How to sew curtains on the chamoirs: detailed instructions for beginners


The options for decorating your own windows are now a lot. Equally, as well as ways to fasten and drapese the selected fabric. Some of the progressive species are curtains on the chalks - metal or plastic rings standing out by their simplicity and elegant species. Sew on self-cloth with fixed accessories, perhaps even with small experience. How to do it - detailed instructions below.

How to sew curtains on the chamoirs: detailed instructions for beginners

Curtains on lover

What is Maverns

Masters of a sewing event, the design explanation is not required. Equally, as is the question of how to install champs. Outows should know that these are metal or plastic rings, reinforced along the edge of the fabric and serving unhindered runners on the smooth round eaves at the time of opening-closing. In industry on tailoring, they are also called blocks, but they are much smaller there. How to choose chammers:

  • By material. Steel from yellow and white metal are suitable for strict tissues of monochromatic color. Otherwise, the curtains with chammets from matter with a pattern will look like a waist. In addition, iron rings are used to be covered with corrosion or peel under the influence of styrics.

How to sew curtains on the chamoirs: detailed instructions for beginners

Plastic options are pleasant to their silent and variety in color. Inciable gray or black charming charts will fit almost to everything - print, strip, grid, tulle. Durable and unpretentious in operation.

  • By inner diameter. It is important to take into account the cross section of the eaves - it is less than a ring for 1-2 cm. Curtains should walk freely, without tension. Otherwise, the fabric risks fall out of the block and loosen on the cut. Sometimes strings are used as a cornice, then the cloth for them is becoming easy, for example, tulle on the chamoirs. Otherwise, the sagging is inevitable.
  • In style. To spoil new design options rings almost impossible. On the contrary, they meet minimalism, high-flow, Marrene, Scandinavian and national motives. Country style will not fit and the classic, where the focus is on a variety of drapery, since the rings form the same concise folds.

Dersighted windows with a slope in any degree are ideal to order tailoring curtains with records or make them alone. There, decorative eaves is done at a standard height and just below the windows for which the edge of the curtains is fed.

How to sew curtains on the chamoirs: detailed instructions for beginners

Curtains on the blocks exist in the form of Roman cloths. There they serve to attach a decorative cord that opens the window and drapes uniform folds.

  • In the form of opening. Everything is simple - the wider and above the window, the volume of the ring. Otherwise, the chammetes will be lost on the background of the fabric, and the canvas will look empty in the interior. It makes sense with narrow window openings to acquire several eaves arranged over another, asymmetric length. So, the impression of a wide window will be created.
  • By the number of folds. Calculate the champs on the curtains is easy for an example of any tissue - the rings are installed at the ends of the folds and the distances between them are strictly the same. Plus two extreme. The total number is even.

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It is extremely important for the planned fastening to use a fabric that does not sleep on sections - the quality must be high. Choose records is important for cornice and purchased fabric, and not vice versa. Then it does not suffer neither style nor drapery.

How to sew curtains on the chamoirs: detailed instructions for beginners

Self-tailoring curtains on chalk

When everything you need purchased, work is divided into several stages - so the process will accelerate. If there is no experience, then as a workout, the extra lover is purchased and try to install it on the cut of the fabric. If the result suits, then the blocks are fixed on the "final". So, how to install champions yourself and that this will take:

  1. Plastic or metal rings. The latter option is intimidate - it is installed with a hammer.
  2. Adhesive lover tape. It can be textile, then it is sewn.
  3. Threads to work in tone tone and contrasting for winting stitches. Sewing pins.
  4. Curtain fabric. The canvas for a separate top valid insert, if there is no experience, and expensive curtains are risk to spoil.
  5. Santimeter and ruler. Installing the chalks to the curtains is twisted to a millimeter.
  6. Chalk or a piece of dry soap.
  7. Sewing machine.

How to sew curtains on the chamoirs: detailed instructions for beginners

Luber tape

Instructions - how to sew curtains with chamoises, contains the following steps:

Preparation of fabric

It is to wash and ironing the canvas. Many species, especially natural, sit when washing, so it is important to prevent the subsequent displacement of the finished curtains hanging out on the window. In addition, smooth fabric better takes the form of the fee. If the matter is too angry with cutting, then two options for fixing this disadvantage will help:

  • Special fluid forming a thin film on the surface. It has a sharp smell, but allows you to immediately continue to work. It is applied to the chalks on the curtains. There is another means of consistency and color resembling PVA glue - dries long and leaves stains on dark matter, however, inexpensive.
  • Flex seam with a closed slice. It is applied only on light tissues, as in heavy creates ugly thickening. Hand fabric is fenced and molded painstakingly. Then the line is created.

How to sew curtains on the chamoirs: detailed instructions for beginners

For amateurants in the sewing case, work is better to give professionals or choose a non-saving tissue. Considate the fact that with a frequent washing, even a high-quality curtain is able to loose.

