How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?


Pictures and posters are the best way to add individuality in the interior of the room, make it a cozy and transflection of the owner's character. But there are cases when the walls cannot be drilled or the owners it seems not aesthetic. In addition, the picture can explore, and get rid of the hole in the wall quite problematic. We present options for creative outputs from the situation.

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

Use bilateral scotch

The cheapest and easiest way to leave the drawing on the wall, without resorting to drilling. Suitable for drawings, posters, and paintings that are made of paper and weigh a little. Stick Scotch strip to the selected location and secure the drawing. In the case, it will break, it can always be carefully removed.

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

Bilateral scotch is suitable for painted walls and coated wallpaper. It is important that they were smooth, without roughness.

On a note. Such an option will be especially useful to residents of apartments with plasterboard walls, which in no case can be drilled.

If you want to fix the picture for a long time, it is necessary to glue several bands of the scotch with the inside of the poster, and then, getting rid of the protective film, hang an image. In this case, it is worth buying tape on a tissue basis, it is more durable.

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

On a note. When you need to remove the pattern or poster from the wall, remove the scotch so that the rejected corner is perpendicular to the wall. Otherwise, with an inack-powered movement, the paint or wallpaper will tear and in the coating of the wall is formed.

Use a sewing needle

If you need to hang a light poster, this method is perfect. It does not require additional materials or time spending. Take a sewing needle or pin and stick into the walls. Before this, they will preferably break away the eye or head y The resulting hole will become almost invisible, in contrast to traces left by scotch or glue. Needles with pins are made of steel, and therefore with all the miniature they will firmly fix the picture.

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How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

Take special lipucics

Special lipids are placed on sale in supermarkets. They are easily attached to almost any coating. As a rule, such velcro is sold complete. Two pieces are needed for fastening the image on the wall. They are attached pairwise - one on the frame, and the second on the wall . After the velcro connect with each other, and they reliably hold the picture.

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

Take care of the preservation of the appearance of the wall

Placing a picture on the wall, it is difficult to keep the wallpaper whole . To solve the problem, there is a way that allows you to make a hollow for a clip on which you will hang the picture, inconspicuous. To begin with the stationery clip.

  1. Cut the vertical wallpaper with a sharp knife, a razor or blade. The incision must correspond to the length of the usual stationery clips (which you will be convenient). In the middle, perform a short incision Cross-cross.
  2. Generate small clips so that it resembles a hook. Cover glue space occupied by cut.
  3. Place the larger half of the clips under the wallpaper - the improvised "hook" should go outside, to the outside of the wall. Connect the edges of the hole, press the wallpaper to the wall and wait the glue drying.

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

Think about the use of liquid nails

This type of glue is suitable for the owners of the painting, who needs to place a drawing or poster on the wall and not long to be afraid that it will break down. The glue holds on the wall very hard, but about a year later the image will be necessary to put down.

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

Another option is to buy polymer glue. It does not leave stains, similar to traces of fat, like silicone.

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

How to hang a picture without damaging the wall. Masterclass (1 video)

Posters and pictures on the walls (11 photos)

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

How to locate posters and pictures if the walls can not be drilled?

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