Studio apartment: repair do it yourself


Young people and couples most often buy one-bedroom apartments. New housing purchased in the secondary market is no important. Before entering it into it, it is assumed to repair a one-room apartment. Only the concept is very tensile and can mean both a simple plywood of wallpaper and redevelopment. Several results of the repair of varying degrees "gravity" will demonstrate in the article. They are completely different, in style and goals, but all about alteration of 1-room apartments. Looking at the photo, some ideas can be applied in your own practice.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

Repair of one-room apartment-Khrushchevka

General principles and techniques

One-room apartments usually do not differ in large areas. The dwellings of the old building - in Khrushchev - there are about 30 square meters. m, but in new buildings a little more: maybe 40 sq.m and more. In any case, it is necessary to carefully consider the layout and placement of furniture: every centimeter on the account.

How to start repairing one-room? It is necessary to draw a plan with dimensions, and on the scale. Next you need to watch what can be improved.

Transfer doors closer to the bearing wall

First, pay attention to the location of the doors. In old layouts, they were often made in the middle of the walls. It is very uneficuous from the point of view of using Square: too much zone goes to the "dead". We go to it, and put anything no opportunity. Much more convenient if the doors move closer to one of the walls. What kind of choosing you. And this is a restructuring, not redevelopment, but it is necessary to register.

Association of Sanuzla

The biggest trouble of small-sized housing is very small bathrooms. In old houses, they are just tiny. They do not even have the ability to put a washing machine. Since the rest of the premises are not pleased with the space, you have to arrange restructuring to find a place. Therefore, the snap repair of a one-room apartment, very often demolished the partition between the bathroom and the toilet. They are definitely not supporting, because there are no negotiation problems. Already only one this decision can give the necessary centimeters.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

One-Room Repair Plan

The second, which is often done - replace the bathroom shower. This decision is not acceptable for everyone, but the place becomes a little more. You can put a ready-made shower cabin or do yourself from bricks, tiles, unwinding the wall in Pollockich or putting a folding door . How to make a shower cabin read here.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

Remove partitions between the bathroom and the toilet - one of the repair options

Demolition Storeroom

Most layouts have storage rooms. But their location is often so unsuccessful that it is better without them. But the released place can be taught for equipment or make a dressing room in this place, a built-in wardrobe. Let the places they loan as much, but the functionality of them is much wider.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

Demolition of storage rooms - the standard solution is already

Union of premises with a balcony

Since today there are new insulation, allowing with a small thickness to achieve a high degree of thermal insulation, it became possible to combine rooms with balconies or loggias. Warm not only the walls, but also the ceiling with the floor. Moreover, it is necessary to make heating of the floor: to transfer the batteries is difficult (project, coordination), but to put the warming cable - and is relatively simple. The project for such heating is not required.

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Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

Example of repairing 1-room apartment with a combined balcony

When combining premises with a balcony, keep in mind that you can only delete the part that was under the window. Those walls that are categorically prohibited from the floor to the ceiling. Such a rework will never be asked: this is the external bearing walls and they are responsible for the integrity of the building.

How to equip a balcony or loggia here.

Studio apartment

Another decision, popular among young people: demolition of almost all partitions. Only the bathroom with the toilet remains awesome. All other walls are cleaned. It turns out the so-called Studio apartment. From an ordinary one-room apartment with an area of ​​slightly more than 30 meters with this type of repair, you can make a completely decent room. Cons in such a solution are: the kitchen is almost combined with the rest of the premises and the smells of food will spread all over the apartment. Therefore, a powerful extract should be in it. This solves the problem.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

Make a studio apartment from one-room apartment

This option can be modified - to make walls beveled, etc. It is only necessary to remember that it is possible to expand the area of ​​the bathrooms and the kitchen only at the expense of technical premises. Since in this case it happens at the expense of the hallway, there are no problems. But in this zone will have to do reinforced waterproofing: several layers will be required for sure. Be prepared for the fact that it will be spelled out in the coordination project.

Some ideas for repairing a one-room apartment you will find in the video. The real object, removed before the repair, then the main stages and already "after".


Deciding that you want to do in your studio apartment during repairs, you can submit a project to approval. This is not fast. For while dealing with the calculation of materials and their purchase. This advice: Create a separate notebook or file - who is used. For each type of work, you assign a separate page where you write everything that needs to be done about this. First, all the works that are needed, then in detail all the required materials. Moreover, right up to nails, anchors, screws (sizes), tape and other small things, which incommates the inconspicuous amount.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

Furniture alignment in one-room apartment - Creative process

Having finished the development of each type of work, make up a general list of materials: summarize the quantity. You can then search for procurement sites. Something can be found on the Internet, something in stores. The smallers often take unlappingly, but more or less large purchases prefer to perform shopping. And it is correct: not to determine the quality in the picture. Therefore, first call, check prices, then go to addresses, watch and suck. And do not hesitate to ask questions. While we collect all the materials, documents will be prepared.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

While the apartment turns into a warehouse

That's where the work actually begins. Make repairs in the apartment yourself or hire a brigade - this question is all solves himself. If you hire different people to different types of work, careful control is needed during the whole process, since it will disappear on the "piece" of work. Those masters who will come for them will navigate that their predecessors did everything ... wrong.

Clear instructions What and why to do it is impossible: too different works can be, but in general, the order is:

  • Disassembly / installation of partitions.
  • Modernization of engineering systems (ventilation, plumbing) and electrical wiring (installation of electrical tailor, wiring wiring through rooms through junction boxes).
  • Window replacement.
  • Alignment of walls, ceiling, plaster.
  • Installation of the heating system.
  • Pouring / flooring floor.
  • Door installation.
  • Finishing work.
  • Arrangement of furniture

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If some works are not needed, they simply omit them. But if it is planned for overhaul, then all of them are necessary, especially in old apartments.

