Septic with your own hands for a private house: device, how to make it right, video


Septic with your own hands for a private house: device, how to make it right, video

Make a septicch with your own hands for a private house often choose as a more economical alternative to buying a factory sewage treatment. Independent construction takes time and effort, but really allows you to significantly save money.

Benefits of Septikov

If not so long ago, the subject of the discussion was the advantages of septicists before the cesspool, now this aspect is no doubt. Materially, you can meet materials about how the septic tank for a private house has their own hands is different from the finished, or one of the models from the other.

Indeed, the presence of septicism on the site gives a number of advantages:

  • Economy - The frequency with which you have to pay for the services of the assessing machine, is significantly reduced, in the case of using the most effective multi-stage models up to once every 10-15 years.
  • Compliance with the conditions of sanitary standards and environmental friendliness - Properly selected model and installation site, as well as competent installation practically exclude harmful substances in drinking water, in plants through the soil, into water for watering, etc.
  • Comfort - If the septicch works correctly, there is no unpleasant smell even near the sewage treatment plant.

Types of structures and their features

When choosing a septic design, you usually try to find a variant that would give the best results, but it would require less time to build and operate. With equal other conditions (the correct choice of volume, the absence of tightness disorders, compliance with other installation requirements, etc.) More efficient is septic with a large number of cameras. . However, the choice must be made taking advantage of expediency. In addition, there are ways to increase the efficiency of the sewage facilities.

Single-chamber models

Single-chamber septic with your own hands for a private house with permanent accommodation is better not to do. Such models are more suitable for giving, where the family comes from time to time. In essence, the simplest models of this type are An enhanced option of ordinary cesspool Except that the pit has no waterproof walls and the bottom, therefore it cannot protect harmful substances from entering the soil. In most cases, such products are cumulative and require periodic, quite frequent removal of content using an assessing machine.

Septic with your own hands for a private house: device, how to make it right, video

Pumping a single-chamber hermetic sewer container

Single-chamber septicch without pumping is some exaggeration . Adding a special preparation to the capacity can significantly improve the quality of water purification and reduce the purification frequency. Certain types of bacteria in the process of vital activity decompose contaminated drains on clean water and neutral or toxic substances. But even the most advanced septic tanks need cleaning, but the need arises very rarely.

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Two-chamber products

Two-chamber septics in terms of design can be two types. The difference is primarily in the device of the bottom reservoir. The water resigned on the first and second stage is quite clean, so in most cases it can be drained into the soil.

Water removal can be carried out in different ways:

  • through the bottom of the second tank (For better precipitation of the remaining insoluble suspension, it is covered with filtering material - gravel, clay, etc.),
  • through drainage pipes with holes which increase the area of ​​drainage and provide enough rapid removal of water even in dense soils with low water permeability,
  • Using a pump In a watering container or drainage pit.

Septic with your own hands for a private house: device, how to make it right, video

In the photo Standard diagram of a two-chamber septica for a private house or cottage

In the second and third case, the bottom of the second tank is usually carried out by waterproof (concrete base with waterproofing).

Three-chamber modifications

The septic device in a private house with your own hands using a three-stage cleaning system will allow processing stocks, including in their composition and chemical impurities from detergents, and the organic. Phased precipitation in the chambers allows to get rid of not only from large insoluble particles, but also from suspension, and passing through a layer of filtering material is the final stage removing the smallest inclusion. After conducting a confirming quality of the analysis, such water can not be drained to the ground, but also use for watering.

Septic with your own hands for a private house: device, how to make it right, video

Septic of three tanks, in the last of which at the bottom of the drain layer for filtering purified wastewater in the ground

Deep Cleaning Stations

Decomposition of impurities in such installations is also made using bacteria. If cultures are used in non-volatile septhes, which do not require air (anaerobic), then the aerobic microflora of deep cleaning stations needs it. For permanent air supply, compressors are used, so the models are called energy-dependent.

Air decomposition Aerobic bacteria is accompanied by more active (than in the case of an anaerobic microflora) by selecting biogas, so effective ventilation is required for septic types of this type. It is possible by analogy with simpler structures to use a pipe rising from the reservoir to a certain height, however, the addition of the pipeline to the overall ventilation system will become the optimal option. At the same time, the pressure should be compared in communications so that the vendors of the gases do not enter the room.

