Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design


Turn the interior of the balcony into the area for relaxation, the place to work or into a charming winter garden by glazing and insulation. As a result, the balcony or loggia can become an organic continuation of the kitchen, bedrooms and even a nursery. Consider various ways of design of the balcony design 3, 6, 9, 10 and 12 sq.m.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Interior design balcony

Modern balcony and loggia design

For many architects in interior design, the word "modern" becomes a real chopstick. Modern style is suitable for anything, and at the same time, no matter what does not require due to the incredible number of materials, colors, shapes and textures used. If the "modern" balcony can also be called contemporary, and loft, and simplified classics. Material prepared for site

However, the unique freedom of choice does not allow the items in the design of the loggia and balconies that are associated with Barroko, Arno or Gothic. It does not fit the furniture of the majestic historical style even in modern processing. All the details of the situation (from the decoration of the walls to the lamps) should be emphasized fashionable modernly: kept, concise, but contrast.

For modern balcony design, those shades are suitable, which are often called "accomplished". If we talk about the textures, then the uniqueness of the balcony space will add a combination of open textures of natural wood, metal and stone.

Ideas of modern balcony interior 6 sq.m

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Modern balcony design

On the photo the design of the balcony in the design of which a tree was used

  • Modern design stands for functionality, so a small wooden chest with a folding lid at the same time will serve as a place for storage and a small sofa if you throw a pair of soft pillows on it.
  • Combine dissimilar materials. Wooden with wooden panels, pre-insulated the loggia from the inside. Weight wood texture. Emphasize the metal table with a glass table top, with steel legs of cozy rattan chairs and a cell for birds.
  • It is known that it is interesting details that create an interior. So, in the photo of the described balcony, attention attracts flowers in woven porridges and salad pillows.

Balcony design with frameless glazing

If views of the park, the embankment or the endless city landscape with high spirits are opening out of the window, the frameless glazing of the balcony guarantees a breathtaking view at any time of the day. The fashionable technology of panoramic glazing does not work, except that in the balconies of the lower floors. "Full transparency" design will give the opportunity to look at everything that happens on the balcony. Savish privacy on time lowered blinds or curtains. But in this case, the meaning of the frameless glazing is completely lost.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Balcony exterior with frameless glazing

The translucent design protects against atmospheric precipitation, but the possibilities of the balcony, fully open the sun, are still somewhat limited due to natural reasons. Natural fabrics are flexible under direct sunlight, the metal elements of furniture, lamps are heated. Therefore, it is better to choose a tree or derivatives as the main floor covering, for example, a terraced board (Decing).

Walls can be seen with wooden clap and, for a brighter decorative effect, paint. Paint (in trend Dark, nut shades) will emphasize the natural texture of the tree and will not let the clap in time yellowed. Such a finish is the best option for balconies with sliding glazing, when the flaps are collected by the "book" by the wall.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Balcony design with frameless glazing

Frameless glazing belongs to cold systems, since the design consists only of glass and guides. On the cold balcony there is no point in arranging a cabinet or winter garden. But to equip the gym - the task is not so complicated, as it seems at first glance.

Curtains in balcony design

Before turning the balcony in one of the most cozy places in the apartment, it is necessary to consider where children's rollers, bike, sledges, skates, jumpers, skate, scooter will be kept (I hope everyone mentioned)? And this considerable kit is only per child. If, in the house, the role of such a hozblock has long been assigned a loggia, then pay attention to the spatial orientation of the redesamed balcony.

In the interior of the glazed balcony, which comes out on the sunny side, can not do without blinds, rolls or rolled curtains, especially if the side of the balcony is associated with the bedroom. The main criterion for the design of the windows of the balcony should be practicality. The curtains should not impede the opening of windows to ventilat, but at the same time create a pleasant shadow on hot days, and at night do not hide opening views.

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Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Wooden blinds in the balcony interior

On the photo wooden blinds on the balcony. Horizontal lamellas are easy to fix at different angles. In the design of the balcony, blinds of a similar type allow you to control the level of comfortable light guide even with an open-air window.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Bamboo blinds in the balcony interior

Bamboo blinds on the balcony - excellent proof of how materials from past traditions are virtuously fit into modern interiors.

