How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of air conditioning


Household appliances are designed to ease the lives of people. This fully applies to the air conditioners. Therefore, it is especially offensive when, instead of refreshing cool, the device begins to drive air with a disgusting smell.

Such a "fragrance" leads to the fact that any desire disappears to include air conditioning. It begins to execute only a decorative function, which, however, is not included in his direct duties. Such a problem may arise from car owners. To return the device into operation, it is worth dealing with the reasons responsible for this phenomenon.

Causes of the problem

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of air conditioning

There are a number of factors that can cause an unpleasant smell from the air conditioner in the apartment.

  • Significant breaks in the work of the aggregate. For example, if it is used exclusively in the hot season.
  • Neglecting care actions or poor-quality conducting them.
  • Excess filter replacement time reduces air purification level.
  • The absence of a siphon in the drainage system leads to the penetration of the "aromas" of the sewage to the apartment.
  • The presence of a source of persistent odor in the room can cause it to accumulate it in the air conditioner when using certain modes of operation, for example, heating.

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of air conditioning

The absence of a siphon in the drainage system is the cause of sewer smells in the apartment.

After finding out the reason that caused the smell from the air conditioner in the apartment, you can start the choice and applying a suitable solution to the problem.

How to eliminate the unpleasant odor from the air conditioner in the apartment

If, after switching on the device, the room is filled with an outsider "aroma" you can try to configure your sense of smell to identify the odor. This technique will facilitate further actions.

The smell of plastics

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of air conditioning

If unpleasant odors appear, it is necessary to check whether the elements of the air conditioner are not melted.

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Some air conditioners related to the low price category are capable of satisfying the air "fragrance" of plastic. A similar problem disappears in a few days by itself. However, you need to make sure that the system elements are not melted when working in heating mode.

The smell of burning insulating materials

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of air conditioning

The main thing is when the smell of gary appears, - turn off the air conditioner from the network.

In the event of a characteristic fragrance, it is recommended to disable the device from the network. This will avoid troubles: wiring brave, air conditioning output from the working condition, etc. Do not look for a breakdown yourself, it is better to contact the service center for maintenance and repair.

The smell of dampness from the air conditioner in the apartment. How to eliminate?

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of air conditioning

Special tools will help destroy bacteria in air conditioner.

Such a phenomenon like the smell of dampness from the air conditioner in the apartment is observed most often. The source is mold fungi and bacteria. They populate the internal space of the device, since the presence of humidity and elevated temperature creates optimal conditions for the growth of the colony. The appearance of harmful microorganisms, in addition to unpleasant odor, is able to harm the health of the inhabitants of the house. Therefore, it is necessary to solve this problem without postponing. To do this, take the following actions.

  • Wash, treatment with antiseptic effect and drying. The composition is enough to spray at the air intake site for cooling.
  • Some models are equipped with a function covering the fan to get rid of moisture inside the instrument. It reduces the risk that the smell of dampness from the air conditioner will appear in the apartment.

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of air conditioning

The first cleaning of the air conditioner is better to entrust professionals.

If these measures have not brought the desired result, you will need to disassemble the device, clean and process the internal elements. With a lack of experience, such a procedure is at least for the first time to trust a specialist. It is not particularly difficult, and the observations received will be enough in the future for work independently.

Smell of sewage

Such "amber" indicates an incorrect device of the drain system. Connecting to the sewer pipe requires a siphon installation. It will perform the role of the hydraulic assembly and will not allow to penetrate the smell in the air conditioner, and from there to the room. The bending of the drainage tube in the form of a snake is not able to correct the situation and eliminate the unpleasant odor from the air conditioner in the apartment.

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The smell of vinegar or sour smell from air conditioning

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of air conditioning

Chlorhexidine - inexpensive and effective means for cleaning the air conditioner.

The appearance of this fragrance occurs as a result of the reaction of the oxidation of some chemicals. The smell of vinegar from the air conditioner in the apartment may appear from stagnant water in the bath. It is usually displayed through a drain hole from the unit outward.

  • But if the device is installed with distortion, then a stagnation of a liquid containing live bacteria. A favorable environment causes their stormy reproduction, and the result becomes an acidic smell of air conditioning in an apartment or car. You must contact the firm that performing the installation of the device to eliminate miscalculations.
  • Another reason can be a zoom of the output tube. In this case, it must be cleared and disinfected all parts of the drain system. Funds are suitable from the discharge of professional.
  • You can also apply the compositions, the effect of which other users have experienced successfully, for example, chlorhexidine pharmacy. This solution is able to destroy bacteria, viruses and spores of fungi. The effect after processing is preserved due to the residues of the substance on the surface.

An unpleasant smell from the air conditioner in the apartment. What to do?

It is important not to leave without attention this phenomenon, although the smell of air conditioning in the apartment will not allow this to do.

  • In the initial stage, you can restrict ourselves to turning the device ventilation mode. If this function is missing, then the fan is started a few minutes before turning off the air conditioner. This method is considered prevention of excessive humidity within the unit.
  • The next step is disinfection using antiseptics. In the case when the device has not been cleaned for a long time, open the cover and wash the heat exchanger and the turbine. It is possible to use industrial compositions or apply folk remedies, for example, vodka, ethyl alcohol, DOMESTOS solution or disinfecting pharmacy preparations. After their use, there may be a smell for a while.

Types of filters

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of air conditioning

Filters in the system designs are able to prevent the smell from the air conditioner to the apartment or reduce the risk of this problem as much as possible. It is important to conduct timely replacement or cleaning of filtering elements according to the prescriptions of the manufacturer. Otherwise, their effectiveness will be reduced.

  • Photocatalytic type is present in all modern models. The principle of operation is based on sorption odors of organic nature in the presence of titanium oxide catalyst (IV).
  • The ionizing action creates metal plates under high voltage. They kill pathogenic bacteria and harmful microorganisms, delay dust particles. The advantage of such a device in the absence of the need for regular replacement.
  • Catechin filter has an antiviral and antibacterial effect, due to the impregnation of plant origin.
  • Vasabi shows similar properties. The active substance in this case is Japanese horseradish.

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The problem, an unpleasant smell from the air conditioner in the apartment, what to do, worries many owners of these devices. You can cope with the resolution of the issue, if you perform all the work on the care of the device, provided that the installation is properly performed. The neglect ratio leads to a deterioration of the operating parameters, a disruption of the cooling of the radiator, the accumulation of dirt, reproduction of mold and fungus.

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