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Septic with your own hands for a private house: device, how to make it right, video

Photo of a deep biological cleaning station

The advantages of deep cleaning stations are:

  • Maximum efficient removal of impurities,
  • Little cycle duration.

Materials for manufacture

The sewage facilities of various types can be found on sale, however, the maternity owners are often wondering how to make a septic tank in a private house. The simplicity of the design allows you to cope with such work without problems, it is important only to pay due attention to the following aspects:

  • Selection of design and volume,
  • Defining a place to install
  • Selection of material.

At the last point it is worth stopping in more detail. One of the main requirements for the materials for the construction of the septicism for the house with their own hands is accessibility. Otherwise, the meaning of self-making is lost.

We list the most common options.

  • Car tires They are distinguished by a high degree of waterproofing, it is important only to thoroughly seal joints. The required volume of the tank is achieved by installing the tires to each other. Foodiness and plasticity of the material in this case can be a disadvantage in the freezing of the soil. Tanks are more suitable for houses and summer cottages and a small amount of tenants.

    Septic with your own hands for a private house: device, how to make it right, video

    The septic tire septic device is possible with minimal cost, but reliability and durability will not be the most strong parties

  • Remaining after the construction of the house Bricks - Good material for the construction of tanks. If desired, the laying can be operated by twisting, creating the design of the usual form, but for convenience and greater tightness it is better to prefer a rectangular shape. A brick septic closed on a concrete base must be coated from the inside and outside the waterproofing material before filling.

    Septic with your own hands for a private house: device, how to make it right, video

    Homemade septicity of bricks

  • Concrete rings - Another common material. Retrors from rings have a convenient cylindrical shape. There are blocks with different diameters, thereby not difficult to create the required volume. When installing, concrete rings are installed on each other, the lowest ring is based on a concrete foundation. Blocks are fastened with cement mortar. At the end of the installation inside and outside the tanks are coated with a layer of waterproofing material. The construction of a cleaning facility from concrete blocks requires less time than the execution of brickwork, but it requires the use of lifting equipment.

    Septic with your own hands for a private house: device, how to make it right, video

    Septic tank made of concrete rings is one of the most popular structures in both private houses and in summer cottages.

  • Large and multifunctional Plastic Capacities, called Eurocuba , It is quite suitable for the septic device with your own hands. Their advantages are moisture-resistant, eliminating the likelihood of ingressing in the soil who have not yet passed water purification, and a small weight that facilitates assembly work. In order for the Europeanob to not flood during a flood, it is fixed on a concrete base of clamps.

    Septic with your own hands for a private house: device, how to make it right, video

    Eurocups - Lightweight and Available Capacities for Private Sewer

  • Monolithic septic tanks Some different from other options. In this case, the septicine device in a private house is more convenient to perform as one container with one or two partitions, in which the pipes for water transfusion are installed. Possessing strength and durability, monolithic structures are built faster than brick and do not require lifting devices as models from concrete blocks. The foundation is performed according to the standard scheme, and for the production of the wall, the solution is poured into the formwork.

    Septic with your own hands for a private house: device, how to make it right, video

    Monolithic septic with concrete for 2 cameras

Capital structures made of concrete rings, bricks and monolithic models are better suitable for a country house with permanent accommodation.

Preliminary calculations and advice on work

Before starting construction, septica needs to make some calculations.
  • The total septicity, regardless of the selected scheme and the material, should be no less than the three-day water consumption rate for living (at the rate of 0.2 cubic meters per day for each).
  • The installation site of the cleaning structure must correspond to sanitary standards, in particular, be further than 30 meters from the source of drinking water and not closer than 5 meters from the house. And the distance between the septic and the nearest fence is 2 meters or more.

Make the construction more economical and durable will help the following advice to make a septic in a private house:

  • In most cases, it is advisable to make a stock in terms of tanks by about 20%. In this case, the increase in the number of stocks will not be a difficult problem after a while.
  • Removal of precipitation from the chambers contributes to cleaning efficiency. Contaminated tanks are not capable of providing high quality.
  • Construction of sewage at the construction stage of the country house will save on the rental of special equipment. Excavators and lifts in any case are rented for a large building, at the same time you can use car trenches under pipes, butt for tanks, moving concrete rings, etc.
  • The low quality of building materials can be reduced to all works, so it is necessary to save when purchased only within reasonable limits.

Septicles for a private house do it yourself video

And on the video you can see how the installation and installation of the septica in a private house do it yourself. Example is shown using concrete rings.

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