We decorate the curtains with the remnants of Tulle and sew useful little things: master class


If the decoration of the window opening took place with his own hands, then masters often remain pieces of fabric or tulle. You do not need to throw them away - the remnants will serve as material for the manufacture of designer things, stylishly looking in the interior of the room, where curtains serve as the basis. What it can be and how to do it - we will analyze an interesting question.

We decorate the curtains with the remnants of Tulle and sew useful little things: master class

Beautiful remnants of Tulle

Decor curtains from the remains of Tulle

First of all, you should make sure that the manufactured curtains do not need additional decoration. Buffes can be made from Tulle - bulk protection for the upper edge of the canvas, resembling gorgeous bows of first-graders. Work on simple option is quite simple. A wide strip of Tulle will be required, the cornice is 2-3 times longer (you can sew pieces), a curtain tape with a coefficient of 2.5 and a sewing machine. Stages of work:

We decorate the curtains with the remnants of Tulle and sew useful little things: master class

  1. A wide strip of tulle is folded in half and shifted the coinciding ends at 20-30 cm to the edge. Remains should be cut off.
  2. Stitching the resulting sleeve.
  3. An ordinary curtain tape is addicted to the seam, a width of 2-2.5 cm and delay it, forming, volume.

It remains only to shoot the resulting buff to the edge of the Tulle or even an external curtain, thus obtaining an ensemble. It looks amazing and does not require additional tricks in decorating. Buffes are welcome in classic style, modern and east.

Useful items in the interior

Decorated not only curtains from tulle residues. With their help make useful and no less beautiful author's things. For example:

We decorate the curtains with the remnants of Tulle and sew useful little things: master class

  • An interesting option is from the remains of the curtains to sew covers on the pillows. Of course, the sizes of segments do not always allow to make a full-fledged model. Then the carved strips of cotton, silk, taffets and other material combined with the basic will come to the rescue. Before starting work, the whole fabric is prepared - erased, whiten, smoothed. Further:
  1. Two squares measure or combine pieces.
  2. Stripping from three sides - Sew the pillowcase on the pillow is quite simple.
  3. The finished cover is put on the pillow or fill with syntheps, if the tulle was not transparent.
  4. Decorated the resulting useful accessory with flowers, sewn by type of buffa (see above).

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We decorate the curtains with the remnants of Tulle and sew useful little things: master class

Original pillows from tulle residues

Tulle pillows laid out on the furniture in the living room or bedroom, where the base canvas hangs, will produce a furor.

  • Inspired by the resulting result in the form of a pillow, you can sew from pieces of fabric covers for stools or chairs. This will require elastic bands and pieces of foam rubber in the size of the seat. The case is manufactured as follows:
  1. The template is cut in the size of the chair with compulsory allowances on the seams.
  2. The tower tape is attached to the gum.
  3. The kit is going and put on the stool, where the foam pillow is already lying.

We decorate the curtains with the remnants of Tulle and sew useful little things: master class

And it's all. Soft seat material should not be dissected with translucent tulle - light to white.

  • Gentle tablecloth on the kitchen with their own hands, made from the isometric squares of Tulle and oblique bey. This option is acceptable in the village of Rustic Style or Country. The work of painstaking and requires perfection. So:
  1. Two segments of oblique bey are folded together and stitched in the middle. Feed up on the seam and smooth the iron to get a double tape to insert the fabric.
  2. Using a few bands, create a grid, shocking it on the intersection. When it is ready, the squares are inserted from the remains of the tulle inside and finally adord.
  3. At the intersection of lines, decorative elements are sewn or left in its original form - the cell is good in itself.

We decorate the curtains with the remnants of Tulle and sew useful little things: master class

If you wish the ensemble with Tuli, hanging in the kitchen, then its edges are also decorated with baking. It is important that both material are not dissected.

  • To sew a lamp to the table lamp, do not even need a thread with needles. Enough gluing gun. After preparation of Tulle, the action is as follows:
  1. The fabric wrap around the template is a plastic or metal cap and apply labels. They make a pattern.
  2. Then, pre-applying the glue points, tulle wrapping around the lampshar.
  3. The adhesive composition is applied to the edges and fingers wrap the cloth inside.

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Include and enjoy the result. A lamp to the kitchen from Tulle is an overwhelming trend of the interior.

  • Practical mosquito net on the window - the subject is useful in all respects. It will be useful in the apartment on the balcony, dacha, in the bedroom. For its manufacture, you will need a wide strip of tulle or prefabricated pieces cut by pattern, frame - take a plastic frame if the old network has been completed or have a new wooden stapper.

We decorate the curtains with the remnants of Tulle and sew useful little things: master class

The framework is disassembled, and now it is easy to make a mosquito net - it is inserted into the mosquito inside, after starching it for stiffness. On the wooden frame, the canvas stretch using decorative nails. If the seams connecting the slices of Tulle are visible, they are hidden by decorative ribbons.

We decorate the curtains with the remnants of Tulle and sew useful little things: master class

It remains to put the mosquito net on the window and check it in action - tulle, naturally, should be dense.

  • From very small tissue residues sew her grass bags - flavored covers filled with mint, laurel sheet or even wormwood, will come in the kitchen to the yard. Explain how to sew from the fabric, small joys, it makes no sense - I will understand and the child, by the way, attracts little needlewomen. Decorated the resulting result with beautiful laces and flowers. Hang in any prominent kitchen seat.

    We decorate the curtains with the remnants of Tulle and sew useful little things: master class

  • With the remains of the tulle material, the technique of Patchwork - Patchwork Sewing. Using even small pieces, mastered anything - from the curtains, to the plaids. Kitchen - generally, place for creativity. In beautiful cases, not only furniture items are needed, but also a container for bulk products, storing onions, vegetables - tlea bags are beautifully executed, and they will not be grew, thanks to the structure of the fabric.

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An exclusive mosquito net on a plastic window, pillows and covers, tablecloths and buffers - then a little, which is created from remnants of any tissue. Even if sewing the curtains are not supposed, to take up this work is extremely interesting and useful. Good luck with new ideas!

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