Flowers in the house: why not blooms women's happiness?


Female happiness is a popular plant in flower water. The scientific name of the flower - spathifylum. It has a large number of green leaves, which grows immediately from the soil. Flowers with white cigarette, not abundantly, but some owners cannot wait for such flowering. What may be due to its absence, consider further.

Flowers in the house: why not blooms women's happiness?

About due conditions

At home, female happiness feels comfortable in the northeastern part of the apartment or at home. The room temperature should not be below +23 degrees. The flower loves high humidity, so in winter it is desirable to use an air humidifier or put a tank with water. Also spray it should be as often as possible, but at the same time not to fill when watering.

Flowers in the house: why not blooms women's happiness?

Watering female happiness is better with full drying of the upper layer of soil and not allow water stagnation in the pallet.

Replacing recommended once a year in a new soil. The pot can use the same or slightly larger size. It is impossible to make a transplant in a pot, sharply different in size. Spathifylum is afraid of drafts and low temperatures. Already at +10 flower can perish.

Flowers in the house: why not blooms women's happiness?

The plant loves various feeding. In the summer and in the spring it can be picked up once a week, it should be reduced in winter to once every 3 weeks. Fertilizers can be for conventional plants, and in winter it is better with a high nitrogen content. If I like the spathifylum, then in the warm season it blooms constantly, falling asleep only in late autumn and winter. But it happens that there are no buds in winter or summer.

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How to make women's happiness blossom?

To understand this, you need to find out the cause of the problem. Below will be presented possible options and describe the solution.

  1. Fucking flower . In this case, it can be both a lack of fertilizer and oversupply. To solve this problem, it is worth adjusting the drawing chart or its volume. Also, if fertilizers are made too much, it is better to transplant the flower into a new soil.
    Flowers in the house: why not blooms women's happiness?
  2. Indoors low temperature. As mentioned above, spathifylum does not like low temperatures. Therefore, if it freezes, it will not be blossoming. The decision is only one thing - to rearrange it into a warm place.
  3. Dry air . Basically, such a problem occurs during the heating season. The air in the apartment becomes dry, and the plant lacks moisture. At this time, it is necessary to abundantly spray it and keep the open water. In addition, air humidifier can be used.
    Flowers in the house: why not blooms women's happiness?
  4. Lighting. Women's happiness loves a lot of light, but at the same time does not tolerate direct sunlight . The solution is to regulate lighting.
  5. Old land. The flower ceases to bloom if it is for a long time not to transplant in fresh soil . Also on flowering affects the size of the pot. If he is big, then the spathiflow will begin to grow into the root and score all the space. In the close pot, he will not have enough nutritional elements.

Flowers in the house: why not blooms women's happiness?

If the flower does not even bloom, if all comfortable conditions are created, how biologists say, you need to create stress for it. For this, during the day, the plant is kept in a cold room (where the temperature is at least 10 degrees), then put in heat and watered with warm water. For such manipulations, it can react with long-awaited flowering.

Flowers in the house: why not blooms women's happiness?

How to make the bloom of spathifylum. What do you need "female happiness" for flowering? (1 video)

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How to make bloom women's happiness (7 photos)

Flowers in the house: why not blooms women's happiness?

Flowers in the house: why not blooms women's happiness?

Flowers in the house: why not blooms women's happiness?

Flowers in the house: why not blooms women's happiness?

Flowers in the house: why not blooms women's happiness?

Flowers in the house: why not blooms women's happiness?

Flowers in the house: why not blooms women's happiness?

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