On the balconies located on the north side of the translucent tulle or light curtains. Measurement and laconism in the design of the curtains for the balcony do not pass their positions. No intricate drapes, multi-layered structures and luxurious fabrics. Various sticks on velcro and lambrequins in 2019 are not welcome. Extremely simple, modest curtains are responsible for comfort on the balcony and give all the neighbors to clearly understand who is understood here in topical interior trends.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Curtains in balcony design

If the lights on the balcony are a bit, then the curtains are not needed at all. Privacy problem on the second-third floors, matte, mirror glasses or windows with a sandblasting pattern on glass, stained glass or a living decor in the form of several high, identical plants placed at an equal distance from each other.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Decorative plants in balcony design

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Decorative balcony landscaping

Online Balcony Interior in Design Studio Apartment

Rack in the balcony interior

Balconies of the format "Warehouse-Storeroom" 3 and 6 square meters. m as if created in order to stored things on them. At the root change the situation high modern racks. Thanks to the compact cabinets to the ceiling, it is possible to carve out a small place to relax, and at the same time calmly store old wheels, books, toys - everything that was not fitted in the apartment, but to throw out a pity.

In order to fully appreciate all the advantages of closed and open racks on the balconies, consider photos of several of them.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Rack in the balcony interior

In the design of this balcony in the style of the country, food has turned into a decor element. Carefully placed home spin, fresh greens and wooden bins with harvest from their own garden recreate the atmosphere of rural comfort and please the eye.

Before buying a rack on the balcony, you need to know that they are several types:

- in the form of a stellage wall or frame.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Rack wall on the balcony

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Frame rack on the balcony

- Power and built-in racks for the balcony. This method of accommodation is relevant for spaces of any sizes (6, 9 and 12 sq. M). You can install the finished storage system with your own hands. Simplicity of construction. Meanwhile, does not detract from its stability and practicality.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Rack in the balcony design

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Interior design balcony with stelezh

Balcony design with access to the kitchen

The ideas of the arrangement of balconies, which are located near the kitchen, largely depend on the lifestyle of the owners.

Open balcony

If the house is accepted a lot and deliciously cook, then the additional space of the open balcony in the summer can serve as a dining room in the fresh air, and in the winter it will be convenient to store vegetables and fruits in the homemade cellar. It makes no sense to glazing the balcony if it is very small (3 sq. M. m).

In the photo Ideas of the interior of a small balcony with access to the kitchen

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Open balcony design

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Kitchen with access to the balcony

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Balcony Design with Beautiful View

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Little open balcony

The concept of open balcony design concept in the photo is a fashionable interior color of 2019. Vintage of wooden chairs with soft black and blue upholstery emphasizes the unusual design of colors vases. The shade of the wooden floor covering echoes the rest of the setting items. The contrast makes yellow flowers and a checkered pillow on a chair.

Closed balcony

Colored interiors not prepared to collect difficult to collect. It is necessary to have a feeling of color, excellent imagination. Another thing is gray and white interiors. Register such spaces are much easier. Dairy, snowy and marshtren shades add air, expand space. With them on the balcony, everything immediately looks fashionable.

On photo white balcony design

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Closed balcony design

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Balcony design in light colors

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Narrow balcony design in Khrushchev

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Large balcony design in new building

White perception depends on the time of day. In the evening, when the lighting turns on, the interior of the balcony in bright colors begins to play interesting color accents on the walls. The space becomes saturated, volumetric.

Registration of the balcony with the gym house

The organization of the interior of the home gym on the balcony begins with the installation of the right floor - a durable and silent flooring will open more opportunities for training. Moreover, the balcony should be with high ceilings and at least 9 square meters. M (otherwise, forgive the weightlifting exercises, bent lying, standing and pliometric).

