must be more than 1.9 m, and the width may vary, but its minimum value depends on the destination. For example, the width for residential premises may have a minimum value of 80 cm, but for office, commercial buildings it cannot be less than 120 cm.
  2. Metal input openings that go on the staircases, in the lobby, should not have a width of less than a ladder march. All data on this occasion can be found in SNiP item 6.29. This allows you to ensure the safety of the exit for living in the house. This is especially important in emergency situations. We must not forget that too narrow inputs make it difficult to deliver household appliances to the house, massive furniture items.

When choosing the sizes of door openings, it is necessary to pay special attention to the gta stations, types of canvas, the presence of a strengthening or insulation of the web, structural features. It is better to experiment with the selection of finishing materials, exclusive decorative elements than with dimensions. Searches for a suitable product can be delayed, and the result is not always impressive, so the standard is simpler and more convenient.

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