Than to cover the lining indoors


One of the most popular types of wooden finishing materials is lining. It has a different profile, so the surface has a different look - from a smooth wall with small grooves, to waves of different sizes. Just the wooden walls do not fit all the interiors, therefore it is often necessary to paint the lining indoors - at home or in the country.

Than to cover the lining indoors

Color the lining can be in different color

What to handle the lining inside the house

In general, many believe that the lining indoors is better not to handle anything. Maybe so, but not in every climate and room, it will keep his original appearance for a long time. If the ventilation level is insufficient, wood can occur if it is in the sun - becomes dark gray.

With the formation, it is possible to fight only biological means - chlorine or active oxygen, and after - unambiguously impregnate protective compositions, and maybe and paint. With bitten wood it's a little easier: removing the top layer with a grinding, you will again get a beautiful color, but it will also last without protection against ultraviolet. Therefore, they decide to paint the lining inside the house or cottage.

Another point: not everyone likes wood in the interior. Just sometimes people get tired to look at her. I just want a smooth color surface. So also happens, and often. In this case, look for holling paint. Choose the effects of the characteristic optional.

Than to cover the lining indoors

Shelled paints give an opaque film

Coloring the lining inside with shelled paints even because wood in natural color is compatible with all styles. But I also want to have an interior of High-tech in a wooden house, for example. In this case, paint is suitable with metal particles or with a pearl (for example, Lignovit Platin).

All formulations for protecting wood can be quite consecrated for six main groups:

  1. Protective compounds . There are for external and for internal work. Compositions for outdoor work additionally include protection against ultraviolet, which prevents or slows down the process of photobing wood - changes in color on gray. So if the impregnation is needed for the lining on the balcony, and he comes to the south or east, - you need a composition for outdoor work. Only Note, some of them are painted the surface in pink or green - this is the result of a chemical reaction. Carefully read the description, because it is possible to paint the resulting color only with shelter paints or very dark tint.

    Than to cover the lining indoors

    Protective impregnations

  2. Tinting formulations or verse. They do not paint the texture of wood, but give some shade. At the same time, a film is not created on the surface, wood does not lose its properties - it remains vapor permeable. Toning formulations contain pigment and can be weakly or strongly pigmented. If you want to have a surface with a pronounced structure of wood, take a weak fightened composition. Layers, maybe it will be necessary and much, but you can control the degree of "painting" wood.

    Than to cover the lining indoors

    The result of the work of the vehicle of different colors

  3. Varnishes. Today, water-based varnishes or aquulaki are more popular for liners on the walls or ceiling. They can be matte, semi-wave or glossy. Many have the opportunity to add a koler - simultaneously change the color. In contrast to traditional varnishes, water-based varnishes do not close the pores - The film on the surface remains vapor permeable, but the dirt is protected from absorption. Many manufacturers add UV filters and bactericidal components. Such LKMs are good for balconies or indoors of unheated with periodic visits - at dachas and in the baths.

    Than to cover the lining indoors

    Varnish can be glossy, matte or semiam, and can give color - pigmented

  4. Paints. This group includes compositions that create a dense film on the surface, through which the structure of the wood is not visible. The group is extensive, with different properties and price range - from traditional oil to latex and acrylate enamel.
  5. Oils for wood. There are transparent, there is a pigment. Unlike varnishes, they do not create on the surface of a dense film, and absorbed into the fibers. Good formulations act like a lacquer coating, protecting against abrasion and absorb dirt. Only oils have no bright glossy glitter - matte or slightly shiny, like silk, surface. This is a great way to keep wood. Using certain application techniques using pigmented oils for wood, you can emphasize the texture (see below).

    Than to cover the lining indoors

    Braching with wood for wood

  6. Wax-based compositions. There are three types of wax: solid, liquid and water. Solid wax before use is heated to a liquid state, liquid and water (waxed azure) are ready for use. Wax protection is traditional and very effective, and new technologies allow you to significantly alleviate the process. The lack of wax - it is quite difficult to apply evenly, but on a pre-primed surface, it falls well.

This division is conditional: there are many mixed compositions that can be attributed to at least two groups. So there are impregnations that can be toned, and there are paints with protective properties. The difference is in the effectiveness of protection. The impregnations primarily protect the wood, and the giving color is a secondary task. With paints, the opposite is the opposite. Their main task is to create a beautiful coating, and protection is like an accompanying effect. If you need immediately and good protection and high-quality coverage, take the impregnation without tinting, and after drying, apply paint.

Another example of a mixed composition - oil with wax. These compositions combine properties and oils and wax, thanks to which the wood retains its own kind of longer times.

The question of which groups to give preference, each decides for itself. Different means solve various tasks and it is important to choose the correct properties that you need first.

How to paint lining inside: technology

For painting lining in "dry" rooms inside the house, you can use any of the types of paint. It is simply defined with the requirements for the decorative surface of the surface. If the lining is dry, it can not be impregnated with protective compositions, or choose paint / varnish / wax with appropriate additives. It is possible to paint it only on the one hand, leaving the back side of the unprocessed.