Article on the topic: Street kitchen: fireplace, barbecue, brazier and furnace at the cottage (20 photos)

A gym on a balcony with unprocessed brick walls look very brutally.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Balcony with simulators

On photo Balcony design with gym

The choice of simulators to the balcony depends on the goals set. For those who want to strengthen the cardiovascular system, to work out stamina or just lose weight, suitable on the glazed balcony exercise bike, small running track or ellipse. For those who want to gain muscle mass in training, the best option will be a power multistation or a range of dumbbells with a different weight, a rod.

How to make a small balcony

Rules for organizing the space of a small balcony.

Dining room on the balcony

Invisible boundaries between the room and the balcony will erase the sliding French door. The window-door in French style is an elegant solution, but not each design is sealed, so they install such a door under the condition of a glazed balcony. The French door opens with a light slide in the side, without having an excess place.

Recommended: replacement of the balcony unit into a French window.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Balcony Design with French Window instead of Balcony Block

In the picture, a French white door in the design of a bright balcony.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Balcony design with brick walls

Photo brick in balcony design. The brick wall in this case protrudes the background for family photos on wooden framework.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Long balcony design

In the photo the interior of the long balcony with large windows.

Library on the balcony

Finding the right place for all books from home collection in a small apartment or Khrushchev is not so simple. The problem will solve the arrangement of the library on the closed balcony.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Balcony Design with Library

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Library on the balcony

In the photo library on the balcony, the space of the side walls is used to the maximum: the rack to the ceiling itself helped to use even the most inconvenient and narrow place in space. Soft sofa and large French windows create the desired mood, which is the best suitable for relaxing with a book on a balcony sunny day.

In order for the first colds to be disturbed by drafts and condensate on the walls, the materials that do not depend on the use temperature and not neglect vapor barrier when the balcony should be selected.

In cold corners, a destructive moisture will appear for books (and after her mold), if you install a warm floor on the balcony. To control the microclimate indoors, the household air humidity meter is mounted - a hygrometer.

From direct sunlight, paper editions will protect tight fabric rolets play.

Wardrobe on the balcony

Even on the smallest balcony, you can consider home storage of things by using all the corners and even the ceiling. Wardrobe feature on a glazed balcony - in combination of closed and open elements.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Wardrobe on the balcony

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Balcony Storage Organization

Home laundry on the balcony

The arrangement of a comfortable post room on the balcony is the right step in optimizing the useful space of the apartment and the new trend in the modern interior. On Compact Square it is possible to place a lot of useful things and at the same time release a place in the bathroom, in the kitchen. Well thought out, spacious storage systems for balconies to order include compartments for ironing board, drying and washing machine, shelves for shoes and clothing, household chemicals storage and linen dryers.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Washing complex Asko.

In the photo of a compact laundry room for home. It includes a complete set of modern household appliances, which can be placed even on the smallest balcony.

Cabinet on the balcony - Modern ideas 2019

On a warmed balcony, the cabinet the place. The table, the hinged rack for books, a comfortable chair, mounted lamps and a full-fledged workplace with panoramic views is equipped.

Panoramic balcony: Cabinet Cabinet Idea

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Workplace on a balcony with panoramic glazing

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Balcony Cabinet

White racks are not difficult to enter in almost any stylistic direction. In the office on the balcony, storage locations are needed for documents, books, collectibles.

Design of children's room on the balcony

In 2019, the inner space of the balcony for the child is fashionable to break into the functional zones, painting each site by a certain color. Where green and salad are responsible for social skills, yellow and orange - for the emotional component, and blue and blue become the personification of cognitive skills, the ability to argue, understand, learn. The zone with a red tint scientists developers correlate with creativity.

Walls and compact furniture stylized LEGO bricks, the most important principle of the designer known for the whole world is transmitted to all their creature - rapid development and training through the game.

In order for the game platform as convenient as possible, it is necessary to install warm windows on the balcony, to heat the floor, ceiling, parapel and side walls. One of the walls of the balcony to issue special lego plates to which it can be attached to the details. The rest bind the practical white ceramic tiled "under the brick" or to sew plasterboard.

