How to bring a fat stain from clothes


How to bring a fat stain from clothes

In everyday life, we often have to deal with products based on fat components. Often on our clothes remain hated traces of fat, which are very difficult to eliminate, especially if there are no effective tools at hand to help in combating fat stains.

How to wash?

No matter how hard to avoid clashes with fat pollution, they still will be sooner or later on the beloved thing. The fact is that we are surrounded by food based products. And dining in the restaurant, or trying to prepare a masterpiece of home cooking, the chances of entering lipid connections are noticeably rising.

In the modern world, an incredible number of all sorts of means to derive spots is produced. Only here they are not always available when the consumer faces the problem of greasy pollution in everyday wardrobe subjects. Yes, and the cost of effective stains is quite impressive. Therefore, it is worth dealing with what homemade methods can remove fat from things using the sole tools that are at hand at any hostess.

It is important to notice that before starting the process of removing fat, it is necessary to prepare a thing. To do this, do the following.

  • Clear material from outsiders dust and dirt. To do this, you can purchase and use special brushes. Remember that the more polluting items, the more difficult it will get rid of them.
  • Prepare all tools. It can be a cotton disc, fabric napkin or brush for cleaning clothes.
  • Select a method of cleansing.
  • Test the selected remedy on a small piece of fabric to make sure its efficiency, and that the tool does not harm the material structure.

Important! Delete contaminants from fat immediately when they are detected. The old stain, the more difficult to get rid of it.

At home, its effectiveness in the fight against fat trails has long been demonstrated the usual means that are almost in each kitchen. Among them can be allocated:

  • benoline-containing substances;
  • Corporate salt in a complex with food soda;
  • turpentine;
  • acetic acid and ammonia;
  • ammonia;
  • laundry soap.

How to bring a fat stain from clothes


The usual salt can be an indispensable assistant in the fight against stains of various origin. The use of this component will help save the favorite thing from unpleasant traces, and will help remove them with maximum efficiency and speed.

It is worth noting that the use of salt as a stain pressure has been practiced for a long time. However, it is impossible to forget that getting rid of old contaminants will not come out. It will cope excellently with fresh. Therefore, drunk with fat on your favorite thing, do not pull, and try to cope with it as quickly as possible.

In order to clear the evaporated place, you need to fall asleep with the shallow food salt, wipe the material with salt, and after the fat begin to gradually absorb salt crystallines, remove the mixture and pour a new portion of salt. This procedure should be repeated until all fat is absorbed into the salt, and does not leave the cloth without a trace.

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To remove dirt, it is necessary to prepare a concentrated solution based on salt. To do this, you can mix 0.5 cup of salt with warm water to its complete dissolution, and process the damage place. You can also simply soak the dirty plot in cool water, and to sprinkle with a salt from above. After waiting 20-40 minutes, the clothes will need to get rid of salt and rinse. For greater efficiency, the procedure will have to do 2-3 times.

How to bring a fat stain from clothes

Laundry soap

This remedy has long gained the fame of a great tool to combat any pollution.

In order to remove a fat trace of things, it is worth grateing a piece of soap with a terki, and the resulting substance is placed on the site. After that, carefully launched a mixture in a stain and leave so night. This method is ideal for those cases when pollution is detected immediately after the appearance, and it did not have time to dry.

You can also prepare a solution based on purchased economic soap, soak damaged tissue in it. To do this, finish a piece of soap on a grater and stir in water until the soap component is completely dissolved. After that, put a thing in the resulting solution and leave there to lie down for several hours (as a rule, experienced hostesses advise more than 5 hours). After the specified time expires, get the material and wash the way convenient for you.

If the trace is fresh, and get rid of it you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible, then it is necessary to grasp it described as described and sprinkled on top of the scattering sugar. After that, the fabric needs to be left for 15-20 minutes, then it is necessary to drain in warm water.

How to bring a fat stain from clothes


Food soda has long won a secluded place at each kitchen. This ingredient is used to create culinary sizes, and in addition It is considered an excellent stain remover, which every person can take advantage at home.

In order to remove fresh contamination from the fabric fibers, the damaged area should be sprinkled with sodium carbonate and take it gently into the fat trail. Gradually, the lipid connection will begin to leave the material and connect with soda crystals. This operation will have to be repeated several times until the received dirt will finally disappear.

If the above mentioned method does not have great support, then pour sodium carbonate into water, and then add a few drops of ammonia there. The resulting mixture should be pushing. It is required to be applied to the next, and leave for several hours, until the fact that the applied substance will finally dry. After that, consider soda and wrapping clothes in manual mode with soap.

To remove old pollution, soda is often mixed with the dental (the usual toothpaste is also suitable) and mustard powder. All components must be in equal proportions. After the tool is ready to use, apply it with neat movements on the fabric and leave it to stand for 1-3 hours in a dark and cooler place. Upon completion of this time, wash the thing in any way that is more acceptable in this situation.

