How to align the floor under laminate with your own hands without a screed


How to align the floor under laminate with your own hands without a screed

Choosing outdoor coatings for an apartment or a country house, you need to remember that each material is placed on the prepared surface. Depending on the type of floor covering, the requirements for the preparation of the draft floor are determined.

Today, one of the most popular products is laminate. This material is placed on a perfectly smooth surface. To make high-quality coverage, you need to know how to align the floor under the laminate. The process itself is not very complicated, but requires care, accuracy and time.

Wooden floor alignment

How to align the floor under laminate with your own hands without a screed

The most popular material for equalizing plywood floors - plywood

During the construction of houses, wooden or concrete floors are made, so the process of alignment of draft floors directly depends on the type of material from which the overlap is made. Not changed only the required result. The rough surface should be smooth and reliable.

Before making any actions, it is necessary to make an assessment of an existing coating if it is. A tree is a material that is poorly repaired. If the boards of the existing draft floor began to rot, and their external appearance does not inspire confidence, you can seriously think about their complete replacement.

How to align the floor under laminate with your own hands without a screed

Thus, at the first stage, the rejection of unsuitable materials is rejected. If it is an inter-storey overlap, then removal can be made to carrier beams. When disassembling the floor of the first floor, the tree can be replaced completely.

If the wooden floors have been subjected to strong moisture and simply rotted, then you need to be prepared for the fact that by planning finishing work, you can proceed to overhaul.

Basically, with proper care of the floors of the draft floor, they are kept dry. Such material can be used again. After removing the old coating and making sure that the supporting structures are reliably, you can go to the new coating device.

How to align the floor under laminate with your own hands without a screed

GVL is also used to align

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The alignment of the floor under the laminate should be started from the chop of a horizontal level to calculate the height of all materials. Otherwise, you can not get into the level with other rooms. For even floor, lags and leafy wood materials will be required.

Counting can be started from the opposite. From the required level, the height of the laminate with the substrate and subtract the height of the sheet material, which can be used by CSP, GVL or Phaneur. The resulting size will correspond to the height of wooden lag.

How to align the floor under laminate with your own hands without a screed

With a thin material flooring, the step between lags should be less

Wooden lags are the base under the draft floor. They are installed with a certain step in such a way that the leveling sheet material does not bother under the severity of people. Accordingly, for thick sheet material, this step may be greater, and for thin - less.

A sheet material is attached over parallel to the edge of the rib. It is advisable to make the mount so that the screws do not protrude beyond the edge of the material. For work with a tree, it is necessary to use self-tapping screws with a big pitch.

Such a floor under a laminate can make almost every person who has a craving for construction and a small experience in this area. On top of the sheet material can be laid the substrate and lower the laminate.

Alignment of concrete floor

How to align the floor under laminate with your own hands without a screed

Alignment of concrete floor under laminate can be made in several ways. The following types of work will fit the apartment or country house.

  1. The device is pregnant dry screed.
  2. Cement-sand tie device.
  3. Alignment of self-determining compositions.

How to align the floor under laminate with your own hands without a screed

Dry screed

As before the start of work with wooden floors, the existing floor covering is disassembled. If on the concrete floor there is an old cracked screed, then this floor layer should be deleted. Then it is necessary to completely clean the concrete coating, including from dust to estimate its condition.

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If there are cracks in concrete, they must be selected by cement-sandy solution or similar by the properties of the composition. Then there can be a tie of the floor under the laminate or the device of the composition of the dry variant of the draft floor.

With any roughing device, the horizontal level is first determined and the heights of all layers are calculated.

For a sandy cement mortar, a lighting is made. On them it will be aligned. A reinforcing material is stacked between the beacons, for example, a masonry grid. After such preparation, it is directly filling with a solution.

The pregnant dry screed under the laminate is suitable as follows. Install the rails that simultaneously perform the function of the beacon and wooden lags. A lightweight thermal insulation material is covered between the rails, which can serve as clamzit. It is quite environmentally and quite suitable for interior decoration.

Next on the rail is placed sheet material. Depending on the thickness of the sheets, the setting step is selected. Sheets should not be fed. If necessary, they can be laid in two layers.

How to align the floor under laminate with your own hands without a screed

Self-leveling coating fall asleep in two layers

The screed under the laminate of the self-determining composition is arranged in two stages. Poured a draft and finishing layer. For high-quality fill to the level, the room is divided into conditional squares, in the corners of which the dowel-nails are screwed into the concrete base.

They are screwed in such a way that the hats of the bolts are in the same horizontal plane and served as guidelines when resurring the solution. The surface poured the composition is easily aligned in the horizontal plane using a needle roller.

Features of the device of roughing under laminate

How to align the floor under laminate with your own hands without a screed

Since it is possible to align the concrete floor under laminate in different ways, you need to study all the options and choose the appropriate.

  1. For laminate, a very durable coating is required, respectively, when the flooring with wooden sheet materials, special attention is required.
  2. The laminated material will not be able to go well into the lock if there is horizontal irregularity.
  3. In country houses on the first floor, a prerequisite for the construction of roughing is a waterproofing device.
  4. A black coating with a warm floor system can be performed without a device of a sheet material. Laminate can be laid without CSP, plywood or GVL.

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For wooden draft floors coated from the board, the distance between the lags can be found from the table. Learn more about the installation of draft floor under the laminate, see this video:

Floor Board Thickness, mmDistance between lags, m

Before repair, it is necessary to take into account all the features, since it is not necessary to align the floor to everyone. Assessing the amount of work and the amount of costs, it is possible to make a choice in favor of cooperation with a specialized organization or private master.

If there is confidence in your own opportunities, then it is enough to start and make this work yourself. Laminate is definitely suitable in order to make his own floor beautiful and modern. This coverage requires certain conditions when installing. It is required to perform them as accurately as possible, then the coating will serve for many years and for a long time will not require repair.

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