Article on the topic: how to decompose things on racks and shelves (38 photos)

To properly choose the type of flooring on the glazed balcony, you need to be repelled from the child's age. For preschoolers (guys spend a lot of time on the floor) choose any wooden coating that is easily cleaned from dust and does not highlight harmful evaporation. For older children, it is advisable to put the tile. The advantage of this floor cover is obvious. The porcelain tile, the laying of which was carried out on the warm floor, has a long service life, durable, easy to leaving and absolutely non-flammable.

All over the entire balcony area, you can put carpet - a soft and beautiful rolled material ... but dusty and uncommon at the same time. The carpet absorbs all the dirt and dust that cannot be removed alone with a vacuum cleaner. If the budget allows, then in the design of the game on the glazed balcony, it is better to use a small carpet from a mixture thread (silk wool). In the case of spilled beverages, clean it will be much easier.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Design of children's room on the balcony

Furniture for nursery to the balcony is chosen compact with many storage spaces. Above open racks for books on the school desk.

Lounge Zone Design on Balcony

Do not think that the recreation area on the balcony is just a soft chair and a table for tea drinking. Even being a convinced citizen, nothing prevents to create for 6 square meters. m lounge-zone in oriental style. Special magnetism the balcony interior will add a variety of diverse lighting devices, from intricate lamps on the ceiling to wall scaves and candles. A squat sofa with a bright upholstery is decorated with a scatter of small pesting pillows.

As an additional heat source and light on the balcony, a biocamine can be used.

In the photo of the fireplace on the balcony

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Fireplace in the balcony interior

Balcony Block Design

The bedroom on the glazed balcony is not yet the most popular direction, and in vain. It is worth thinking about this idea at least because modern transformer beds make it possible to hide the place to sleep in a shallow wardrobe at the wall. In the afternoon, the paced bed does not take place on the balcony and can be used for destination: dry underwear or drink coffee in the fresh air.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Balcony Block Design

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Bedroom design on the balcony

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Bedroom interior on the balcony

Tip: To save space on the balcony, instead of a bed for sleep, use a couch, laid out a book or chaise lounge chair.

Large balcony design

Balconies 12 square. M and above with competent planning become another residential room. The starting point for creating an interior on the balcony is the style of registration of the adjacent room. Much attention is paid to finishing materials and furniture color, textiles. The living room zones and balconies should smoothly flow one to another.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Living room design on the balcony

Balcony design with winter garden

When you travel around the cities of Europe, you always notice the elegance and well-groomed centering central streets - the townspeople are customary to decorate their homes and balconies. Beautifully arranged by plants a balcony is not difficult. With the help of vertical landscaping (vases of all sorts of forms and suspended containers on the chains) you can quickly revive the urban landscape.

The topics of the balcony decoration with flowers are diverse: from a green oasis for relaxing to a small garden with edible herbs. And what is the benefit of home gardening - there are always delicious salads on the table, fresh herbs for making tea, fragrant baking. And everything is simple - just wipe regularly and collect the harvest on time.

The same to whom the theme of the veganism is not close, can apply their floral talents in creating a "green oasis" from unpretentious colors. And nothing that summer ends quickly. Balcony interiors in all seasons can be attractive.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Balcony design with ozelination

In the photo of the recreation area on the balcony in eco-style - a simple and universal solution. Frameless glazing, wooden furniture and several green plants in clay or ceramic pots will create a warm summer atmosphere for family, friendly gatherings.

In the photo options for the device of the winter garden on the balcony of the apartment

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Winter garden in balcony interior

Balcony design with bathroom

Not in each apartment has such an opportunity - the arrangement of the bathroom on the balcony. First you need to make sure that the slab of the overlap will withstand the desired load, think over the design, legally reformulate the redevelopment and only after that perform repairs.

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Balcony design with bathroom

Balcony design - the best finishing ideas and interior design

Bathtub in the interior of the balcony terrace

In the process of designing the interior of the balcony, be honest with you and do not be afraid to experiment! Then the space will be comfortable for life and truly individual.

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