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Cutting fabric

Depending on the type of fabric, it is heavy or light, with a pattern or without it - the canvas first pretend from the upper edge, leaving from the top from 10 cm to insert the chapels and 3-4 cm on the bending. From the bottom, the seam will take place at a distance of 5 cm from the edge.

It is important to combine the drawing, if it is and the total length of both cloths. To do this, first prepare one channel, and then the template is cutting another. Finished curtains are treated with stitching on all four sides.

How to sew curtains on the chamoirs: detailed instructions for beginners

Sewing curtains

On the top edge of the finished half of the curtains, glue the flieslinic tape. Used for such an iron target. The adhesive strip is removed from the accessories, the tape is glued to the edge of the inside and the fabric is stroked from the front side. Subsequently, it is put up. Thus, the lubricant tape for the curtains well fixes the rings, and the fabric does not touch. Halves are ready to insert fittings.

Working with self-adhesive accessories is easy, but you can also sew a lunetse tape on the bar, if it is made of textiles. For this, a wide strip is used, larger than the ring diameter. It is wetted with the inside, and then the edge bend and attach.

How to sew curtains on the chamoirs: detailed instructions for beginners

If the experience of the home craftswoman is not, then use the combination method - to the selected and processed curtains are applied to the tape with blocks that are prepared separately. This method allows you to train as much as you like - if the option does not like, sew chalters on the curtains with your own hands, you can not once.

Installing plastic champs

The described way you can install records without tools. First, the design of plastic was washed or wipe from dust. Check the clamps - they must snap easily and effortlessly. Prepare the canvas - stroke and spread the edge with the inserted ribbon.

How to sew curtains on the chamoirs: detailed instructions for beginners

Installing lover


  • There is an indent of 4 - 6 cm from the edge and on top for the first challenge. Similarly come with the opposite side. If you make an indent more, then the upper edges will ugly bent.
  • The remaining distance between the chores on the curtains is divided into the total number of the remaining rings and the internal diameters are noted. The more often the records will be installed, the more beautiful is the folds.
  • Substituting the plastic ring, on the fabric, driven by a pencil or chalk its inner section. Cut the resulting circle scissors.
  • The installation of chalks begins with their own hands. The finished curt is turned over, putting the front of the plastic ring under it. With the inside it is pressed the second half to the characteristic click. So, come with all the holes, following the fabric does not frown around the challenge. If this happened, the ring is disassembled and fixed again.

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How to sew curtains on the chamoirs: detailed instructions for beginners

Actually, the installation of chalks at home is over. It remains to smooth out ready-made curtains and install them on the cornice.

Strengthen metal blocks, it can be a rolling method. For this, a breakdown for thick tight fabric and hammer will be required. When the holes are scheduled and cut, the lover is inserted from the front side and they hit it several times to fix the tissue. The method of fastening is suitable for small non-separable rings made of thick stainless iron.

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Selection of rods for curtains on the charters

As a rule, these are smooth pipes from various materials. It is absolutely optionally the same raw rings and rods - plastic fittings suit both metal and wooden. And vice versa. It is only important for the correspondence of the color and the proportionality of diameters. There are several rules for picking cornis for such a sewing curtain:

How to sew curtains on the chamoirs: detailed instructions for beginners

  1. The length of the carrier pipe is selected by 10-15 cm more than the width of the window opening. If the appropriate option is not free of several centimeters, then the lack compensate for decorative tips, even better revealing the beauty of the curtain.
  2. The height of the eaves depends on how the reflectors is made - take into account the distance of the edge of the curtains to the plastic or metal block. If he (edge) will be strengthened into the ceiling, it will look ugly. In addition, permanent operation will make the edges of cloths with slopes due to contact with the ceiling.
  3. Double eaves for curtains are selected in such a way that the tube for the Tulle was a much smaller diameter than for the main canvases. Sometimes one large barbell and string, where the easiest option remains unnoticed.
  4. Mounting for curtains on the chalivers should be performed qualitatively and, if possible, is imperceptible - it is important that only the fabric and rings attracted attention.

How to sew curtains on the chamoirs: detailed instructions for beginners

Focus only on the cost of the cornice - incorrectly. The cheapest plastic pipes, but they are intended for non-heavy porter. Steel will serve longer, wooden possess environmental cleanliness. What is in priority - then choose.

Care of curtains on chub

Depending on the tissue, the canvas are erased according to the instructions - in a weakly alkaline soap solution, at a low temperature, otherwise natural canvases are sitting, and the synthetics polnets or causing. It is not recommended for drying to use the centrifuge - the installation of champs of the natives will lose strength. It is better to give the curtains to drain and stroke them in a wet state. Care is carried out no more than once every six months, daily cleaning will cost a simple deliverance from dust.

How to sew curtains on the chamoirs: detailed instructions for beginners

Caring for curtains

Install the eaves and put the chalks at home on the curtains is easy if you do not rush and right. The result pleases many. Perhaps such a design of windows will enjoy the hostess that all openings in the rooms will decorate with such options.

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