Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo


Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo
Currently, one of the popular decisions of the interior design of modern kitchens is a rustic style, or a country style, which is located on the leading positions in the top of the original design of the premises. Its popularity is based on the simplicity and simpleness, purity of lines. The cuisine decorated in the country style, brings the atmosphere of antiquity. To create such an interior, which also has an important meaning, only natural materials are used: wood, stone, flax, cotton.


Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

If you decide to arrange a cuisine in a rustic style, immediately definitely decide on the direction of style. Each country has its own traditions and rural life, which is not very similar to each other. For example, the American Rustic Style is a Cowboy Rancho, French - Exquisite Provence, Swiss - cozy chalets.

Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

Rustic cuisine in Russian is first of all, a traditional Russian oven, a rude trim of walls and gender covered with a whitewash ceiling, sutscent curtains and wicker floorboards. Modern comfortable household appliances are not appropriate in Russian cuisine to convey the real atmosphere of the Russian country, it is necessary to abandon the main benefits of civilization and modern gloss, taking only the most necessary.


Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

The design of a cuisine in a rustic style does not represent any particular difficulties, as there is no need to comply with special accuracy. On the contrary, the rustic style is inherent in some negligence and coarseness, emphasizing this style. For decoration of the walls, any materials will be suitable, but the advantage you need to give, of course, natural.

Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

A wide selection of natural materials allows you to show creative fantasy in the wall decoration. For example, they can be seen with a clapboard or board, make a decorative masonry imitating brick. A very popular material for wall design is the textured plaster, which gives the walls very original, slightly negligent, but at the same time, very beautiful view.

Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

The tile can only be used as a last resort, and that if you lay out the apron or the sink zone using the tile with a pattern, under a stone or tree.

Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

The most economical option for wall decoration is the wallpaper. They must necessarily have any ethnic pattern or rustic motifs in the picture. By issuing the overall wall with the target of a visual increase in space, it is desirable to choose a photo wallpaper with an image of a countryside, for example, it can be steppe spaces, an overlapping Niva or a cheerful river who will attack you with a rustic rest.


Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

The best option to cover the floors in the kitchen in the country style is laminate, and from the parquet you need to refuse. The drawing of the laminate must match the style and imitate natural materials: wood, brick or stone. Fine and stylish, floors decorated with floor tiles will look, especially if it is unlawed, artificially aged tile. Wicker mats on the floor will add charm and coziness to the room.

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Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

Country style on the ceilings is expressed in the presence of wooden beams, if the room has high ceilings. Also, ceilings can be painted with waterproof paint or whitewash.

Stretch or suspended ceilings look good. Here the main thing is to fit correctly into the total color palette. The ceiling may not be snow-white, but a dairy or beige.

So that the lamps correspond to the style of them can be put in wicker plaffones under the antiquity. Also very stylish will look a wrought chandelier or sconium in an old style or in the form of street lamps.


If you decide to arrange a kitchen in a rustic style, you have a chance to expose all family relics on display, which for a long time dust in the closet or in the attic, without having a chance to be seen upcoming generations. The light will see old photos in simple framework, candlesticks, figurines, cute souvenirs. All these things are pleased to diverse the kitchen interior.

Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

A special place in the design of a kitchen is occupied by textiles. If you make up the kitchen with the Slavic direction, then all sorts of wipes, tips, curtains with festons, lace or embroidery, bows and ruffles must be present in the interior. It is ideally suitable for cookware from clay, porcelain and faience. For example, it can be painted pots or several plates adorning an open shelf.

Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

Accessories will serve any items identifying a rustic life: Samovar, dishes painted under Khokhloma or Gzhel, a bright, original tray.

The interior will be revived and fill the room with appetizing flavors of garland from garlic, onions, bouquets of fragrant herbs.

Straw woven into the braid will decorate the wall, and the bright bunch of rowan is pleasantly diversified by a common colors of the kitchen.

The cuisine in the rustic style must necessarily be filled with flowers, so it is necessary to pay special attention to the phytodizain. Decorate the kitchen of bouquets from wildflowers in vases, indoor plants on window sills or shelves, icebank of dried herbs and branches.

Although the rustic style should be a bit of the movie, but too fascinate the variety of accessories is not worth it, otherwise the kitchen will turn into a littered warehouse.