Than to cover the lining indoors

Paint each piece of lining separately

If the lining will be used in wet or unheated rooms, on the balcony, it is necessary first to heat it well with protective compositions from all sides, you can double. Only after drying the impregnation can be painted, varnish, in general, to give decorative properties. Another moment: when installing the wallboard on the wall or ceiling, it has to cut into pieces. Sections of sections in wet rooms must also be missed by the composition. Wait until it dry does not necessarily, but it is necessary to process.

There is one very important nuance that many fans decorators are overlooked. If you want to get the color of the challenge of the professional level, you need to process each plank separately: pollute, paint, dry and only then collect the surface of the already colored wall paneling. That is, on the wall or on the ceiling, mounted already fully treated plank. Only with this approach from any point the surface of the lining will have the same color.

Than to cover the lining indoors

Good paint the entire surface of the wall, crumpled lining - difficult

If you dye the already assembled surface, nevertheless places remain in the grooves and deepends, it is difficult to grind large areas. Perfectly smooth surface exactly not get. The quality of the finishes in this version is not higher than the average. Painting the finished surface is permissible if you update painting. This must be done with different periodicity - depends on the operating conditions and the properties of the LKM.

The right painting technology is as follows.

  • The lining is checked and sorted. All the fed, curved or cracked boards go to the rejection. You can test the color, select the color, the number of layers, work out the technique and the sequence of painting.
  • Past sorting boards are grouped to full smoothness. It is most efficient to work with a grinding machine, but it is possible to bru with the sandpaper attached on the surface. Sand paper grain - 250-280. When grinding circular motions, the facial surface, spike and grooves pass. The back of the lining can be left without processing.

    Than to cover the lining indoors

    Work more convenient grinding machine

  • A roller or brush is applied. For each type of coating there are moments and features - they are spelled out on the bank or in the accompanying instruction. In general, the rules are simple: they take a bit of paint, apply single strokes along the lining along the entire length. Then they are thoroughly rubbed, they are cut to obtain a homogeneous color.
  • Having achieved uniform painting, leave to dry.
  • After drying, if necessary, grind again. This stage is often needed when working with shelled paints and varnishes. The first layer of LKM raises the pile of wood, which is why she becomes routine. This pile is removed by re-grinding.
  • Apply the second layer of LKM. Dry.

Layers can be a lot: depends on the shelterness of the paint and on what effect you want to get. But in any case, the rule remains one thing: the composition on the brush should be little. Exception - impregnation or primer. They are applied with a well-dipped brush, but only those that without pigment. When applying pigmented protective compositions, there are rules for paints - the minimum required amount of composition is well underestimated.

Sometimes, even with careful rubbing paint, clearly visible stains. It is not a bad paint, but the properties of wood: somewhere pores absorb better, somewhere worse. In order to achieve smooth color in this case, the surface is primed first. You can use any typewriter or colorless matte varnish (water-based). After drying, the surface is grinning (aha, again) and then apply the required number of paint layers. Only in this case, after the first layer, the LX grinding is rarely required, and if necessary, then in some places, more often - on a spike or a groove.

How to evenly put the azure, butter or wax look in the video.

If the furniture quality is needed, the layers are even more: first the veil is applied, then two layers of soil. After drying, it is grouped to the complete surface of the surface first with grain 280, then 320, after removal of dust, the finishing layer is applied - varnish. An example of such work in the video.

Tree painting with texture preservation

It is possible to achieve a pronounced wood pattern using lazuries, pigmented oil or wax. These compositions lie pretty tightly, almost painted the structure of wood fibers. Any of the compositions described above can be applied with brush or roller.

When applied, the LKM takes quite a bit, first fragments catching the entire length of the lining. Then the brush or roller applied strokes are riveted over the entire surface. Leaving them for 5-10 minutes to absorb, for manifestation of texture, take a soft loud fabric and remove most of the oil. As a result, the figure is manifested much brighter than in original condition: more pigmented tools are maintained in the grooves, it almost does not remain on the protruding parts. The result is a pronounced texture. This reception is also called brashing or texturing of the lining. In the interiors, the wood treated in this way looks very decorative: both on the walls and the ceiling.

The process can be pushed into the video. Three samples were stained: two with the same oil with a pigment, one - colorless. 5 minutes after painting, one of the pigmented billets wiped for the manifestation of the pattern. To keep the wood after driving a pigment (24 hours or more, read on the package), the lining is covered with two layers of colorless oil (lazuries, wax). In the field of intensive use, you can also cover the lacquer.

How to paint the lining under the bleached oak

Often it is necessary to paint the tree into white, but so that there are bodies visible. They say more - create an effect of a bleached oak. There are several ways:

  • Use tint with the corresponding name, which are also called verses. Different producers have such. They usually have the names of "Inay", "bleached oak" or something like that. Feature of application: It is impossible to pour a lot of composition. If overflow, the surface will start to flake over time. To achieve the desired degree of coloring, several very thin layers are applied. After each, giving time to dry well.

