Alignment of the floor by self-leveling mixture with your own hands


Alignment of the floor by self-leveling mixture with your own hands

The alignment of the floor by self-leveling mixture greatly facilitates the preparation of an absolutely smooth surface for laying the finishing flooring.

Modern manufacturers provide all the necessary materials and mixtures to create a rough floor, eliminate multiple damage and defects of the surface and creating the finish layer.

There are also special compositions that ensure the alignment of the floor by self-leveling mixture and characterized by the minimum drying time. They were widespread in cases where it is required to prepare the surface in the shortest possible time.

Features and advantages of composition

Alignment of the floor by self-leveling mixture with your own hands

Filling the floor by self-leveling mixture made it possible to achieve an absolutely smooth and smooth surface without the slightest flaws, which can cause poor-quality laying of the floor covering.

For high-quality work, you must choose and use the special composition:

  • base;
  • finishing.

Before filling the floors, it is important to prepare the surface

The mixtures are produced based on plaster and cement. Each of them has its advantages and is distinguished by the feature of the application and the quality of the result. Some formulations are necessary to eliminate the defects of the coating in the form of cracks and cracks, others - to create a final layer to which parquet, laminate or linoleum can be laid.

To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to comply with certain rules for applying a self-leveling composition. It is important to qualitatively prepare the surface of the floors, removing all sorts of pollution, performing the work, focusing on the drying time of the mixture, and wait for the complete pouring and durability before use.

Alignment of the floor by self-leveling mixture with your own hands

Alignment of the floor by self-leveling mixture with your own hands

Blend for finishing alignment

Any composition designed to equalize the floor surface is a balanced mixture that constitutes a practically instant grasp and solidification of a solution, which under the influence of gravity forces is able to create an absolute smooth and smooth surface, ready to perform further works associated with the construction of the floor covering.

The self-leveling mixture is used at:

  • Construction of a thin and durable screed on a concrete base; The thickness of such a layer does not exceed 30 mm;
  • constructions screed on waterproofing material or wooden floors; In this case, the layer thickness can reach 6 cm;
  • making screed on the insulation (thickness of at least 3 and no more than 6 cm);
  • creating a warm floor of any design; Such a screed reliably hides the contours of pipes and cables, guarantees the creation of an absolutely smooth surface.

Solving which self-leveling mixture is used when conducting certain works, it is necessary to pay attention to it.

Alignment of the floor by self-leveling mixture with your own hands

Gypsum mixes quickly frozen

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Gypsum mixes designed to equalize the surface are used when installing any heat-mall system. Gypsum is distinguished by excellent thermal conductivity and contributes to a fairly rapid frosting of the screed, the thickness of which in some cases reaches 10 cm.

As for cement formulations, their use is justified when performing work related to the alignment of the floor surface in rooms that differ in a sufficiently high level of humidity. Their characteristic feature is good spreadability.

Such compositions are popular when filling the floor with a layer, the thickness of which does not exceed 2-3 mm.

The procedure for performing work independently

Clarifying how to fill the floor by self-leveling mixture without attracting specialists, it is necessary first of all to take care of high-quality surface preparation. Before proceeding to the preparation and fill of the mixture, you will have to close all the slots and cracks, and also eliminate the tubercles and oily spots on the surface of the concrete floor. Details of the process of fill the mixture, see this video:

Alignment of the floor by self-leveling mixture with your own hands

It is possible to remove dust using a construction vacuum cleaner, and the cement mixture can be used to seal the holes and eliminate such defects. When performing work on wooden floors, you need to remove the residual residues and only after it is primed.

Aligning floors with a special mixture with their own hands, you need to take care of the acquisition of high-quality primer. It should be a quick-drying composition of deep penetration.

High-quality priming provides light roughness, which is required for better and reliable clutch of the composition with the surface.

The most popular composition used for priming before applying a self-leveling mixture to the floor surface is concrete contact. Lifehak on how to use concrete contacts See in this video:

The high-quality primer mixture prevents excessive absorption of water from the solution when filling the floor by self-leveling mixtures.

Alignment of the floor by self-leveling mixture with your own hands

Strong the floors with two layers

The application of primer is carried out in two layers, and the second layer can be applied only after complete drying of the first. To begin with the place of the walls of the walls and the floor, they glue the damper tape, then the brush "remove" the angles, and then proceed to the distribution of the composition throughout the area of ​​the floodplain. After 4 hours, during which drying passes, the second layer of primer is applied, starting, as the first time, with the "lead" of the corners with a brush.

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Now you can proceed to the preparation of the mixture to perform alignment. Special preparation is not required. Dry mixes contain all the necessary components, and to the one who decided to align their floor with such a composition, it remains to simply add the desired amount of water.

Alignment of the floor by self-leveling mixture with your own hands

Before the fill, the composition should be

It is important to add water to a dry mix, and not vice versa. The amount of water used is indicated in the instructions for the preparation of the working solution. Change proportions can not be changed.

The resulting composition does not work within 30 minutes after mixing. It must thoroughly draw. If it seems that the solution is thick, it is forbidden to add water to it. It is enough to mix it intensively.


After performing all the necessary preparatory work, before aligning the floor by self-leveling mixture, you need to prepare a special tool. This is not only a spiked roller, but also a spatula with a web for at least 75 cm, with which you can evenly distribute the composition along the entire surface of the floor. About how to align the floor with your own hands, see this video:

Begin the fill from the far wall, they prepare and poured the mixture portion, following the composition to penetrate all the corners and joints between the walls and floors.

Alignment of the floor by self-leveling mixture with your own hands

Having distributed the composition, proceed to racking his needle spatula. The aligned floor should be absolutely smooth and smooth, and for this it is necessary to achieve removal of all air bubbles. He dries and dials the strength of such a floor for at least two weeks.

Only after these 14 days pass, it will be safe to step on the aligned surface and start laying the finishing flooring.

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