How to shoot blinds?


How to shoot blinds?

How to remove blinds? Many are asked as such a question.

Top Today's Blinds are slowly displacing old good curtains from our help. Blinds are better protected by a room from sunlight, dust collect less and less dirty. But someday they become dirty and require washout. How to remove blinds?

The process itself is not very complex. But how to remove them and not damage the window and the curtains themselves? For many it is a mystery.

Not knowing structures, it is quite difficult to solve this problem, especially for the first time. Of course, you can try to wash them right on the window. It is extremely uncomfortable, since I washing the curtains, you can wrap everything around.

Therefore, we try to remove light-protective curtains. It is necessary to act neatly, because all the elements are plastic.

Blinds Vertical: Easy Dismantling

How to shoot blinds?

Vertical blinds are often replaced by curtains. And attach them to the cornice. They are mainly a decorative function, because they are made of fabric that transmits a small amount of light.

Standard models are removed as well as curtains. Many believe that it is much easier to remove vertical blinds than horizontal. This is true. The design of vertical light-protective curtains is not very complicated. Therefore, the procedure takes a minimum of time.

Vertical light-protective curtains are made up of many details and elements.

Therefore, before removing the vertical shutters, it is necessary to figure out how they function, and then act according to the scheme:

  • Disconnecting the tape from the mounting corner, dischams from the bottom screed lamella (horizontal plates).
  • Carefully fold the connecting tape (not allowing twisting).
  • Tighten on yourself and pull down the top of the slave.
  • Actions repeat to the removal of the last lamella. Everything. Curtains are ready for the wash.

Work without errors: horizontal blinds

Horizontal blinds - the design is more complicated than the vertical. They are usually attached to the ceiling or to the horizontal slope of the plastic window, which is also not very convenient.

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When working with such a model, light-protective curtains should be very neat. Errors in work can damage the lamella, and the box itself. Before removing blinds from the window, you need to wipe them with a dry soft napkin, then we swap. Only after that, using a screwdriver to start me.

The process of dismantling light-protective curtain is not difficult. It is only necessary to hold the design and ensure that the elements are neither breaking and not bent. Remove horizontal curtains exclusively when the window is closed.

How to shoot blinds?

Removing horizontal blinds with a latch.

How to remove horizontal blinds (scheme):

  • First of all, at all places of fasteners, remove the decorative covers.
  • Now dismantle the brackets that fixed the reflective horizontal curtain to the horizontal surface.
  • The lamellas that were released, raise up and release the closets of the upper surface.
  • Free now, the locks are carefully tightened to yourself and slightly right, in the meantime tighten the book by pressing forward.
  • So continue until the liberation of all lamellas.
  • Freeing the blinds completely, fix brackets.

If for some reason the dismantling of the curtains failed, proceed to the plan B. Remove the curtain along with the brackets. The manufacturer recommends fastener of these curtains using metal corners. They must be attached to the horizontal surface with hexagon self-drawers.

Device horizontal blinds.

This development is very convenient when dismantling or mounting blinds by a simple wrench. Updated the upper screws first, then the bottom. Then remove the shutters.

The horizontal blinds installed on the attic metal-plastic windows are fixed using special removable clamping clips. Work them, rotating counterclockwise.

Rolled blinds are collected from a large set of details and elements. The classic version includes the brackets of the plug and the mechanism, the curtain web itself and a variety of screws, dowels, etc. To remove such a speed, it is necessary to learn the instruction on the dismantling.

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The canvas rolled blinds for washing is not so easy to remove.

But if typical blinds, you can take advantage of the following tips:

  • Collapse with a chain of a cloth of a curtain in the original roll;
  • screwdriver gently blend the axis of the plug into the body of the plug itself;
  • Easily pull the pipe from the brackets;
  • Remove the pipe from the brackets.

Now you can wash if they are tissue, but dry cleaning will be the best output (there are anhydrous ways to remove dirt).

Wash any blinds are not difficult:

  • Lamella plastic blinds are not demanding. Any soap solution easily removes dirt or fat from them.
  • No need to pump metal blinds for a long time. They are easily cleaned with a jet of warm running water. Better if it is a jet of shower. The only thing that cannot be used is potent household chemicals and rigid brushes.
  • Bamboo lamellas do not wash in water. They are wiping with a wet cloth moistened in a light soap solution, then wipes with a clean cloth.
  • Wooden water lamella afraid. Therefore, it is better to purchase special tools for wooden products.

Before mounting the washed and peeled curtains, all fasteners and lamellae mechanisms should be treated with lubrication.

You can use automotive spray or oil for lubricating metal parts.

Experts advise to shoot and clean the blinds at least 2 weeks, as they are going to many dirt and dust. Such care for light-headed curtains does not only improve the appearance, but also prolongs the service life, for pollution, accumulating in the functional mechanisms, may be outlined.

Kitchen blinds require more frequent and careful care.

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