How to quickly get rid of mold on the walls


Very often in apartments and private houses, a black mold appears on the walls. This is the most common type of fungus, which is able to affect the structure of any material with sufficient distribution of the colony of microorganisms. To get rid of malicious fungus, people use many different means, but not all of them are able to effectively remove the pathogenic microflora.

Causes of appearance

In order to completely get rid of the fungus in the house, it is necessary to establish the true cause of the formation of characteristic spots on the walls.

How to quickly get rid of mold on the walls

The black mold on the walls usually appears in the presence of favorable conditions for the development of fungus. This requires high humidity indoors, good temperature, minimum sunlight. Usually mold begins to appear in the bathroom near shower cabins, toilet bowl, in the kitchen for washing sink, basements and cellars.

Of course, the main reason is the appearance of a rift mushroom in the house of the corresponding view. There is still a white and green mold, which is very difficult to destroy. Causes of the appearance of any kind of fungus are the same.

Mold often appears in homes where the air does not circulate due to the faulty ventilation system. During construction, it was bad to make a waterproofing system of walls and with an excess of moisture, which does not have time to dry, the fungus begins to germinate.

The cause can be rare air ventilation, preserving a high level of humidity due to a constant watering of room colors, as well as due to the installation of poor-quality plastic windows or poor waterproofing of the foundation in the house.

How to quickly get rid of mold on the walls

Thus, the mold may appear anywhere. In private houses, you can find it in the basements, where the air is badly circulating, damp and does not fall solar color.

Having determined why a certain kind of mold appeared in the house, you can proceed to remove it.

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Video "Causes of Appearance"

From the video you will learn why the fungus arises in the apartment.

How to remove

To destroy mold on the walls in the apartment, special chemicals are usually used, as well as some folk remedies.

To begin with, it is necessary to eliminate the reason itself, which led to the manifestation of molds of various types (black, white, green).

Try to measure the level of humidity in the room. There are special devices for this. Make sure that the cranes or pipeline are in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

Disputes can also be formed on the window frames, it is associated with cracks in the mask at the bottom of the external frames, so it is necessary to keep track of the magazine to the glass kept hard, and then the moisture will not penetrate into the opening and the mold is not formed there. Thus, as long as you do not give a microclimate, the mold will not leave you, so we get rid of the moisture.

How to quickly get rid of mold on the walls

You need to check the ventilation system in the bathroom. As the main measures to help get rid of the main reasons for the appearance in the house of mold, it is necessary to make good thermal insulation, regular ventilation and primer with antiseptic means.

To get rid of fungus, you need to use preparations for treating pathogenic microflora. Antiseptic primer is best suited for this purpose. It helps not only get rid of mold, but also to prevent her appearance in the future. It does not need to be diluted with water, it is enough to pour into a comfortable container and treat the affected surface. Before applying fluid on the wall or ceiling, clean it with a coarse brush. So in the pores the solution will be easier to penetrate. The solution is applied only on a dry wall with a uniform layer. After drying, the procedure is repeated. Dry in the basement or cellar, where the sunlight does not enter can be done using heaters or a soldering lamp. Be sure to follow safety.

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How to quickly get rid of mold on the walls

How to quickly get rid of mold on the walls

How to quickly get rid of mold on the walls

Antiseptic primer is suitable for any premises. After a complete drying of several layers, you can proceed to sticking wallpaper or painting the walls.

There are critical situations when drugs and folk remedies cannot help withdraw mold. Therefore, it may be necessary to remove a piece of plaster or cladding in the house. That is why it is desirable to immediately start fighting the fungus when characteristic signs appear.

Effective means

Against the fungus and mold on the walls you can use many means. But only with proper surface processing, you can achieve a good result. There are means to help get rid of any kind of fungus.

Anti-oil oils can be used against black and white mold. For these purposes, tea tree oil, fir, citrus fruit are suitable. They have antibacterial properties and will help destroy the pathogenic microflora, which appears in wet places.

You can remove the mold with the help of a solution of food soda, which is necessary to process the affected surface. A plot is washed several times where the mold grows. Do not forget that the rooms need to be tired and the air is not over again.

How to quickly get rid of mold on the walls

Another means that can derive the fungus - vinegar. This is a good alternative to chemical preparations. 9% vinegar solution is able to destroy almost all pathogenic microorganisms on the wall surface or ceiling. As soon as signs of mold manifest, we immediately wipe the plot of vinegar.

To remove mold, you can use hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, boor or bleach. When processing affected areas, be sure to use rubber gloves and, as possible, protective glasses.

Video "How to get rid"

From the video you will learn how to get rid of the fungus.

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