Sensors in gas speakers


Sensors in gas speakers

A modern gas column is a reliable device that can be used without fears for the health of people in the same room with the device. This is due to the presence of a special security system that includes special sensors controlling the equipment.

Sensors in gas speakers

Types and their appointment

The gas column protection system includes the following elements.


This part is also called the combustion sensor. Its main function is to control the presence of a flame. While the burner works, inside the sensor, which is a thermocouple, due to heating, the pressure is increased, which is transmitted to the valve responsible for fuel supply. If the flame disappears, the temperature decreases, which leads to overlapping of the gas supply.

In some columns there is also an ionization sensor reacting to flame ions. It is represented by an ionization electrode located directly inside the flame, and will be triggered with an unexpected disappearance of the flame, turning off the burner.

Sensors in gas speakers


It is located at the top of the device connecting the chimney column. The main function of this part is the determination of sufficient ventilation. If this sensor does not function, the column will not turn on and will not begin to heat the water, which will prevent the burning of combustion products into the room.

Sensors in gas speakers

Sensor traction

Overheating (thermostat)

This part is located on the pipes of the heat exchanger, in order to prevent the water heating over the permissible temperature. If it fixes excessive heat temperature, the column will automatically turn off to protect the heat exchanger pipe from damage. Most often, such a sensor is designed for temperature to + 85ºС.

Sensors in gas speakers


It controls the opening of the hot water crane - if the crane is closed, the stream sensor will turn off the column.

Sensors in gas speakers

Reduced water pressure

The water pressure sensor prevents the equipment to turn on if the water pressure is too small.

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Sensors in gas speakers

Safety valve for pressure relief

This detail will protect the pipes from the break in the case of an increase in water pressure in the pipes.

Sensors in gas speakers

In the next video channel "Heat SERVIS OVK", you can find out even more useful and interesting information about gas speakers.

And the next video tells in detail what the thrust sensor is for which it is needed and how it is arranged.

Is it possible to install additionally?

If there is no desired sensor in the purchased column, an additional installation is possible. Usually this question concerns the thrust sensor, which may not be in some Chinese speakers. Its presence is very important for the safety of the use of equipment, so it is best to make sure that the selected column is equipped with this part.

Sensors in gas speakers

If the lack of the sensor has already been found at home after making a purchase, it can be inserted into the device separately, even though it will be additional spending and the element itself, and on its installation.

Sensors in gas speakers

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