Color palette

Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

Natural shades are characteristic of a rustic style. Therefore, it is best to answer the style of pastel colors, starting with golden brown and ending with gray or heavenly blue. Colors must be harmoniously combined with each other. It is impossible on the background of wooden walls to install dark wooden furniture - it will look too gloomy. Such an interior is appropriate only in very spacious premises. For small kitchens in the village-style walls should be blond, against which dark furniture will look very elegant, and the room will visually increase. Against the background of dark walls, light furniture will look great and immaterial.

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The most popular colors in country style are dairy, gentle-beige, sunny-yellow, luxurious chocolate, grassy, ​​sky blue, orange and light gray. Pastel tones are diluted with bright accents of red, bright green or saturated blue.

Country kitchen furniture

Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

In order for the kitchen interior to match the village style, it is believed that furniture items should be diverse, suitable in dimensions and combined by interference. But exclusively professional designers can solve such a complex task. Therefore, kitchen furniture is easiest to purchase in the store by selecting the most appropriate style.

Choosing furniture, first of all, you need to pay attention to the material. Wooden furniture is best suitable, the surface of which is artificially aged.

Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

The countertop should be made of natural or artificial stone, but it will fit well in the interior and the table top from the wood array. Tables and chairs should carry the shipment of time, for this they are covered with a special compilation composition so that they look like antiques. You can also select furniture elements from real antiques. Not bad if the facade of furniture is decorated with carvings or painting. This furniture is ideal for spacious kitchen, and in a small room, massive decor and protruding elements will further reduce the free space. Therefore, for a small kitchen, it is best to find suitable furniture without any frills. The right style will give such furniture accessories subjected to compulsory formation by a special means.

Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

For the style of Country, the lockers with open shelves are. On the upper shelves you can place all sorts of ethnic accessories, and the bottom decorate with curtains with ruffles or bows.

Modern household appliances with many buttons and glossy surfaces should not be in sight not to disturb the integrity of the style, so it must be hidden behind the facades of the cabinets.

It is appropriate to accommodate a buffet in the kitchen, which is a symbol of a rustic life, unless, of course, allows the area. Such an impressive piece of furniture will be visually lighter and air, if it is equipped with glass doors decorated with engraving, and a large mirror. Such a buffet, although it takes a lot of space, but success will replace many small lockers and shelves.

Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

To emphasize the rustic style in the kitchen will help the set chest, which will serve simultaneously and the seat and a roomy place for storing kitchen accessories.

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In a small kitchen, you can install furniture from rattan. Usually wicker furniture is intended only for cottages, but modern producers have learned to make such beautiful wicker furniture, which is simply impossible to stay in front of its charm. The main advantage of wicker furniture is the ease and use of natural materials, which fully fits into the condition of the country style.

Rustic style in the kitchen with their own hands

Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

The advantage of the style of Country is the fact that it is not necessary to create a similar interior of special material and physical costs, unless, of course, you did not take on to equip the kitchen by expensive antique furniture made of natural wood and with expensive coating or precious finish. You can create a rustic style by applying only some major strokes. In particular, if your kitchen asks for a long time to repair, there is no strength to see the old furniture, the wallpaper fall off, the flooring creaks, the ceiling squeezes from time to time, and no money for expensive repair is not saved. The problem can be solved, not attracting specialists and without spending on expensive new-fashioned headsets. Rural romance transform your kitchen.

To implement this idea, you must first remove an old coating from the walls and ceilings. Although this is the dirtier stage of work, but without it can not do.

For wall decoration, it is best to use texture plaster if you have at least some experience. If there is no experience, you can break the wallpaper with a cheerful pattern in a flower or ethnic theme. Wallpaper should be blond.

Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

Old furniture can be updated, Oshkariv wooden surfaces of tables, chairs, cabinets and covering them with a layer of transparent varnish. You will have a set of unique furniture with a light flare of antiquities. All modern household equipment must be hidden or decorated, as it does not fit into the village interior. It will help to create a suitable scenery of lace curtains, braids and other decorative elements.

On the floor, you can unwell a cute domain rug. Bright accessories, such as candlesticks, vintage lamps, painted tray, brilliant samovar, perfectly fit into the interior of the room.

Cuisine in rustic style - design, decoration, photo

It is important to choose the appropriate textiles. If the kitchen has a soft corner, the upholstery can be replaced by a new, corresponding to the country style: in pastel colors, with embroidery or fringe. You can also use covers and capes. Window curtains should be exclusively made of natural fabrics, decorated with ruffles, swans or braid.

By completing all these conditions, you will enjoy the warmth and cozy simplicity of the kitchen in the rustic style!

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