Repair of one-room apartment: Interior Development

If the repair goes in the already cherished apartment, you are uniquely connected with those subjects that you already have. Some of them will be replaced, but most, as a rule, remains. Since the premises are already oblivious, you can imagine quite clearly, where you can put new things / equipment, and when you look at them in the store or in the photo, it is quite accurate to determine how much they will "fit" in the existing space and environment.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

One way to increase the area during the repair is to dismantle the partitions. Only this option is no one ever consistent with your kitchen in the bedroom. Miracle can only happen on the first floor

When planning the interior in the new building is increasingly harder and easier. Simply - you start everything from a clean leaf and no old things. You can choose style, color, invoice without tosing to already existing elements. But now the room is still unfamiliar, and imagine how this or that thing will look difficult to look. In this case, designer programs will help that provide projects in volume. Just draw the plan not enough: not everything that looks good on a piece of paper, it will also be good in volume. Often there are other situations: the fact that the sheet looked badly, in the volume it turns out to be a find. Therefore, you first develop a plan on a sheet, and then transfer to the three-dimensional image. Just immediately with dimensions, otherwise it is a waste of time.

At this stage, track trivia. Which way the door opens, what size it is, and how comfortable it will be. Moreover, this applies not only to doors - input and interroom, but also doors in the cabinets and cabinets. At the same time, do not forget about the aisles: so that you can normally go through the place should be 70-80 cm, but it's better a little more. We will be based on specific examples.

From one-room 32-meter apartment make a two-room

In a 3-meter typical Khrushchev, a repair was made, during which a separate bedroom was highlighted. And rework minimal. The partition is removed the chipping corridor (rather, just the door), the side wall is continued, with its help burned part of the living room, turning it into the bedroom.

Just pay attention: the apartment is angular. In the room two windows. It made it possible to get two full, albeit small rooms.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

From a small one-room apartment to make an apartment with a bedroom

When developing the interior you want to see after repair in your one-room apartment, rely on your daily actions.

Let's start with the door. So you went. You need to put bags somewhere, sit down, remove shoes, hang clothes. That's all this place in the hallway. First thing - wardrobe. In this case, he took a place opposite the door. In the photo - an entrance hall in this apartment, a view from the kitchen. To make the room lighter and bulk, the door in the closet opposite the kitchen is made mirror. It reflects the light, illuminating the day of better lamps.

Article on the topic: Installation of interroom doors: Cost

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

It is an entrance hall from the kitchen

If you look from the door of the door, two doors are on the right: to the bedroom and living room, straight is a kitchen.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

This is a side view

Next - the kitchen. Come with the packages, you inevitably find yourself there. Here, like everyone else: refrigerator, stove, washing. The refrigerator placed on the left of the window. The rest of the technique is along one wall, with a small "coming" on the side.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

Kitchen after repair

So that in the small kitchen (a little more than 5 meters) the furniture did not seem very massive, the hinged lockers are very bright. This is one of the techniques that allows you to expand the space. Read more about the design of the kitchen design here.

The sofa was placed in the living room along one of the walls. At first they planned the corner, but I liked it more.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

Sofa in the living room

In this small room, a coffee table and a cabinet with appliances still fit.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

View on the living room from the sofa

Now - bedroom. It costs a full-fledged bed, even found a place for the chest, over which the TV is located. Between them remains standard width passage: just 70 cm.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

This side of the door

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

So looks from the bed

It turned out quite cute and functionally. The snapshots are made immediately after repair: many little things are not yet no, because everything looks somewhat officially. The owners (young couple) have already taken guests. 8 people placed in their small living room))

Repair in one-room apartment 40 meters

Apartment for young couple, design was developed by a specialist. Reference almost did not. The main alterations touched the bathroom.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

Apartment plan before repair with sizes

The remaining "advantages" of the planning beat with the help of "designer tricks". The plan of this 1-room apartment after repair looks like this.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

Repair of one-bedroom apartment

In the hallway there is a small built-in wardrobe. It is just necessary. Under it is specially delivered a small wall.

The most serious fronts touched the bathroom: instead of the toilet, the technical premises made. Here is a washing machine, boiler, storage systems.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

Bathroom and technical room

In the bathroom, to fit on a small area, everything you need, abandoned the bathroom. She was replaced by a shower box. It turned out compact.

Very interesting, the color solution of the kitchen: gray tones with bright pink accents. The table of an unusual form is made to order, like a kitchen set.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

Unusual table and very interesting color solution

So that the cabinets do not occupy a lot of space, it is decided to take only one wall. There was even a considerable refrigerator. So that the place above him is "walked", the locker hangs over it. Also pay attention, Cho hinged cabinets with a height of almost under the ceiling: put on the upper shelves what is used infrequently.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

In the kitchen of less than 9 meters, even a sofa was placed

So that pink stools do not look too defiantly, on the wall pictures are pasted. They harmonize the whole interior.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

View "From the Plate"

Many interesting solutions and in the room. To the right of the entrance was previously free space. It is occupied by a wall cabinet over the wall. This solved two tasks: there are things to fold, and the room was done more square.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

Cabinet to the left of the entrance door

A translucent shelf-partition is divided into two zones: working and rest. Zoning is emphasized by different wallpaper, as well as the presence of a carpet in a recreation area.

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

Room zoning using shelves-partition

Studio apartment: repair do it yourself

So the working area looks like

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