Convenient storage of packages in the kitchen


Convenient storage of packages in the kitchen

Polyethylene packages appear in the house after another hike in stores, so they accumulate in large quantities. You do not want to throw away, because they can come in handy in the farm. In the article, consider the ideas of storing packages in the kitchen.

Purpose of storage packages

The garbage packaging is not the only option of the secondary use of the described items. Often, not only packaging ulles of different sizes accumulate in the house, but also plastic bags with ears - analogues of the Russian accidents, it is convenient to take them to the market or to the store, going there for products. It is a pity to throw away and a variety of packaging from new clothes, haberdashea, shoes. There are in the apartment and gift packaging, low-functional, but beautiful and memorable.

Convenient storage of packages in the kitchen

Before making a beautiful holder for packages, it is originally necessary to paint the ultrasters and systematize them as intended:

  • Packing packages will be needed when it will be necessary to wrap something on the road, remove the unnecessary thing to be stored, distribute things to the affiliation.
  • Packages with ties will help save on the purchase of ullars for garbage.
  • Standard bags fold and remove closer to the garbage bucket. Those that are more suitable for a hike to the market, in a small store, where products for products are sold separately.
  • Packaging, remaining from shopping, will not be suitable in the kitchen, because they are fragile. It is better for them to consider the storage place in the bedroom, in a wardrobe or in the hallway. Such packages are suitable in order to pack things on the road.
  • Gift packets will be in demand when it is necessary to pack gifts made with your own hands. Often such packages are used for children's crafts to school or kindergarten.

Storage options

Reflecting on how it is better to store packages in the kitchen, what ideas can be used for them, you need to look around and see what is at hand. Believe me, around a lot of objects that can suggest how to solve the problem.

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Convenient storage of packages in the kitchen

  • A compact gift box is in every apartment, it will fit a lot of packets not bonded among themselves, if you pre-fold them into neat rectangles. In the lid of the box, a round hole is cut. It will allow you to get folded ultrasound. The box is easily placed in the lower kitchen cabinet, you can also put it on the worktop, such a subject place will not take it anywhere.
  • Comfortable container is obtained from a plastic bottle. It is suitable for storing small packages. They plunge into the neck. In the middle of the bottle, the hole is cut out of this size so that the hand is easily encouraged. Through it it is convenient to get single items.
  • If there are knitting skills, it is easy with the help of threads and spokes to associate an unusual holder for packages. Ideas for the realization of the goal - a reasonable set, when there is not enough of his fantasy, designers recommend to extract the photographic creation of finished works. To repeat someone's experience is easier than inventing yourself. An ordinary hook helps to create beautiful holders in the form of strawberry berries, knit bottle, immerse plastic eggplants in them and use them to give strength and rigidity of such a design.
  • The popular storage option is to create dolls with a lush skirt, followed by a bag for storing packages. If there is no time and strength on the creation of pretty little animals and cute dolls, designers advise to sew a bag, visually resembling a dress doll. Choosing a bright beautiful cloth for these purposes, it is easy to create a beautiful and practical accessory.
  • For storage of packages brought home from network stores, a standard plastic container is suitable for storing products. It has a housing and a folding cover, if it is pre-closed with triangles or squares, a lot of packages fit into the container, it will be quite convenient to get a single instance as needed. Store containers better in the end of the sink or in the storage room.
  • The practical storage system for bags from underwear is obtained from a regular shoe box. They first add up in the form of envelopes, and then plunge into the box and are cleaned into the box in the hallway.

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Convenient storage of packages in the kitchen

Attention! There are ready-made dispensers for packages, they have a different design and form. Such decorative items are attached to the inside of the door under the sink. The dispenser looks like a holey basket. Each hole allows you to pull one cellophane package, others do not fall out. Such a comfortable holder is inexpensive, it is practical and does not take up much space.

Generalization on the topic

In the kitchen there is a plastic bag - the thing is necessary, the good hostess of the Kulk never throws out, takes place. In order for them to always be at hand and at the same time they did not climb the kitchen, you need to use holders. The ideas of their manufacture are told in the article.

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