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Important! It is not necessary to mix the food soda with the active ingredients, which are part of the acidic medium (vinegar, lemon juice, etc.) such means will be useless.

How to bring a fat stain from clothes


It must be remembered that this remedy is suitable solely to deal with traces on white clothes. If you are thinking about how to wash the fat stains from the color thing, then it is better to refrain from using ammonia.

If the stain is fresh, then you just need to wipe it with a cooked solution of household ammonia, and then you have to wait 15 minutes, and then it is good to wash the thing in your favorite washing machine. If the dirt had time to sink, then after using ammonia, it is necessary to gently drain it in water, dry with iron and wipe hydrogen peroxide.

Important! Do not use ammonia to excrete fat from color clothes. Ammonia will influence the flower gamut that will become lighter, and when the concentration of the substance is exceeded, a white spot may be at the processing site.

How to bring a fat stain from clothes


It is impossible to circumvent such an indispensable assistant as acetic acid. However, when it is used, it is important to remember that 9% vinegar will help as a stain pressure. It should be noted that more concentrated vinegar bases are better not to apply because there is a high probability to finally destroy the thing.

Experienced owners argue that vinegar is an indispensable assistant when working with greasy spots on white clothes - Gently process the location of pollution by acetic acid, then extend it in running water.

If you need to remove fat from color clothes, then it is better to use vinegar to use in combination with other means, such as a salt and mustard powder. All of these important and inexpensive components should be mixed in equal proportions and dissolve in water. After that, handle the dirty place with the resulting composition and leave for a few minutes, after which you wrap. If you have to work with your own dirt, soak it in the resulting mixture for the night, after which 2-3 times comprehend.

How to bring a fat stain from clothes

How to clean delicate tissue with gasoline

Despite the fact that petroleum products are considered sources of fatty spots, they can act as an effective means of combating them. If you put a spot on the thing from delicate fabric, for example, on silk, cashmere or viscose, then it is necessary to take it particularly gently to output, so as not to damage the fabric and do not ruin it.

With the task perfectly cope with purified gasoline and rigging paper. It is necessary to take two sheets of watering paper and place them on both sides of the contamination. Then smutch a small cotton swab with peeled concentrated gasoline, and with neat movements wipe the location of the contamination. Under the influence of gasoline vapors, lipids will move from tissue on the wrapping paper, which should be replaced with time.

Repeat the procedure follows before the moment the fabric does not remain prints. After completing cleaning, clothing must be stretched in hot water. It is worth using both a washing powder and air conditioning.

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Important! Do not forget to use air conditioning after using gasoline as a stain remover. It will help to remove all the unpleasant flavors with things.

How to bring a fat stain from clothes


At home, an excellent staintower can be the usual potato starch.

It is worth noting that the use of a method of exchanging traces with starch can be used in those situations where the fabric is not washed. To finally get rid of the stains, gently apply a thin layer starch on it and carefully wrap. Next, it is 10-20 minutes to leave a thing alone. After this period, the clothes gently wipe the wet cloth.

If we are dealing with solar pollution, then in this case, the starch will need to be additionally heated. To do this, you need to apply starch for a dirty place, cover it with a dry clean napkin and go through the heated iron several times.

Fat gradually will be absorbed into starch, and after repeating several such procedures, your thing will look like a new one, completely returning my original condition.

How to bring a fat stain from clothes

Summer and Skipidar

It is necessary to mix the purified turpentine in equal shares (if it is not at hand, it is possible to do with purified gasoline) and the ammonia alcohol. Next, it is necessary to apply the resulting substance on your cotton and break the stain several times. After performing this procedure, it is necessary to leave clothes for several hours, and only then you can stretch it in water 40 °.

If we are dealing with delicate materials, then in this case it is necessary to mix the mixture of ammonia and the turpentine mixed with crushed wood sawdust. After this substance is applied to the damaged area, it is necessary to wait until the sawdust is dried, and only after these manipulations can be seized.

Additional ways

In practice, it is extremely problematic to get rid of lipid pollution, and often even tested folk remedies are not able to help you cope with this task. If you are faced with such a problem, the only way out will be the use of specialized chemical reagents.

You can remove even the oldest traces from fatty drops with any stain remover that can be found in a huge assortment in the nearest economic store. Their composition contains active ingredients, which will help remove fat from fabric fibers, fully freeing the thing from it. As a rule, the stainings are best used in cases where you are dealing with old spots.

If the traces on the fabric are fresh, it is possible to fight with more accessible means - shampoos and means for washing dishes. These substances will work perfectly, provided that from the moment the fat gets into the thing has not passed a lot of time, and the stains did not drink to dry.

Important! It is not necessary to fully rub the chemical reagents fabric. Otherwise, fat can spread to a new area.

How to bring a fat stain from clothes


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