How to sew a organizer for spokes, hooks and trifles


How to sew a organizer for spokes, hooks and trifles

Good afternoon friends!

Tell us how and where do you store the needles, hooks, threads and needles, and other needlework? Is everything comfortable and laid down in the shelves so that you can quickly find the right thing?

Not? Maybe then to sew an organizer? I recently met interesting ideas. I have already prepared a publication on how to sew an organizer, and here Olya Arisep is my permanent reader, shared that she sewed an organizer for spokes and hooks. I asked Olyas to tell about my work for all of you.

Olya is a wonderful needlewoman, master on all hands, she knits the extraordinary beauty of socks and booties, sews such charming fluffy toys! A couple of his kittens she already showed us.

If you are not familiar with Olya, she will tell you a little about yourself.

"Good day!

My name is Olga Arisep. I live in the beautiful big city of Omsk. All kinds of needlework do from school.

My girlfriend and we are constantly making something out of rags, paper and cardboard, natural materials. Mastery and invented games and scenes with what they themselves created. According to the patterns from the magazine "Worker" sewed gloves, invented the scenes for them and played them themselves for our parents and brothers.

Knit began to learn from 8 years old, first for dolls and bears, very quickly moved to knitting jumpers for yourself, and already in the 9th grade began to knit to order.

For each season (autumn, spring), he invented a new knitted hat and tied up "old". Once my neighbor said that the neighbors even put a bet, which cap I would connect this time.

Sew clothes studied at school and home "fixed" skills with mom - sewed things on themselves. Until now, clothes for themselves sis, because Standards of the garment industry and the styles "are not very suitable."

By education - philologist, graduated from the classic university. He worked a proofreader in different editions in our city. Recently - Corrector of the needleless magazine "Masterclassnik".

All the works of Oli can be seen on its Vkontakte page

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How to sew a organizer for spokes, hooks and trifles

I have long needed an organizer for needlework tools.

When finally tired of looking for the necessary tools each time on different lockers, shelves, boxes, began to search on the Internet, how to sew a organizer.

Organizers came across a lot, but "came up" to me according to the principle "that's if nose ....... Attach your lips ..........

Then I called for the aid of the Elder Son (he is a professional designer). Son advised to collect everything that will be stored in the organizer, and, based on their size, determine the size of the pockets.

So I did.

Determine the size of the organizer

Since, I had to place the needles in the organizer (and they are pretty long, especially old, more mother's, their length is more standards of modern spokes, and the pencils are not suitable for them at all), it means that the spokes should be in height slightly Above the longest spokes, and the front wall of the pockets should be lower - so that the knitting needles can be seen, but at the same time the spokes should not fall out of the pocket.

In the organizer, hooks for knitting and knitting needles should also be stored - they are shorter, it means that the height of these pockets is less. I also defined her, measuring the height of my hooks and stocking spokes.

More in the organizer must accommodate different little things: minor tools and sets of sewing needles (searching for them every time in boxes and cosmetic bags is particularly difficult) - for them the third row of pockets. And for sets of needles, pockets should be the smallest in height.

The third row of pockets consists of two halves, driven out of two parts of different heights and stitched with each other.

The detail of the "outer wall" should be slightly more details of the big pocket.

How to sew a organizer for spokes, hooks and trifles

How to sew a organizer

As a material used denim fabric. You can also sew a organizer from old jeans, but I do not have any.

I got out all the details, she crossed them on the typewriter Zigzag.

The top edge of each part was turned inside and stood.

Now we collect pockets, each separately.

Upper short detail apply to the bottom large invalion to the face, we combine the bottom and we spoil.

Side seams and bottoms are not compassioned! They will be shown when assembling an organizer.

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Bottling pockets. An experienced way of measuring the future content was determined that it was more convenient to make 4 - 6 cm wide widths, even enough for modern spokes in the package. Between your pockets there should be a double line, for it we take 0.5 cm.

The length of the organizer, as well as the number of pockets, was determined by the number of spokes. What to fold into small pockets, always find, it would be where to fold.

The pockets of the third, the smallest row, you can make a sewing depending on what you intend to store them.

We are tightening the pockets of each of the three large pockets. I have an organizer of denim, for the line took bright-urica threads.

The upper part of the Big Pocket seemed to me empty and decided to decorate it with embroidery.

Found pictures of different needlework accessories, sketched them on the fabric and embroidered on the contour of the neck "forward needle" with colored threads, some details filled out inside the contour with the same seam.

How to sew a organizer for spokes, hooks and trifles

When all pockets are ready, we rock them together, combining the bottom edge and the sides. We rush to them the upper "outdoor" part of the organizer face to pockets and spend around the perimeter from three sides.

The upper part of the large pocket and the top of the "outdoor" portion was turned inside and stroke - between a large pocket and an outer wall, as well as between the pockets, additional large pockets turned out between the pockets.

Turn the organizer. In order for the angles better to turn, carefully cutting the corners close to the seam, but, not hurt, otherwise there will be holes.

Organizer is ready! You can sip it with an iron and proceed to the most pleasant - filling the new organizer. "

Olya, thank you very much for such a detailed description!

The master class did not work, just did not think about it, but it seems to me that everything is simple and now it is quite clear how to sew a organizer.

I would still advise on the use of thin tissues to pave fliesline.

And you can store in it any needlework accessories: the organizer and for the spokes will suit, and for hooks, and different little things.

It can be folded with a tube, tie a beautiful braid and stored on the shelf in the closet.

You can sew a vertical organizer, hanging it on the crossbar on the wall in a handwelred corner.

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If you still need Pattern , I present a simple organizer scheme that was published in the magazine Rosane. Scheme here >>.

In the same magazine, I met another interesting idea: make a basket - organizer (picture at the top).

How to sew organizer - basket

Such an organizer can be sewn on the basis of any basket with vertical edges, you can even use buckets from sour cream for small organizers or paint cans, and you can also take a cardboard box, a square-shaped organizer.

For the decor, a little tissue of two species that harmonize among themselves will be required.

Before proceeding with sewing, measure the perimeter and the height of the basket and the diameters like this.

We cut two bands with a length equal to the perimeter of the basket (+ 2 cm per battery), and width, twice the height of pockets. Say, one stripe is 24 cm wide, the second - 44 cm.

The inner case on the basket must be twice the height of the basket.

How to sew an organizer:

We fold the stripes with pockets in half along, flying away.

We impose the bands on each other and on the cover, combining the bottom.

We plan the places of pockets and spend them.

Then turn the cover along in half face inside and consolidate lateral seams.

Cut from the tissue of Dysheko in the size of the bottom of the basket and sew it to the case.

Remove the cover on the face, try on the basket, adjust the top edge and strain it.

In such a convenient basket, the organizer can be stored and things are bigger, for example, yarn.

That's just, if there are a lot of yarn and she lies on a few shelves in the closet, what to do? I have to get it out of the closet everything to find the necessary meal. And although all the yarn is decomposed on the packages in color, it does not help me very much.

Who has any ideas? I will be very grateful if you express my opinion, otherwise I can not come up with how to tame it and clean up the closet.

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