How to close the pipes in the toilet?


How to close the pipes in the toilet?

Pondering the project of overhaul in the toilet, it is necessary to solve a variety of tasks - from global to quite minor. One of the most significant problems is masking plumbing communications. The builder will have to find a golden middleness between an attractive appearance and convenience of construction.

On the one hand, the owners want the pipes to be completely hidden from the eyes (if, of course, it is not about repairing Loft style), and on the other - it is very important to ensure trouble-free access to the sanitary nodes, because the need for urgent repair sometimes occurs unexpectedly .

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

In search of the optimal solution to the problem of the master repairmen and manufacturers of finishing materials invented several ways to mask water and sewer pipes. In this article, we will tell about the most popular options, of which you can choose the one that seems to you the most successful.

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

Materials for decorating

Close Plumbing in the toilet can be closed with various building and finishing materials, as well as special equipment. Read more about each option below.

How to close the pipes in the toilet?


Plasterboard is considered one of the most accessible and convenient materials that are used in construction and repair. It is used for a variety of needs, including, in order to sew the pipes in the bathroom. The advantages of plasterboard are:

  • health safety;
  • convenience in operation and operation;
  • the ability to quickly dismantle;
  • relatively low price;
  • the ability to install doors and other structural elements;
  • Availability of various ways to finish.

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

PVC panels

PVC panels

Plastic panels (it will be more correct to say from polyvinyl chloride) solve two problems at the same time: the pipes are blown up and the resulting design is more aesthetic. You can easily find PVC panels that look no less aesthetic than ceramic tiles. To other pluses of plastic panels include:

  • speed and ease of installation;
  • low cost;
  • the ability to make a design that can be disassembled if necessary;
  • a large selection of colors and textures;
  • lack of need for decorative finish;
  • Resistance to moisture and temperature drops.

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How to close the pipes in the toilet?


Plasterboard and PVC panels are used to mask pipes in the toilet in the same way - they make a box that hide communications. Plasterboard sheets or plastic panels are mounted on the frame. The framework for these materials is needed different, but the principles of the installation of the box are very similar. It should be envisaged to access the most important elements of the design - for repair and preventive work.

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

It should be borne in mind that the drywall box will be required to finish - as a rule, the drywall construction is lined with ceramic tiles, but you can do the simple painting.

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

Sanitary cabinet

Another kind of designs that make it possible to close the pipes in the toilet, is a plumbing cabinet. From the box, it is distinguished by the presence of large doors and built-in shelves that can be used for storage of household accessories. The sanitary wardrobe can be made independently from ordinary furniture facades, buy ready, or order an individual project by the firm, which is engaged in the production of furniture for bathrooms.

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

Roller shutters

Sanitary roller shutters got spread relatively recently. They represent a mobile design consisting of a frame-based frame and dozens of narrow panels, which, if necessary, are collected into a roll, opening access to pipes. Roller shutters for the toilet make materials that are not afraid of humidity. You can control this device by means of buttons or remotely using the remote.

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

On sale you can find plumbing roller blinds of different colors, including decorated with drawings and ornaments.

How to close the pipes in the toilet?


The disguise variant of the pipes in the bathroom, very similar to the previous one, is plumbing blinds. Roller shutters, in essence, are later modified by a variety of blinds. The latter are much simpler - the design does not provide for the frame, and the control is possible only mechanical. Blinds are made mainly from plastic, so they are moisture-resistant, but not very durable.

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

Screw materials

To decorate unsightly sample plumbing and sewer pipes can also be used with remedies. What materials to use - depends only on your imagination. Here are some of the most interesting and easy-to-wear ideas:

  • paint the pipes in a bright color or draw patterns on them;
  • disguise pipes under the trees, turning the toilet in the forest or jungle;
  • wrap the pipe with a twine or braid;
  • use for decorating artificial plants;
  • Cheer the pipe with decorative pebbles;
  • Decorate the pipe with special stickers and stickers for home decor.

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How to close the pipes in the toilet?

Ways of trim

So, in order to sew communications in the toilet, you can use one of the two most suitable materials for this: plasterboard or plastic panels. We have compiled for you brief instructions for the construction of the fence for pipes.

How to tan the pipes of a false wall of plasterboard?

First you need to stock up tools and materials for work. To build a plasterboard box, we will need:

  • required number of sheets of plasterboard;
  • Metal profiles and guides;
  • roulette;
  • a hammer;
  • building level;
  • Perforator and screwdriver;
  • hacksaw and scissors for metal;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • Dowel-nails.
  • The first stage is diagnosed with the markup of the future box on the floor and on the walls. According to it, profiles and guides will be laid, so it is very important to measure accurately. Calculating the size of the box, do not forget to take into account the thickness of the finishing materials (in our case - ceramic tiles).
  • Further, in accordance with the calculations produced, we cut a metal profile into several parts of the required length. With the help of a dowel-nail robbery, the profile segments on the markup.
  • Now cut out from the leaf of plasterboard items, which will serve as side sides of our box. Crepim for drywall billets profile for self-tapping screws. We insert the resulting design into the frame collected in the previous paragraph.
  • Cut the ceiling profile into several parts equal to the width of the box, and set them as jumpers. We close the front of the box by plasterboard.
  • At the final stage, we bring our construction to "to mind": we strengthen the joints between plasterboard sheets, put sand, we mount the protective corners. Last but I apply a decorative coating - we paint the box or waving it with a cafeter.

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

How to turn the pipes with plastic panels?

A set of tools and materials needed to build a box of plastic panels is very similar to the one that we used in the previous section. The difference consists only in the following paragraphs:

  • PVC panels;
  • Metal UD- and CD profiles;
  • Silicone-based sealant;
  • plastic plinth;
  • Cutter or sharp knife.
  • First mount the framework. We do everything almost the same as in the case of profiles for drywall: we draw markup, cut the profiles, secure them on a dowel or self-tapping screw. In advance in the right places, install cross-jumpers that will be between the panels.
  • Now proceed to the framework of the frame panels. First of all, I mount the starting profile and fix the first panel on it using self-sufficiency. Alternately install the required number of panels, attaching each subsequent to the previous one. To install the last panel, use the starting profile.
  • Armed with a knife or cutter, cut the hole in the right places to install the door. In places where panels are connected, plastic plinth plastic.

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How to close the pipes in the toilet?

Tips for choosing

Which option to choose is to close the pipes by roller shutters, hide them for the blinds, sew plasterboard or to close with plastic panels? The solution will largely depend on what financial capabilities you have. The most budget options are blinds and PVC panels.

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

Masking of drywall requires a tile construct facing, and plumbing roller shutters - the pleasure itself is not cheap, just like the manufacture of under the order of the plumbing cabinet.

What needs to be done before installation?

Which of the ways to mask pipes in the toilet you are not chosen before taning them finally, make sure that all the elements of sanitary communications are in good condition and repair will not be required soon. It is also recommended to take the following preventive measures:

  • if possible, if necessary, replace the old parts of the system to new;
  • make sure that there is no danger of leakage in the near future;
  • check the condition of water and sewer pipes;
  • Sealing all joints and connections.

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

How to close the pipes in the toilet?

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