    Than to cover the lining indoors

    The elevated lining looks great on the walls and on the ceiling

  • Oil with wax with a similar name. Application technique depends on your desire: one or two layers for an almost opaque coating or one layer, followed by a rapid grout for a pronounced texture.
  • Pignet polyurethane soil with the name "white" or "bleached". To obtain a translucent coating, the composition is bred by a large amount of diluent. Its quantity can be 80-100% of the volume (defined by the samples). The disadvantage, like all polyurethane LKM, is yellowing with time.
  • Pigment acrylic soil, also diluted at 80-100%. Color for a long time remains white, but there is such a soil more polyurethane.

Which of the compositions to choose is difficult - it is necessary to try to paint the lining with several compositions and compare the result. The effect when using different means is slightly different, but even highly depends on the wood. Reviews are also very different - someone blew up with tintov, someone oil. The soils are rare for these purposes, but mainly due to the fact that they are not known for their properties.

Secrets of decorative staining of wood: equipment and tricks

The inhabitants of the cities want a maximum to preserve the natural color of wood. Those for whom wood in the house - the boning everyday life - to paint the lining indoors in some unusual color. Modern LKMs allow you to achieve different effects. For example, textured or brushed lining, but in two colors. This technique is often used in loft style interiors.

Than to cover the lining indoors

Folded lining in two colors - an excellent choice for decorating walls

All cunning - in applying two layers of different colors. The first layer is applied by some dark color, the second is light or brighter. After playing the colors and order of their application, you can create your own option. Watch the video - how to get brash in two colors.

Coloring in two colors may not be like that. You can make removing a darker color, and the ray (front part) is only slightly toned or do everything up to "on the contrary." It turns out the striped wall of the wallpaper - the effect of the rush wall.

How to paint the lining inside the house: ideas

Techniques and ways of painting is great, but how to enter the clad in the modern interior? Simply. There are many interesting options. The last finds of designers are a wall of lining indoors with smooth walls. It looks creative and interesting. And most often such a wall is made in the brash technique.

Than to cover the lining indoors

One of the options for using the wallboard in the bedroom interior

Interesting effect gives a combination of units of different thickness - in the photo between wide boards inserted thin. And they are painted in different shades of the same color. The combination is interesting and fresh.

Than to cover the lining indoors

The lining is used and when creating interiors in a modern style.

The lining is not necessarily a flat board with small grooves on one side, which is also called Eurovantia. There are different profiles, including waves and depressions. Of these, you can collect interesting walls, whose relief emphasize with staining.

Than to cover the lining indoors

You can collect interesting reliefs from the lining of a different profile. To looked more interesting - to emphasize reliefs or chop

As usual in the interior, much depends on the light. Several non-standard decorated lamps - long translucent bands, followed by lamps installed in the middle of the ceiling - and the interior is completely transformed. In such design you can arrange the rooms for youth, creative living rooms, etc.

Than to cover the lining indoors

Very interesting highlighted solution

You can play not only with light, but also with color: in the lighting zone, paint the lining in the lighter color, emphasizing this zone in such a way.

Than to cover the lining indoors

Light and color game reflected in the mirror

If you have good skills in drawing, you can paint the lining. Just do not forget then the whole picture is covered with colorless butter or varnish - to preserve longer. This technique can be used when making a children's room.

Than to cover the lining indoors

Painting on the clap

In the interior of the cabinet, living room, the hallway is perfectly looking hard outlined panels from the lining. In the same way, you can make a wall in the dining area in the kitchen. Only the quality of it and the color must be perfect.

Than to cover the lining indoors

Honey shade lining repeats on the ceiling

Pulling on the impermanent can be processing for the interior in the style of "Rustic". Power rooms with a male character.

Than to cover the lining indoors

The style of "Rustic" will like men. In this case, the painting of the lining in the brash technique is the norm. And the color choose dark

As if in counterweight - light walls. The lining is low, and the beams are painted in a dark color. Despite the traditional materials used by centuries, the view of such a room is modern and stylish.

Than to cover the lining indoors

An excellent combination is light walls with a bleached oak effect and dark massive beams. It is almost a win-win version

Than to cover the lining indoors

Variation to the same topic

It uses lining and finishing bathrooms. The impregnation here it is necessary to pay maximum attention, but if ventilation in the bathroom is to do at the level, impregnation - with protection against moisture, then there should be no problems. And the interior, you see, very interesting - warm tones of wood in combination with a bright marble - an excellent course.

Than to cover the lining indoors

Lining in the bathroom

The lining is used and when finishing the balconies. It is only necessary to stuff it horizontally - so you can expand small space. And better on such a small area, light colors look, maybe with a dark edging.

Than to cover the lining indoors

Choose lining on the balcony

Than to cover the lining indoors

Ceiling - lining painted with light veil

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