How to hang curtain to the wall: all stages of work


It seems about how to hang curtain to the wall, there should be no questions: screwed it, and the case is done. Only here, with this point of view, the experienced masters, who know that, without complying with some recommendations, the result is unlikely to make you enough to smile, not to mention that without proper attachment of Gardin and can fall at all. How to make the curtains hang beautiful and smoothly, and the base itself did not collapse under their weight? Tell in order.

How to hang curtain to the wall: all stages of work

Even before buying ...

Previously, when the curtains, and the walls, and the ceilings in the houses were about the same, think about such trivia, as the installation of curtains, even before the start of repair, it simply didn't make sense: it was not a problem to hang her post-finish. Now it is better to think about some moments in advance so that you can't change the already purchased Gardin.

  • Type of fastening

Decide which attachment in your case is better: ceiling or wall? And be guided by taking a decision, not only aesthetic considerations. The fact is that in some cases the wall mount is unforeptant or even impossible. As in the case of subtle or loose walls, for example. In such a wall, the brackets under the weight of the curtain will be extremely heavy, and the risk that at one moment the whole design collapses, leaving a couple of noticeable holes in the wall.

If you decide that you want a ceiling bus or mounted curtains, think about its compatibility with stretch ceiling: Cutouts under the curtain fastening must be discussed with employees in advance, just like the space under the bus.

  • Material

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It would seem that the Material Gardina matters only for interior design, but this is not the case: the easier the design, the smaller the impact on the wall, and this is very important if the wall is thin, for example, a plasterboard septum, or, again, loose. Perhaps, in this case, it is better to abandon beautiful, but heavy metal and wooden curtains and hang strings, plastic or profile.

  • Gabarits.

The width of the windows in most houses is standard, but more and more often the width of Gardina can be changed under the order. So, do not try to save, choosing a width equal to the window to the window or a little wider than it: so in the open state the curtains will close the most part of the window, preventing the ingress of sunlight into the room, especially if you are a lover of bulk curtains with lots of folds.

Also look at the windowsill. Does the length of the brackets enough to close it so that it does not drank when the curtains dreaded? Or, maybe it is better to choose ceiling or telescopic curtains that will be attached to two perpendicular window to the walls at any distance from the window instead of the wall with the window itself?

  • Wiring

And do not forget to find out how wiring passes: perhaps the wires will not let you hang curtains as you originally expected, and in the design plan will have to make small changes.

By the way

Telescopic curtains are convenient, as this is the only possible version of the wall mount without brackets, only, given the laws of physics, to use them without additional suspensions or brackets can be used exclusively in narrow rooms for easy curtains.

How to hang curtain to the wall: all stages of work

Hide curtains to the wall

For those who have never drilled anything, this task will not be out of the lungs, but it is from this that you can start familiarizing with basic instruments. Before starting work, make sure that the mounting places are not held in the mounting places, bow to the perforator and a surnuette, and also call someone to help to hang it easier.

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Measures and definitions for fasteners

First you need to decide on the secrets, and, as you can guess, the calculations should be as accurate as possible, otherwise the curtains will hang crooked.

  1. Find the middle of the window opening.
  2. From it back up at least 10 centimeters and put the point.
  3. Now you can go in two ways: to move the gardina measurements on the wall or try the curtain to the wall. For the first way, find the city center with a roulette, measure the exact distance from the center to the holes for the screws and move the measure on the wall in both directions from the central point that we have defined above. For the second option, finding the middle of the curtains, align it with the central accurate on the wall, align and make a pencil on the place of the holes for the screws. Here you will need help the comrade to keep the garardine, while you make marks.


Ideally, you need to hang curtains in parallel to the ceiling, the upper edge of the window opening and the floor, but in fact all these 3 lines are rarely strictly parallel to each other. Then what to navigate? Definitely, on the ceiling line, because otherwise the curtains will look crooked both in the open and closed.

How to hang curtain to the wall: all stages of work

Ensuring fastening

Now you need to do the holes. You can drill a drill, but for concrete the best choice is a perforator. Diameter and depth. Pick up those attachments that go in a set with curtains. If the wall is problematic, then the attachments will have to be improved by one of the following paths.

  • Pick the screws of the same diameter, but more than a larger length. Suitable for plasterboard walls, where you need to get to the concrete to firmly hang curtains.
  • Dowels are not needed only for high-quality concrete, and whether plastic is better not to regret even in this case.
  • Wooden plugs of larger diameters can be useful for the problem roar wall, in which the hole is already done under the screw.


In a loose or thin wall, the screws can be kept, the bay into the drilled hole is a bit epoxy resin.

How to hang curtain to the wall: all stages of work


It remains to fix the brackets with screws with a screwdriver or screwdriver, and your business is done!

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Just do not forget that, depending on the design of Gardina, hang it, perhaps, will have to be collected. Check in advance in the instructions, exactly how your option is attached.

Following this instruction, even a beginner will be able to hang curtains: the main thing is to make preliminary calculations, not be lazy to double-check measurements and make friends with the main tools!

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